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Council Meetings

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Regular 11/22/10Regular
Monday, November 22, 20107:30 PM
NOVEMBER 22, 2010
 OATHS OF OFFICE – Maguire, Humpert, Leen, Wassa  
 ROLL CALL – Maguire, Eurich, Hall, Humpert, Leen, Wassa
  APPROVE MINUTES – Novembeer 1, 2010 Regular Meeting
          A. Tuscola County Road Commission – Task Force Meetings
     A. President Pro-Tem
     B. Bank Signatory
     C. Planning Commission Appointment
               A. Approve Disbursements        
NOVEMBER 22, 2010
Present: Maguire, Eurich, Hall, Humpert, Leen, Wassa   
Absent: None
Vacant: One
Guests: Police Chief Jim Sherrod, Donnie Englehart, Steve Young, Perry Hagedon,  Bob Parsell, Jeff Gehrls, Jessica Gehrls, Tom Leen, Mary Drier, Kathy Morton, Kim Morton, Linal Baur, Mike Hall, Carl Childs  
Prior to the start of the meeting the clerk administered the oaths of office to newly elected village president Duane Maguire and council trustees Todd Humpert, Anne Leen and Tom Wassa. They were then seated.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Duane Maguire.
Motion Wassa second Humpert to accept the November 1, 2010 regular meeting minutes with the following addition: Police Chief Sherrod recommended eliminating the part-time police officer position.     Carried. 
Motion Hall second Wassa to appoint Jessica Gehrls to fill the vacant seat on the council with term expiring November 19, 2012.    Carried.
The clerk administered the oath of office to Gehrls and she was then seated.
Correspondence was received from Tuscola County Road Commission informing of the upcoming Local and Regional Task Force Meetings.
Motion Maguire second Hall to appoint Kay Eurich as president pro-tem.    Carried.
MotionHall second Humpert to appoint Kay Eurich as third signatory at Chemical Bank.    Carried.
MotionLeen second Wassa to appoint Todd Humpert to the Planning Commission.    Carried.
MotionWassa second Hall to have the village president hire by any means he sees fit a temporary part-time interim police chief to do administrative duties until Police Chief Sherrod is able to return to active status.    Roll-call vote: Eurich-Nay, Gehrls-Nay, Hall-Yea, Humpert-Yea, Leen-Yea, Wassa-Yea.    Carried.
Motion Hall second Wassa to pay bills of $14,047.60.    Carried.
MotionWassa second Humpert to have the village president secure the keys to the police office from Police Chief Sherrod and while on workers compensation he is not to return to that office.   6 Yea 1 Nay    Carried.
The council gave the fire department permission to run electricity to the storage building.
Meeting adjourned 8:05 p.m.
Bev Parsell, Clerk
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