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Council Meetings

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Regular 1/3/11Regular
Monday, January 3, 20117:30 PM
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JANUARY 3, 2011


Present:  J. Gehrls, D. Maguire, T. Humpert, A. Leen, L. Hall, T. Wassa

Vacancy:  One

Absent:  None

Visitors:  L. Baur, D. Young, T. Streeter, S. Young, J. Gehrls, P. Hagedon, R. Franks, K. Morton, K. Morton, C. Childs, G. Ruiz, M. Schoenow, W. Prusi


Village Council meeting called to order by Maguire at 7:32 p.m.

Hall/Humpert made a motion to approve Fairgrove Village Council minutes dated December 20, 2010.  Motion Carried.


Audience Recognition:

Kim Morton stated that on December 30th she had received copies of a FIOA request she had provided to D. Maguire.  However, she had requested the backgrounds checks that were performed on the newly hired Police Chief.  Wassa stated that all that is necessary to provide is what is on file in the Village Office.  Maguire stated that he had not done a background check per se – only that he had contacted the people that D. Thomson had put on his resume. 


Kathy Morton stated that there were no rules read this evening for rules of conduct.  Also, these rules need to be followed not only by the public, but also by the Council Members.  She also questioned whether the Police Chief is on patrol or just in the office, and when (how many hours), and also questioned whether he was just hired in order that he may keep his certifications up to date.  Wassa explained that he was only hired for 4 months, when that time is up the Council will decide if they will keep him on.  Hall then questioned Morton if she would like his job. 

No other questioned – audience comments closed.


Department Reports

Maguire stated that he had received the equipment back from J. Sherrod.  He would like a questionnaire sent out to the village residents regarding the police department.  Also, make sure to check who does not have sewers that need to receive the questionnaire.  Also, add to questionnaire if the village residents would be willing to pass a mileage if asked.  The Council will review draft and bring suggestions to the next Council Meeting.


Administrative Committee:

Recommendations of Village Clerk job responsibilities/description plus interview questions were given to the Council.  Wassa/Leen made a motion to accept the job description/interview questions recommended by the Administrative Committee.  Motion Carried.


The Administrative Committee would also like to develop a policy and procedures manual for all Village Employees.    

Humpert/Hall made a motion to accept the Amendment to Council Meeting Procedures:

  • To ensure that an orderly council meeting is conducted and prevent disruptions from those in attendance.
  • To require the speaker to sign a request to address the council prior to the opening of the public meeting, to include their name, address and topic.
  • To require the speaker to address the council from a designated area or podium.

Motion Carried.



Leen is also checking into classes for council members.  There is one in Lansing.  She will report at next meeting.  The Committee would also like to suggest getting a new voicemail system.


Fire Committee:

Chief Young presented the December fire report.  Saturday is the Appreciation Dinner for the Fire Department and its spouses.  Next Council Meeting he would like to swear in 5 firemen who passed their certifications.  There is also a Fire Board meeting on Tuesday, February 4, at 7 p.m.


Public Works:  None

Police:  None


Humpert/Gehrls made a motion to appoint Anne Leen as Street Administrator.  Motion Carried.



Maguire discussed Act 51 – monies that are owed to the Village of Fairgrove for streets is approximately $17,000.00.  Reports were sent in and the monies should be coming in the mail soon.


Unfinished Business:

Wassa/Leen made a motion to hire S. Hadaway as “Interim Clerk” temporary for $14.52 per hour, this is for 16 hour weeks plus additional hours needed including meetings.  This will be retroactive to 12-20-2010.  Motion Carried.


New Business:

Leen/Maguire made a motion to allow D. Maguire to be a signatory on the checking account at Chemical Bank until a part-time clerk is hired.  Motion Carried.


Wassa/Hall made a motion to pay bills totaling $$9606.73.  Motion Carried.


Humpert questioned Council regarding having the SOP completed for Fire Department, DPW and all employees.  It was the consensus of the Council that this will be completed as soon as possible.


As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.  Next Fairgrove Village Council Meeting on January 17, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted



Shari Hadaway

Interim Village Clerk

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