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Council Meetings

Below is the information requested about this meeting.
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Regular 12/07/09Regular
Monday, December 7, 20097:30 PM
DECEM BER 7, 2009
 ROLL CALL – Maguire, Prusi, Eurich, Ahrens, Farnum, Hall, Adams
 APPROVE MINUTES – November 2, 2009 Regular Meeting
    A. Tuscola County Drain Commissioner & Michigan DEQ –  Flood Risk
                            Open House, Tech Center 12/16/09 1:30 p.m.
B.     Tuscola County Road Commission – Local Task Force Meeting  
12/22/09 10:00 a.m. 
   A. Storm Sewer Hookups in Sanitary Sewer System
 NEW BUSINESS          
          A. 2010 Council Meeting Dates          
               A.   Approve Disbursements       
DECEMBER 7, 2009
Present: Maguire, Eurich, Farnum, Hall, Adams   
Absent: Prusi, Ahrens
Guests: Sgt. Tim Burnside, Asst. Fire Chief Lionel Baur, Carl Childs, Adam Sayles, Steve Young, Fern Young, Bob Parsell
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Duane Maguire.
Motion Adams second Eurich to accept the November 2, 2009 regular meeting minutes as printed.    Carried.
Sgt. Burnside gave the police department statistics for November.
Asst. Fire Chief Baur reported that the department had 5 runs for November. 
Planning Commission Chair Childs reported that the zoning ordinance update process had begun with Village Attorney Gary Howell.
Correspondence was received from Tuscola County Drain Commissioner and the Michigan DEQ informing of a Preliminary Flood Insurance Study meeting at the Tech Center December 16, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. and from Tuscola County Road Commission informing of a Task Force meeting December 22, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. to discuss possible projects through 2014.
Motion Hall second Farnum to approve the council meetings dates for 2010 which are the first and third Mondays of each month except for July and September when the meetings are the 2nd Monday only of both months.   Carried.
MotionAdams second Hall to issue a sanitary sewer re-connection invoice for $250 to the property owner of 5174 W. Center Street.    Carried.
Motion Adams second Eurich to pay bills of approximately $61,029.90.    Carried.
Meeting Adjourned 8:02 p.m.
Bev Parsell, Clerk
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