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Council Meetings

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Sewer rate increase and Regular meeting Regular
Monday, February 1, 20216:15 AM


Village of Fairgrove

No in Person Regular Meeting

VIA Uber Conference

1-989-341-3422 (New Number)


6:15PM Start of Public Hearing for Sewer Rate Increase-Young



2/01/2021 @ 6:30 pm

  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Agenda for 02/01/2021
  • Approval of Meeting minutes from 01/04/2021 & 01/09/2021
  • Audience Recognition
  • Close of Public Hearing for Sewer Rate increase
  • Fire Department: -Chief Young
    • Report
    • 2020-12 nonpayment-Smith
    • 2020-13 nonpayment -Smith
  • Police Department: - Simerson
    •  Report
  • Buildings and Grounds: -Thomas
    • Report
    • Thomas Employee Contract- Young
  • Department Committee Reports-
    • Volunteer Fire Department
  • No Report Provided
  • Bean Festival: - McIntosh/ Young  
  • No Report provided
    • Planning Commission: -Sebert
      • No Report provided



  • Checking Balance Report
  • Check Register Report
  • Bill that needs approval – ATB&D with Budget adjustment Fund Equity
  • DTE- Fund Equity adjustment for Minor Street DTE street lighting


  • Bookkeeper-Harrison
  • Report
  • Reconciliation
  • Website
  • Old Business
    • Category B Award of Contract- Stevens
  • New Business
    • Letter to be Consider Council Member -Young
    • Resolution 2021-001 Sewer Rate Increase -Young
    • Revenue Share for 2021 Roads - Stevens
    • Terminated Treasurer over paid-Young
    • CPA Letters- Young
    • Newsletter- Smith
    • Lagoon Payment- McIntosh
    • Water Softener- Young
  • Correspondence
    • None
  • Audience Recognition
  • Next Meeting Budget Hearing 03/01/2021 @ 6:00 pm Budget Hearing 6:30 Regular meeting   
  • Adjournment


Clerk- Smith


Village of Fairgrove Council Meeting

Public Hearing for Sewer Rate Increase

02/01/2021 @ 6:15 pm

NO in person meeting

VIA Uber Conference



In Attendance: Young/McIntosh/ Stevens/ Sebert

Sewer rate increase: Young  

Applying for Clean Water Grant need to meet poverty level affordability standards

Sewer Cd Balance $85,331

Sewer Checking account $104,693

Current Sewer Rate Residential $56.00 Commercial $68.00

Last sewer rate increase was in 2016

Sewer Cost of repairs 2019-2020 appx. $55,000

Budget $30,000 rest came from fund equity

Sewer Cost of Repairs 2020-2021 appx $78,500

Budgeted $30,000

Collection Estimate is $54,000

We collect $18,000 of this through delinquent Taxes each year

Raise Sewer rates approximately 4.48%

Residential old Rate $56.00 new Rate $64.00

Business old Rate $68.00 new Rate $84.00

The 10% Delinquent fee will be applied to new rates. The Rate increase if passed by the Village of Fairgrove Council will take effect April 1, 2021


Public Comment: None


Village of Fairgrove Council Meeting

02/01/2021 @ 6:30 pm

NO in person meeting

VIA Uber Conference




  • Welcome remarks led by Young
  • Pledge of Allegiance led by Young
  • Motion by Sebert Approval of the Agenda 2/01/2021 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 4/0
  • Motion by Sebert to Approve Meeting Minutes from 01/04/2021 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0
  • Motion by Stevens to approve Meeting Minutes from 01/09/2021 Special Budget Workshop 2nd by Sebert motion carried 3/0/1 (McIntosh not in attendance)
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Stevens- When will decoration be taken down- McIntosh Bucket truck is out of commission again
  • Close Public Hearing having heard not comment from the Public Hearing- Young
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- K. Young
    • Report Provided – 4 Runs all Mutual Aid
    • Un Paid Fire Runs 2020-012 & 2020-013 Motion by Sebert to take 2020-012 & 2020-013 to small claims court 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0
  • Police- Simerson (not present)
    • Report Provided
      • 2021-2022 Proposed Budget provided
      • Police Committee Meeting – Young
        • Akron would like to charge for police protection based on population- Young discussed the implications of this concept- $13,000 budget from the Village of Fairgrove
        • Not to mention all Fines and Liquor revenue go to the Village of Akron also – Young will keep us apprised
  • DPW- Thomas
    • Report Provided
      • 2021-2022 Employment contract- Sebert has questions and is requesting this item be researched more and more information be provided before approving the Contract- Young will contact other smaller Villages and see their DPW Salary’s and Hours
  • Fire Fighters 501c3-
    • No report
  • Bean Festival Committee- Young – McIntosh
    •  Report Provided
      • Young- Finalized Lease is ready for signatures Motion by McIntosh for Young to Contact Bean Festival President to get current Lease signed with the changes approved by the Council2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0
      • Motion by Sebert to have this signed by 03/01/2021 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 4/0


  • Planning Commission- Prusi
    • No Report
    • Prusi – Master plan almost complete section 3-6 need to be typed by the Clerk
  • Clerk- Smith
  • December’s Checking beginning and ending balances on all accounts provided
  • Check Register reports for January Motion by McIntosh to approve the check register report 2nd by Stevens Roll Call: Yes: Sebert/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Young motion carried 4/0   
    • Motion by McIntosh to accept the Check Register report 2nd by Sebert Roll call: Yes: McIntosh/ Sebert/ Stevens/ Young motion carried 4/0
    • Bills presented for approval: ATB&D $6,794.90
      • Young would like to reach out to ATB&D about the additional charge above the $7,000 we paid for the Audit for service they did two years in a row- Council recommend Young get with ATB&D about this bill
      • Motion by McIntosh to pay the Bill from Fund Equity once Young get the Statement and Conversation with ATB&D resolved and the payment will need an adjustment from Fund Equity of Maximum $6,795.00 2nd by Stevens Roll call vote: Yes: Sebert/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Young motion carried 4/0
      • Motion by Sebert to transfer $4,000 out of the Local Streets general fund to finish the 2020-2021 Street Budget lighting obligations 2nd by McIntosh roll call vote: Yes: Sebert/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ young Motion carried 4/0
      • Motion by McIntosh to pay the $ $1,652.00 to Conway Shield for turn out gear and file an insurance claim for the $1472.00 for a replacement mask that was melted on scene 2nd by Stevens roll call vote: Yes: Sebert/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Young motion carried 4/0
  • Bookkeeper-Harrison
    • Report provided
    • Reconciliation- up until December 1st is complete some investigation and correction will be looked at to balance the 2 remaining accounts belief is that the accounts were never at Zero and will need adjustments
    • Website is up and could go live once Council would like Motion by Sebert to make the new website go live ASAP 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 4/0
  • Old Business-
    • McLuney Bid Tabulations: -Smith
      • 4 bids received from $39,000 to 52,000 presented to Council to bid acceptance and Resolution 2020-001 present for the State to review and award the Contract Motion by Stevens to accept the bid from Astec Asphalt in the projected amount of $39,500.00 2nd by Sebert Resolution 2021-001 roll call vote: Yes: Sebert/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Young Resolution 2021-001 adopted 4/0




  • New Business-
    • Letter for Consideration for Council vacant seat- Harrison Letter read into record- Young Motion by Steven to appoint Leslie Harrison to the Village of Fairgrove Council for the remainder of the term 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 4/0
    • Resolution 2021-002 Sewer Rate Increase motion by McIntosh 2nd Sebert roll call vote: Yes: Sebert/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Young Resolution 2021-002 adopted 4/0
    • Revenue Share for 2021 Roads- Stevens 7.4% increase for Next Fiscal year $58,417 in 2020 $62,766 for 2021
    • Terminated Treasure update- 1st letter sent to Gray had no response as of last week a stronger worded letter went to Gray- Follow up next week with results
    • CPA Letter- Young approved 5 letters that went out to Local CPA Firms with one response of interest
    • Newsletter- Smith Analyzed the cost and effectiveness of the newsletter- $153.25 a quarter without labor cost $613.00 a year without labor- Discussion on the Newsletter- Council approved the last Newsletter to be mailed in the Village tax bill with notice to Villagers to start using the NEW WEBSITE
    • Lagoon Payment- Smith we have only paid one quarter of the 4 quarters of the Lagoon Payments we still have $14,000 in this year’s budget since the Lagoon Board has not been billing for this since Carl passed – Smith would like this payment made so the Budgets stays on track form year to year- Motion by Stevens to pay the Akron- Fairgrove Lagoon Board the Village of Fairgrove’s $14,000 for the remaining 3 quarters of the Lagoon Board payments 2nd McIntosh roll call vote: Yes: Sebert/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Young motion carried
    • Water Softener- Mid-West water softener gave two estimates for a residential water softener $1160.70 / Lager unit that supports the urinal $1478.70 Discussed and motion by Stevens to table 2nd by Sebert motion carried 4/0
  • Correspondence: None
  • Audience Recognition: None
  • Meeting adjourned @ 8:04 pm Motion by McIntosh 2nd by Sebert


Next meeting:

Budget Hearing March 1, 2021 @ 6:00 pm Via Uber Conference

March 1, 2021 @ 6:30 Via Uber Conference no in person meeting


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk                                                                                                                              Posted 2/02/2020 @ 1:45 p m  






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