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Council Meetings

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Regular 02/02/2011Regular
Monday, February 7, 20117:30 AM
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FEBRUARY 7, 2011
Present: D. Maguire, A. Leen, T. Humpert, L. Hall, J. Gehrls
Absent: T. Wassa
Vacancy: One
Visitors: K. Morton, K. Morton, K. Eurich, S. Young, D. Young, C. Childs, R. Thomas, G. Ruiz, F. Ahrens
President Maguire called the Fairgrove Village Council February 7, 2011 meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Humpert/Hall made a motion to accept the Fairgrove Village Council minutes dated January 17, 2011. Motion Carried.
Audience Recognition
R. Thomas requested having a Car Hop from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. on June 18th, July 16th and a rain date would be August 20thLeen/Hall made a motion to approve car hop for R. Thomas. Motion Carried.
Department Committee Reports
Fire Report – Chief Young reported that it has been a calm January. Humpert/Hall made a motion to send Linal Baur and Adam Sayles to Fire Officer III classes in March. There are four classes total. The class will cost $800.00 for each person. Motion Carried.
Hall/Humpert made a motion to allow Fairgrove Fire Department to get the Port-A-Count completed (fit testing machine calibrated); the cost will be approximately $700.00. Motion Carried.
There will be a Fire Committee Meeting on Thursday, February 10, 2011. This meeting will be to discuss chassis.
Department of Public Works – Maguire reported that the insurance company had been notified regarding the incident involving the DPW Pickup.
There will be a Budget Meeting on Monday, February 14, 2011 at 7 p.m.
Administrative Committee – Leen reported that three candidates were interviewed. The administrative committee would like to recommend Sarah Donovan for the Village Clerk’s position. 
Humpert/Hall made a motion to hire Sarah Donovan for the Fairgrove Village Clerk’s Position. Leen explained Sarah’s background and education. She will work approximately three ½ days a week tentatively. Motion Carried. Maguire will contact her and offer her the position. Clerk will send letters out to all other applicant’s that are not being hired.
Humpert reported that he is still waiting to set up a quarterly Planning Committee Meeting. He will report at next Council Meeting.
Leen reported that she had signed the appropriate paperwork for the streets verifying that no streets were added or shut down.
New Business
Leen discussed the grants that she has been looking at for the Village. She needs to sign up under but needs the DUNS number. She will be the point of contact person and will be putting one more person on for the e-business information.
Humpert/Leen made a motion to appoint Duane Maguire as Pension Administrator. Motion Carried.
Maguire discussed insurance issues, in that; the Village is currently receiving a quote from MML. Several questions were to be considered:
  1. Reserve Officer Program – will the Village be putting the program back in service. It was decided at this point not to, however, would like to know the difference in price with or without program and what exactly is required.
  2. How many Police Officers does the Village plan to have? One at this point but give also price for two.
  3. The park building – does the Council want storage insurance (at a cost of $550.00) vs. demo costs only (at a cost of $100.00); the demo costs are only if there would be a fire and the price to tare the building down. It was decided to go with the storage insurance.
Maguire stated that T. Wassa would like to attend the Capitol Conference in Lansing, April 5 & 6th. This was tabled until the next meeting.
Leen/Gehrls made a motion to accept the Lease Agreement for the rental of the Village Hall at a cost of $100.00 rent and a $50.00 deposit. Deposit will be returned once room is cleaned and checked and key is returned. The only exception to the hall rent will be Fairgrove Fireman activities, Bean Festival and Lions Club. Any other organization would need to be approved by Council to have rental fee waived. Motion Carried.
Gehrls stated that she would like to have the Village of Fairgrove lettering put on the Village DPW pickup along with MDOT numbers. She also would like DPW Director to have log sheets. She has requested the clerk to make something on computer to get approved at next council meeting.
Gehrls also requested the Council to allow Castamore’s sign for mungo dogs to be put on the sidewalk as long as it does not impede traffic. Maguire will check with W. Prusi regarding zoning requirements.
Hall/Humpert made a motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $17,346.12. Motion Carried.
D. Young questioned the status of the Standard Operating Guidelines that were brought to the Council. This was tabled until next meeting.
As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:55. The next Fairgrove Village Council Meeting will be February 21, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
Shari Hadaway
Interim FairgroveVillage Clerk
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