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Council Meetings

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12/07/2020 Not in person Reg Council meetingRegular
Monday, December 7, 20206:30 PM


Village of Fairgrove

No Person Regular Meeting

VIA Uber Conference

1-989-341-3422 (New Number)



12/07/2020 @ 6:30 pm

  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Agenda for 12/07/2020
  • Approval of Meeting minutes from 11/02/2020 & 11/17/2020
  • ATB&D- 2019-2020 Audit
  • Audience Recognition
  • Fire Department:
    • Report
  • Police Department:
    •  Report
  • Buildings and Grounds:
    • Report
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Volunteer Fire Department
  • No Report Provided
  • Bean Festival:         
  • Report
    • Planning Commission
      • Report


  • Checking Balance Report
  • Check Register Report
  • Bill that needs approval – None
  • Budget Adjustments
  • Early Payroll for Holidays
  • Roads CD is rolling over $ 80,314.44
  • Credit Card vs. Debit Card
    • Resolution 2020-005
  • Treasurer
  • Report
  • Reconciliation
  • Old Business
    • Center Street East
  • New Business
    • SAW Grant $74,000
  • Correspondence
    • MML
    • Fairgrove Township Newsletter
  • Audience Recognition
  • Next Meeting 01/04/2021 @ 6:30
  • Adjournment


Clerk- Smith


Village of Fairgrove Council Meeting

12/07/2020 @ 6:30 pm

NO in person meeting

VIA Uber Conference



In Attendance: Young/McIntosh/ Stevens/ Sebert



  • Welcome remarks led by Young
  • Pledge of Allegiance led by Young
  • Motion by McIntosh Approve the Agenda 12/07/2020 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0
  • Motion by Sebert to Approve Meeting Minutes from 11/02/2020 & 11/17/2020 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 4/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • None
  • Anderson, Tuckey, Bernhardt & Doran, P.C.- Angie Burnette
    • Village did receive the Highest Level on this audit/ Internal control is lacking due to the small community and rural area staff/ Overall material weaknesses are there because of the lack of the Non-Reconciliation of the accounts for several months/ Several Journal adjustment were needed to be made again/ Notes are made in the margins for a follow up with ATB&D for guidance
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • Report Provided
    • Fire Board annual report also provided  
  • Police- Simerson
    • Report Provided
  • DPW- Thomas
    • Report Provided
    • Kudo’s to Kevin Wilson for the Tree decorating
  • Fire Fighters 501c3-
    • No report
  • Bean Festival Committee-
    • No Report Provided


  • Planning Commission- Prusi
    • Master Plan is close to being updated and then will be given to the Council for a Public Hearing
  • Clerk- Smith
  • October’s Checking beginning and ending balances on all accounts provided
  • Check Register reports for November   
    • Motion by McIntosh to accept the Check Register reports 2nd by Stevens Roll call: Yes: Stevens/McIntosh/ Sebert/ Young motion carried 4/0
  • Bills presented for approval: None
  • Budget adjustments: 17 pages of Line items presented to the Council for line item internal and cross account adjustments Motion by McIntosh to make the Budget adjustments 2nd by Sebert Roll call vote: Yes: Stevens/ McIntosh/ Sebert/ Young motion carried 4/0
  • Early Payroll for Holidays: Request from Clerk to complete payroll by December 22, 2020 to get checks out before Christmas Motion by McIntosh to allow the Clerk to pay payroll early for December 2020 2nd by Stevens Roll call vote: Yes: Stevens/ McIntosh/ Sebert/ Young motion carried 4/0
  • Roads CD is rolling over just FYI
  • Resolution 2020-005- Credit Car vs. Debit cards
    • Obtaining a Credit Card for the Village would have to be attached to a person’s Social Security Number and a person
    • Kim Stevenson offered the Village the option of getting Debit cards in lieu of Credit Cards Motion by Stevens to apply for 2-Debit cards, one for General Fund and one for Equipment rental with a $1000.00 limit before Council approval with President Young & Clerk Smith on the cards 2nd by Sebert Roll call vote: Yes: Stevens/ McIntosh/ Sebert/ Young motion carried 4/0
  • Treasurer- (Changed to Bookkeeper)
    • Report provided
    • Reconciliation- up until November 1st is complete some investigation and correction will be looked at to balance the 4 remaining accounts belief is that the accounts were never at Zero and will need adjustments
  • Old Business-
    • Center Street to the East-There is a five-year plan to proceed and show affordability Motion by McIntosh to proceed with the 5-year plan and save for the $910,000 Road Improvements with the County portion $523,300 and the Village’s portion is $386,700 to proceed 2nd by Stevens Sebert Roll call vote: Yes: Stevens/ McIntosh/ Sebert/ Young motion carried 4/0
  • New Business-
    • SAW Grant- 2015 Award of $74,700 Fleis & Vanderbrink were asking EGLE if we could re-do the dismissal of the SAW grant fund- the response today was its too late – however there will be another round of SAW grant coming out and F&V will help us apply once it becomes available and actively pursue the Clean Water Grant
    • Village will have to look at Sewer rate increases in order to be considered for the next SAW Grant we are under funding the Sewer account
  • Correspondence
    • MML Sent A thank you letter
    • Fairgrove Township- Newsletter
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Public has reached out to Village about McLuney Street not being paved and the bumps
    • BLIGHT is still an issue


  • Motion by McIntosh to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 pm 2nd by Stevens Meeting adjourned            


Next meeting: January 4, 2020 @ 6:30 Via Uber Conference no in person meeting


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk                                                                                                                              Posted 12/08/2020 @ 12:00 p m  






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