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Council Meetings

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Regular 6/7/10Regular
Monday, June 7, 20107:30 PM
JUNE 7, 2010
  ROLL CALL – Maguire, Prusi, Eurich, Ahrens, Humpert, Hall, Adams
  APPROVE MINUTES – May 17, 2010 Regular Meeting
               A. Fairgrove Township – Cemetery Grading
               A. August 17, 2009 Council Meeting Minutes
   B. Bamberger Insurance Agency – Insurance Seminar, 6/23 or 6/28/10
               C. Zoning Board of Appeals Appointment
               D. Storm Sewer Hookups in Sanitary Sewer System – Guidelines
               E. Michigan Bean Festival Lease
    A. Michigan Township Par Plan – Risk Management Assessments
    B. Michigan Township Par Plan – Brick Elementary School Building
    C. Tax Roll and Delinquent Sewer Billings
               A. Approve Disbursements        
      9.   ADJOURNMENT
JUNE 7, 2010
Present: Maguire, Eurich, Ahrens, Humpert, Hall, Adams   
Absent: Prusi
Guests: Comm. Amanda Roggenbuck, Mary Drier, Fern Young, Police Chief Jim Sherrod, Tim Burnside, Bob Parsell, Gayle Sleight, Fire Chief Doug Young, Linal Baur, Fred Ahrens, Scott Maguire, Jeff Parsell, Adam Sayles, Jon-Garrett Hadeway, Steve Young
At 7:10 p.m. Tuscola County Commissioner Amanda Roggenbuck held a round table discussion with council and audience members. She updated the council on County business and activities.
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Duane Maguire.
Motion Eurich second Ahrens to accept the May 17, 2010 regular meeting minutes as printed.     Carried. 
Audience recognition: Fern Young asked if an outdoor ashtray could be placed in front of Fairgrove Inn. Fred Ahrens thanked the council for enforcing no overnight parking on McLuney Street.
Fire Chief Young reported that the department had 1 run and 3 assists for May.
Police Chief Sherrod gave his department’s statistics for May.  He stated the protocol that he would like to see for complaints concerning his department which is that the complaint first go to the police chief, then the police committee and then the council as a whole. The Michigan State Police should conduct any investigations if needed. Police Committee Chair Hall questioned whether the police department should be patrolling outside of the village limits on Shreeves Road. The chief responded that the village has no policy regarding that issue.
Motion Eurich second Ahrens to accept the bid from Albrecht Sand & Gravel for a 1½ “ bituminous overlay on Armstrong and Liberty Streets totaling $28,978.    Carried.  
MotionEurich second Adams to amend the Local Street Fund budget by increasing the preservation account by $4,978.    Carried.
MotionAdams second Ahrens to have the two Shreeves Road sewer lift station pumps repaired by Root Mechanical for $5,825 and $5,225.    Carried.
Correspondence was received from Fairgrove Township accepting the villages offer for grading the cemetery drives at $66.23 per hour.
A memo from the village clerk was read for the record regarding the August 17, 2009 council minutes and whether Cale Hoag’s council trustee resignation should have been voted on before Bob Ahrens was seated as a council trustee. According to the village attorney it is not mandatory to make a motion to accept a council trustee’s resignation – it is a recommended formality. Also, Cale Hoag had moved from the village so his trustee seat would have been vacated. Therefore, Bob Ahrens was appropriately seated as council trustee.
Michigan Township Par Plan insurance risk management division notified the village of recommendations they would like to see made in various departments and made suggestions for the brick elementary school building in Mulberry Park. The appropriate department committees will review these recommendations.      
Motion Adams second Ahrens to pay bills of approximately $14,437.70.    Carried.
Meeting Adjourned 8:28 p.m.
Bev Parsell, Clerk
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