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Council Meetings

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Regular 1/5/09Regular
Monday, January 5, 20097:30 PM
January 5, 2009
   ROLL CALL – Maguire, Prusi, Eurich, Farnum, Hall, Adams
   APPROVE MINUTES – December 15, 2008 Regular Meeting
   A. Tuscola County Enterprise – Proportionate Share
               A.   Approve Disbursements
JANUARY 5, 2009
Present: Maguire, Eurich, Farnum, Hall
Absent: Prusi, Adams
Vacant: One
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Maguire.
Motion Eurich second Farnum to accept the December 15, 2008 regular meeting minutes as printed.    Carried.
Enter Adams 7:32 p.m.
Assistant Fire Chief Baur reported that there were 4 runs and 2 assists for December.
Police Chief Sherrod presented his department’s activity report for December. The Police Committee met to discuss next year’s budget.
The DPW Committee also met to discuss budget items and other issues. President Maguire stated that snow can not be piled onto sidewalks, either by private snow plow entities or residents.   President Maguire recommended that a Ford 4x4 pickup along with a front end vee plow be purchased in the current budget to ease use of the aging dump truck and plow. Discussion ensued.
Motion Eurich second Farnum to purchase a 2009 Ford F250 4x4 pickup truck from Moore Motor Sales with a 3-year lease of $7,386.44 per year ($22,160) and purchase a front end vee plow from J & D Motor Sports for $5,773.    4 Yea    1 Nay    Carried.
MotionEurich second Farnum to amend the 2008-09 Equipment Fund budget increasing Capital Outlay by $13,159.    4 Yea    1 Nay    Carried.
Correspondence was received from resident Cale Hoag extending his interest in the vacant council trustee seat and additional explanatory information from Tuscola Enterprise who last month requested the village’s proportionate share of the enterprise facilitation services.
Motion Eurich second Farnum to appoint Cale Hoag to the vacant council trustee seat which expires November 19, 2010.
Motion Eurich second Farnum to rescind the previous motion.
Motion Adams second Farnum to pay $133, which is the village’s proportionate share of the enterprise facilitation services to Tuscola Enterprise.    Carried.
Trustee Adams again brought up the subject of illegal storm sewer hookups into the sanitary sewer system. He stated the council must act on this issue to prevent sanitary sewer backups.
Motion Adams second Eurich to amend the Council Rule of Procedures to allow combining the Street and Sidewalk Committees into one Street/Sidewalk Committee.    Carried.
A Budget Committee meeting was scheduled for Saturday January 24, 2009 at 9:00 a.m.
The Administration Committee met July 23, 2008 and recommended that the clerk/office manager receive a $0.50 per hour pay increase.
Motion Eurich second Hall to increase the office manager’s salary $416 per year (832 hours per year @ $0.50 per hour) beginning January 1, 2009.    Carried. 
Motion Adams second Eurich to pay bills of approximately $7,517.41.    Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Bev Parsell, Clerk
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