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Council Meetings

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01/04/2021 Regular not in person Meeting Via UberRegular
Monday, January 4, 202112:00 AM

1/04/2021 @ 6:30 pm

  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Agenda for 01/04/2021
  • Approval of Meeting minutes from 12/07/2020
  • Audience Recognition
  • Fire Department:
    • Report
  • Police Department:
    •  Report
  • Buildings and Grounds:
    • Report
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Volunteer Fire Department
  • No Report Provided
  • Bean Festival:         
  • No Report provided
    • Planning Commission
      • No Report provided
      • Master plan Being typed Clerk



  • Checking Balance Report
  • Check Register Report
  • Bill that needs approval – Spicer
  • Audit update



  • Bookkeeper
  • Report
  • Reconciliation
  • Website
  • Old Business
    • East Center Street- On Rural Task Force approved list for 2025
    • McLuney Street-recap re- Scope of work completed
    • Clerk/ Treasurer Raise
  • New Business
    • Digital Sign
    • Terminated Treasurer over paid
    • Christmas Day DPW Pay
  • Correspondence
    • Main St Notice- Scarberry
  • Audience Recognition
  • Next Meeting Budget Hearing 01/09/2021 @ 9:30  
  • Regular Meeting 02/01/2021 @ 6:30
  • Adjournment


Clerk- Smith


Village of Fairgrove Council Meeting

01/04/2020 @ 6:30 pm

NO in person meeting

VIA Uber Conference



In Attendance: Young/McIntosh/ Stevens/ Sebert



  • Welcome remarks led by Young
  • Pledge of Allegiance led by Young
  • Motion by McIntosh Approve the Agenda 1/04/2021 2nd by Sebert motion carried 4/0
  • Motion by Sebert to Approve Meeting Minutes from 12/07/2020 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 4/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Stevens- Concerns over the Town digital sign not being changed in a timely manner Prime agreed
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- K. Young
    • Report Provided
    • Today the Fire Department received the DNR Grant it is a 50/50 match grant
  • Police- Simerson
    • Report Provided
      • Working on the budget
      • Police Committee meeting February 12th via zoom
  • DPW- Thomas
    • Report Provided
    • Good feed back on streets
  • Fire Fighters 501c3-
    • No report
  • Bean Festival Committee-
    • No Report Provided
      • Young working on a lease still


  • Planning Commission- Prusi
    • No Report
    • Clerk working on the Master plan
  • Clerk- Smith
  • November’s Checking beginning and ending balances on all accounts provided
  • Check Register reports for December   
    • Motion by McIntosh to accept the Check Register report 2nd by Sebert Roll call: Yes: McIntosh/ Sebert/ Stevens/ Young motion carried 4/0
    • Bills presented for approval: Spicer for Center Road East $3,746.50 Motion by Stevens to pay the bill presented 2nd by McIntosh roll call: Yes; McIntosh/ Sebert/ Stevens/ Young motion carried 4/0
    • Audit update: All General adjustments have been made- Due to recent and Continuous Audit reports the MI Department of Treasure and I have been meeting via phone quarterly with them provided suggestions and we providing updates and changes that have been made- One suggestion is due to Best Practices to every five years have a different Auditor review our books- Motion by Sebert for Smith to get bids for a new Auditing Firms  2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0 (Young Checking with other Treasures for suggestions)
  • Bookkeeper-Harrison
    • Report provided
    • Reconciliation- up until December 1st is complete some investigation and correction will be looked at to balance the 2 remaining accounts belief is that the accounts were never at Zero and will need adjustments
  • Old Business-
    • East Center Street-Smith Rural Task Force (Spicer & Tuscola County Road Commission) We have been approved for the 2025 Road Improvement- This gives us time to save for the Project and prepare all other aspects- Public hearing will be planned way before the project gets under way
    • McLuney Street- Smith Further review has determined that the project was completed as specked and that the Engineer did not have the Villages best interest in mind
      • McLuney Street is a mess Motion by McIntosh to contact Monchilov about laying down some gravel 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0
  • Clerk/ Treasurer Raise- Young Smith has taken on several other rolls would like to- put Smith up for a raise- Motion by McIntosh to increase the Clerk/Treasurer yearly salary to $26,000 2nd Sebert Roll call: Yes: McIntosh/ Sebert/ Stevens/ Young Motion carried 4/0
  • New Business-
    • Meeting dates for 2021Motion by McIntosh to approve dates as corrected 2nd by Sebert roll call: Yes: McIntosh/ Sebert/ Stevens/ Young motion carried 4/0
    • Digital sign- Request from Smith to reach out to Clerk of Township to see if she would like us to take over the updating Young would also like to train on this sign Motion by Sebert for the Clerk to approach the Township Clerk about training to update the digital sign 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 4/0
    • Terminated Treasure-Oversight occurred, and Treasurer was paid twice for the same quarter- Check was cashed attorney contacted and notice to reimburse the Village sent certified mail giving her 10 days- No reimbursement yet-FYI
    •  Christmas Day DPW Pay- Young Thomas plowed on Christmas Day would like the Council to pay Thomas time and a half or double time- Motion by McIntosh to pay Thomas Double time for Double Time for Christmas Day Plowing 2nd by Sebert roll call: Yes: McIntosh/ Sebert/ Stevens/ Young Motion carried 4/0
  • Correspondence
    • FYI Scarberry – Letter with app for nextdoor- which is a real app- Scarberry is not being endorsed by the Village just FYI about Flyer being sent out to residents
  • Audience Recognition:
    • D. Young- Chief DNR Grant will purchase 4 sets of Turn out Gear- No current meetings or training because of COVID- will have the officers trying to set up online training to keep up the requirements
    • Gordy Sebert would like an investigation as to why the benches in the park were placed where they were placed?
    • McIntosh- received only NICE on the Solar speed sign
    • Budget Workshop is set for 1/9/21 @ 9:30 am via Uber conference for audience participation
  • Motion by Sebert to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 pm 2nd by Stevens Meeting adjourned    


Next meeting: February 1, 2021 @ 6:30 Via Uber Conference no in person meeting


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk                                                                                                                             Posted 1/05/2020 @ 9:00 a m  






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