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Council Meetings

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Regular 10/18/10Regular
Monday, October 18, 20107:30 PM
OCTOBER 18, 2010
  ROLL CALL – Maguire, Prusi, Eurich, Ahrens, Humpert, Hall, Adams
  APPROVE MINUTES – October 4, 2010 Regular Meeting
    A. Fire Department – Jaws Cutter 
               A. Tuscola County – Notice of Intent to Request MSHDA Funds
               B. State of Michigan DNR – Citizens’ Advisory Council
    A. Michigan Par Plan – Participant Activity Waiver of Liability 
               A. Approve Disbursements        
OCTOBER 18, 2010
Present: Maguire, Prusi, Eurich, Ahrens, Humpert, Hall, Adams   
Absent: None
Guests: Fire Chief Doug Young, Sgt. Tim Burnside, Donnie Englehart, Adam Sayles, Mike Hall, Brett Ahrens, Jeff Parsell, Steve Young, Perry Hagedon, Lillian Benson, Jeff Gehrls, Lloyd Brief, Gayle Sleight, Keith Hug, Brittany Jeffers, Gwen Jeffers, Kathy Morton, Kim Morton  
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Duane Maguire.
Motion Prusi second Ahrens to accept the October 4, 2010 regular meeting minutes as printed.     Carried. 
The council gave permission for the Michigan Bean Festival to use the municipal building for meetings held November through April. Lloyd Brief asked council members to explain why they want to terminate the police department.
Fire Chief Young demonstrated why he was requesting a new jaws cutter that wasn’t budgeted.
Motion Prusi second Hall to amend the budget with an increase to Capital Improvements with monies removed from the equipment reserve account to purchase a new jaws cutter from Apollo Fire Equipment for approximately $5,500.    6 Yea  1 Nay.    Carried.
Motion Prusi second Hall to have McFarlane Trucking level ground at the dump with rotomill for $750.    Carried.
Correspondence was received from Tuscola County notifying of their intent to request MSHDA funds and State of Michigan DNR announcing the forming of a citizens’ advisory council including the application form for anyone interested.
Motion Prusi second Eurich to approve the Participant Waiver of Liability form for volunteer activity provided by Michigan Par Plan insurance risk management division.   Carried.
Motion Ahrens second Prusi to pay bills of $10,372.55.    Carried.
The clerk read a letter of resignation presented by trustee Wally Prusi. Prusi thanked the village employees for their work and the community for letting him serve as trustee. The clerk thanked Prusi for his 6 ½ years of service to the village.
Motion Hall second Humpert to accept Wally Prusi’s resignation as council trustee effective immediately.    6 Yea    Carried.
Meeting Adjourned 8:31 p.m.
Bev Parsell, Clerk
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