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11/02/2020 Regular MeetingRegular
Monday, November 2, 20206:30 PM
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Village of Fairgrove Council Regular Meeting

11/02/2020 @ 6:30 pm

Limited in person Regular meeting

VIA Uber Conference



In Attendance: Young/McIntosh/ Stevens



  • Welcome remarks led by Young
  • Pledge of Allegiance led by Young
  • Motion by McIntosh Approve the Agenda 11/02/2020 2nd by Stevens motion carried 3/0
  • Motion by Stevens to Approve Meeting Minutes from 10/05/2020 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 3/0
  • Council
    • Letter of interest from Jackie Sebert
    • Motion by Mcintosh to appoint Jackie Sebert to the Village of Fairgrove Council 2nd by Stevens Roll call: Yes- Stevens, McIntosh, Young motion carried 3/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • County Commissioner Thomas Young came and gave the Village the information as requested about an animal problem and Tuscola County’s efforts- short on Funds and personnel- Budget short falls through all departments-  would like to help  keep bridging the gap with the Village of Fairgrove and the County and reporting back to us to keep us informed- Important notice is that there is a lawsuit moving forward even after the Michigan Supreme Court of Appeals that may change the way that Counties can foreclose on properties due to delinquent taxes- leaning toward if a property sells at tax sale the County may only be allowed to keep the amount of delinquent taxes and profit may have to go to the recent property owner that was foreclosed on
    • Humpert- Would like permission to have the Lighted Spirit Parade again this year December 4th at 7:00 pm  with cooperation with the Bean Festival – Application will be sent for the parade route- Insurance will be provided by the Bean Festival- Motion by McIntosh to allow the Lighted Spirit Parade 2nd by Stevens motion carried 3/0
    • Streeter- Chickens are being issued tickets by Noise complaints every 15 days they will be issued
    • McConnell- Fire Run 2020-18 McKenzie representing her Fiancé Bon Fire reported by passerby- Home owner was in process of putting it out and proceed in doing so once fire department arrived- Made mention that asked about the bill and was told it would probably be okay- Young notified her that the Fire Department does not bill the Village does- when asked if she called in a for a burning permit McKenzie admitted she had not- Motion by Stevens- to table this until the Council can get extra information 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 3/0
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • Report Provided  
      • Poster Contest for A-F 5th graders need 5 people to help judge looking for Council members Thursday at 7:00 pm in the Council room- Stevens and Young 2- Bean Festival members present also agreed
      • Tuscola Co. Fire Association plaque is finally in the Village’s possession in 2018 Fire Fighter of the Year for Tuscola County was Nick Maguire 2019 was Sawyer Smith
  • Police- Simerson
    • Report Provided
      • Applying for a Grant with USDA for a new Police car
  • DPW- Thomas
    • Report Provided
  • Fire Fighters 501c3-
    • No report
      • Light bar has been ordered and shipped
  • Bean Festival Committee- Young
    • Lease was again discussed
    • Problems between Council and Bean Festival
      • Length of Lease
      • Being Displaced if new Community Center is built
    • Previous leases were presented by Council and portions of lease were read aloud- Discussion about wanting Festival to continue- 75 years this next year- benefits to Village McIntosh want the festival to get better – Heated exchanges Motion by McIntosh to table 2nd by Stevens motion carried 3/0
  • Planning Commission-
    • Report Provided
    •  ZBA held its annual meeting and their report was provided
      • Two new members Ball – at- large- Hills
  • Clerk- Smith
  • September Checking beginning and ending balances on all accounts provided
  • Check Register reports for October  
    • Motion by McIntosh to accept the Check Register reports 2nd by Stevens Roll call: Yes: Stevens/McIntosh/ Young motion carried 3/0
  • Bills presented for approval: $139,405.36 to Rohds Brothers/ Townley Engineering/ BOSS
  • Discussed the Condition of the McLuney Street project and line item that states: Restoration- there are section on McLuney Street Sidewalks that were not restored Motion by McIntosh pay 116,932.50 which does not includes the $5,000 restoration line until the Sidewalks are restored 2nd by Stevens roll call: Yes- Stevens-/ McIntosh/ Young Motion carried 3/0
  • Motion by McIntosh to pay Townley Engineering and BOSS  2nd by Stevens roll call vote: Yes- Stevens-/ McIntosh/ Young Motion Carried  3/0  
  • McLuney Street Budget adjustment need to be approved for the payment of these bills 
  • Treasurer-
    • No Report provided
    • Reconciliation- With the assistance of Gail Streeter- Bookkeeper the check books were reconciled in 4 hours
    • Applications- Leslie Harrison
      • Would like a Bookkeeping position not Treasurer
      • Young- suggested we consider spitting the position and offer the Bookkeeper to Harrison and the Treasurer job to Smith- Smith asked for time to thinks about it and wages needed to be also decided motion by Stevens to table the matter 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 3/0
  • Old Business-
    • Plow Township Parking lot- Contract was sent to Township for their consideration
    • Village Credit Card- TCF offers a Corporate Credit Card- Also notified by current card that they are aware of the passing of Childs and allowing an additional name be added- Smith will be placed on Card until Corporate card can be obtained Motion by McIntosh to apply for Corporate Credit Card and have Smith as a temporary person on Village Credit card 2nd by Stevens roll call vote: Yes- Stevens-/ McIntosh/ Young Motion 3/0  
    • Fire Runs- 2020-008 & 2020-15- Smith reported non-payment and requesting to proceed to Court Motion by Stevens to proceed to Court 2nd by McIntosh Motion Carried 3/0
    • Website- Application Leslie Harrison to help re-do our Village Website her estimate is $12.00 an hour up to a max of $1000.00
      • There is a caveat to also work with GoDaddy to help with obtain ownership of our own domain that the Village will own and upkeep the site Motion by McIntosh to Hire Harrison and work closely with GoDaddy up to $1000.00 2nd by Stevens motion carried 3/0
    • FEMA Grant CARES- The Cost to apply for any FEMA Grants is $597 to get back our Duns # it is  yearly fee and not a guarantee you will get the grant you apply for no motion to apply
  • New Business-
    • Oaths- Special- Need to swear in Council by November 20th Motion by McIntosh to have a special on November 17th at 6:30 2nd by Stevens motion carried 3/0
    • Tree- It has died, and Kirk’s landscaping will be replacing the tree
    • Fleis & Vandenbrink/ Spicer: Are all looking to meet and discussion Grant opportunity for the Village- Motion by Stevens for the Clerk and Thomas and inform Council of appointments to go over Grant opportunities 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 3/0
  • Correspondence
    • November 22, 2020 for 15 Minutes the Flag over the Capital building will be flown in recognition of Carl Childs
  • Audience Recognition:
    • December 3rd is the next Fire Board meeting


  • Motion by McIntosh to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 pm 2nd by Stevens Meeting adjourned            


Next meeting: December 7, 2020 @ 6:30


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk                                                                                                                              Posted 11/05/2020 @ 11:30 am  




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