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Council Meetings

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09/08/2020 Regular MeetingRegular
Tuesday, September 8, 20206:30 PM


Village of Fairgrove

Limited in Person Regular Meeting (Limit 10)

VIA Uber Conference

1-989-341-3422 (New Number)



09/08/2020 @ 6:30 pm

  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Agenda for 09/08/2020
  • Approval of Meeting minutes from 08/03/2020
  • Audience Recognition
  • Fire Department:
    • Report
  • Police Department:
    •  No Report Provided
  • Buildings and Grounds:
    • Report
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Volunteer Fire Department
  • No Report Provided
    • Bean Festival:        
  • Verbal Report
  • Grant opportunities


  • Planning Commission
    • Reports
  • Clerk
  • Checking Balance Report
  • Check Register Report
  • Bill that need approval
  • Pay Roll Software Change for 2021
  • Budget Adjustments
  • Roads Budge Update from State
  • CARES ACT Money


  • Treasurer
  • Report
  • Old Business
    • McLuney Street / Category B


  • New Business
    • Website
    • Programed Door Locks
    • Killian Fire Run 2020-07


  • Correspondence
  • Audience Recognition
  • Next Meeting 10/05/2020
  • Adjournment


Clerk- Smith



Village of Fairgrove Council Regular Meeting

09/08/2020 @ 6:30 pm

Limited in person Regular meeting

VIA Uber Conference



In Attendance: Childs/ Phelps Via Uber / Stevens/Young/ McIntosh


  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance led by Childs
  • Motion by Stevens to Approve the Agenda 09/08/2020 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
  • Motion by Young to Approve Meeting Minutes from 8/03/2020 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Mr. & Mrs. Streeter: Displeased with Village happenings/ New Neighbor on Armstrong- moved in with chickens and rooster- Neighbor has dogs 1 of 3 that bark 24 hours a day- Children walk through their yard, they have since placed no trespassing signs in their yard- motor cycles loud and tire burnings- Video has by passed to the police by other regarding this matter- Saturday night there were people racing snowmobiles on the streets- Concerns over a tractor trailer being parked on Village Street and is causing traffic safety issues. There are considering listing their home and moving out of the Village/ Council will meet with the Planning Commission regarding the animal issue in town and put a plan or ordinance violation notices in place/ Young will schedule a meeting with the Village of Akron on how to get police coverage later into the night
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • Report Provided  
      • SCBA mask has been damaged and will need an estimate to be replaced to provide to insurance for replacement with paying the deductible
      • 2 Masks are on order as approved in the 8/3/2020 meeting
      • Light bar on rescue 11- the bulbs needed to make fully functional are no longer in production
        • Motion by Stevens to allow Medler electric 2 weeks to locate replacement bulbs 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
        • Motion by Young if no replacement bulbs can be purchased to order a new light bar $1234.99 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
  • Police- Simerson
    • Report Provided
      • Young will be contacting Akron about next police meeting or having a special regarding Village Blight
  • DPW- Thomas
    • Report Provided
      • Childs- Some old and dead trees in old park that need to be addressed
      • Township asked for Village to plow their lot- No motion made
      • McIntosh made note that there has been several times that a pile of cigarette butts and candy wrapper have been found in the park and would like police to patrol the Park later in the evening to avoid this from happening
      • Akron Fairgrove Schools have been using the Volleyball pits for their School team- there was an out of Council complaints about the condition of the pit- Childs/Thomas need to know before use to this extent happens because the Village would of made better effort to prepare- The pit has since been raked and 2 truckloads of masonry sand have been dumped and leveled at the site
  • Fire Fighters 501c3-
    • No report
  • Bean Festival Committee- Childs
    • Childs/ McAlpine have discussed the Building lease and have decided to sign the one year lease without a rental cost until other things can be worked out with the building- The five year lease was explained again- The Village has to give the Bean Festival five years notice if they plan to no longer lease to the Bean Fest Motion by McIntosh to do a 1 year lease again with the Bean Festival 2nd Child motion carried 5/0
    • Grant- Clerk would like the opportunity to apply for Several grants to see about a Brand-new community center in place of the current Bean Festival building due to functional obsolescence Council would like the Clerk to move forward
  • Planning Commission-
    • Reports Provided
    • Commission is going through the Master Plan to update it and get it available for grant writing opportunities 1-4 has been updated
    • Next Meeting September 15, 2020 @ 12:00 pm for Master Plan Section 5
    • Akron Fairgrove Schools has already done an electronic copy of the old master plan for the Clerk to use to make corrections and updates
  • Clerk- Smith
  • July’s beginning and ending balances on all accounts provided
  • Check Register reports for August
    • Motion by Young to accept the Check Register reports 2nd by McIntosh Roll call: Yes: Young/McIntosh/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 5/0
  • Bills presented for approval: $1,089.56 presented Motion by Childs to pay bill as presented 2nd by Stevens roll call vote: Yes- Young/ McIntosh /Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 5/0  
  • Payroll Support will end January 31, 2021 from the current payroll software provider Pontem- four different proposal were presented by the Clerk for replacement options- The options were discussed as pro/cons of each and what they provide vs what is currently offered- Motion by Young to used Anderson Tuckey Bernhardt & Dornan to provide payroll service to the Village beginning in the 2021 January Fiscal year 2nd by Childs roll call vote: Yes- Young/ McIntosh /Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 5/0  
  • Budget adjustment were present for the 2020-2021 Budget- Childs has asked the Clerk to provide more information moving forward- Motion by McIntosh to make the budget adjustments as present and are attached to minutes 2nd by Stevens roll call vote: Yes- Young/ McIntosh /Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 5/0  
  • Roads Budget update from State appear to give the Roads Budget a $7,141.51 increase than budgeted for in 2020-2021
  • CARES ACT check of $3059.00 was received by the Village Clerk is looking for the Council to advise on the distribution of the money and if it should be cashed at all- Guidelines were provide to the Council from ATB&D- Motion by Young to deposit the check as provide by the State apply the Fund to the Fire Fighter- First Responders wages and Keep records as how the CARES ACT money was spent 2nd by Stevens roll call vote: Yes- Young/ McIntosh /Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 5/0  
  • Treasurer- Gray
    • Report provided
    •  $46,528.87 collected in August
    • Young is asking if the check books are balanced with Treasurer? Childs at this time they are not- Treasure is stating that until the Audit is once again completed it is a waste of her time to do so- without a good starting number she is not moving past the  April 2020 balancing, which she has meet with Childs and Smith on- Council has requested Gray be at the next meeting



  • Unfinished Business-
    • McLuney Street – The Village of Fairgrove has been awarded $46,500 in Category B money from MDOT- McLuney Street project will be moving forward Starting September 14 and spread out to 2021 to use the Category B money instead of Village Money for this project
    • 5085 W. Center- FYI has been sold at tax sale
  • New Business-
    • Website- The Village is looking for assistance to complete a new Website- The one we are currently using is having upgrade issues- Young will get the Clerk a phone number of someone she knows that may be of assistance
    • Program Door Locks- There has been some recent concerns of the activity in the Fire Department and Village hall after hours Clerk has obtained estimates of $800.00 to $1,1100.00 for a programmable door locks with key fab capabilities- Item Tabled
    • Killian Fire Run 2020-07- Nonpayment Young has asked Clerk to proceed with Court filings 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
    • Insurance Reform- FYI our insurance provided has supplied the Village with a PIP form to complete that will allow the Village to get a current insurance refund due to July Michigan insurance reform
  • Correspondence
    • None
  • Audience Recognition:


  • Motion by Childs to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 pm 2nd by Stevens Meeting adjourned    


Next meeting: October 5, 2020 @ 6:30


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk                                                                                                                              Posted 09/10/2020 @ 10:00 am  

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