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Council Meetings

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11/17/2020 Special Swearing of Oaths Special
Tuesday, November 17, 20206:30 PM


11/17/2020 @ 6:30 pm

  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Agenda for 11/17/2020
  • Approval of Meeting minutes from 11/02/2020
  • Audience Recognition
  • Oaths of Office
  • Committees
  • Treasurer Position
  • Bookkeeper Position
  • Resolution 2020-004
  • Audience Recognition
  • Next Meeting 12/7/2020 @ 6:30
  • Adjournment


Clerk- Smith


Village of Fairgrove Council Special Meeting

11/17/2020 @ 6:30 pm

NO in person meeting

VIA Uber Conference



In Attendance: Young/McIntosh/ Stevens/ Sebert



  • Welcome remarks led by Young
  • Pledge of Allegiance led by Young
  • Motion by McIntosh Approve the Agenda 11/17/2020 2nd by Sebert motion carried 4/0
  • Motion by McIntosh to Approve Meeting Minutes from 11/02/2020 2nd by Stevens motion carried 3/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • No people on the call
  • Oath of Office
    • Kristen Nelson- President
    • Doug Stevens- Council Member
  • Committees
    • Planning Commission: Sebert
    • Zoning Board of Appeals: Sebert
    • Fire Liaison: Stevens
    • Police Liaison: Young
    • Lagoon Liaison: McIntosh/ Thomas
    • Fairgrove Township Liaison: Young
    • Park Liaison: Sebert
    • Roads Liaison: Stevens
    • Bean Festival Liaison: Young/ McIntosh
    • Blight: McIntosh
  • Treasurer
    • Smith is accepting the Position and the pay increase will be reviewed in December or January



  • Bookkeeper
    • Leslie Harrison will take the Position as Bookkeeper and the pay structure is $100.00 for the first two months and then the pay is $65.00 continuing forward Motion by Stevens for the appointment of Leslie Harrison at a pay rate of $100.00 for two months and  $65.00 moving forward 2nd by McIntosh roll call vote: Yes: Sebert/ McIntosh/ Stevens/ Young motion carried
  • Resolution 2020-18 present:
    • Performance Resolution for Governmental agencies Motion by Sebert to Adopt Resolution 2020-018 2nd by McIntosh roll call vote: Yes: Sebert/ McIntosh/ Stevens/ Young motion carried
  • Burning Permit Violation Policy
    • Change in how Fire Runs are billed regarding illegal burns Policy presented by McIntosh to adopt the new policy 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0
    • To be posted on Village Website/ Fairgrove Township to receive a copy as well as Gilford and Juniata
    • 2020-018- Motion by McIntosh to apply Burning permit Violation to 2020-18 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0
  • Repair of Lagoon Pump Valve
    • During an Akron Lagoon/ Akron Sewer Project it was discovered that one of the Fairgrove pump valves is not in working order the estimate is $8,553.45 from Waldorf & Sons
    • They will work very close with the Fairgrove DPW to help alleviate $3,200 of the Estimate by shutting down some of the working pump station
    • Savings to Village since working in conjunction with the Village of Akron motion by McIntosh to proceed with valve replacement with estimate of $8,553.45 2nd by Sebert roll call vote: Yes: Sebert/ McIntosh/ Stevens/ Young motion carried
  • McLuney Street final payment
    • Motion by McIntosh to make the final payment to Rohdes of $6,417.50 2nd by Sebert roll call vote: Yes: Sebert/ McIntosh/ Stevens/ Young motion carried
  • McLuney Street Sidewalk Renovation
    • Notice from Townley Engineering that they have agreed to replace the sidewalks on McLuney that were removed during the McLuney Street project- DPW will clear the sand prior to the November 19/20 estimate for the project
  • Township- Snow Contract
    • The Township of Fairgrove has awarded the Village of Fairgrove their Township Hall plowing contract for 2020-2021
  • Advertiser Correction-           
    • It was reported to Smith of at least 2 errors recently in the Advertiser article that ran- They are making the correction in the next edition- Young is also going to reach out to them there are other correction that need to be made
  • Correspondence
    • None
  • Audience Recognition:
    • None


  • Motion by McIntosh to adjourn the meeting at 7:18 pm 2nd by Stevens Meeting adjourned            


Next meeting: December 7, 2020 @ 6:30 Via Uber Confrence no in person meeting


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk                                                                                                                              Posted 11/19/2020 @ 11:00 am  






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