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08/03/2020 Regular
Monday, August 3, 20206:30 PM
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Village of Fairgrove Council Regular Meeting

08/03/2020 @ 6:30 pm

Limited in person Regular meeting

VIA Uber Conference

1-781-448-4329 PIN 92917


In Attendance: Childs/ Phelps/ Stevens/Young

Absent McIntosh


  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance led by Childs
  • Motion by Young to Approve the Agenda 08/03/2020 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0/1
  • Motion by Young to Approve Meeting Minutes from 7/06/2020 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0/1
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Mr. Thomas would like to do a fund raiser- Parade of Cars Show with a car for each year going as far back as he can- entry fee of $5.00- Council discussion about that it is a great idea however with executive orders in place large gatherings and road closing- Due to the Executive orders and the M-138 possible shut down the Council cannot at this time allow the Car Show to happen with deep regret since more things happening in the Village would be great for the Village / He would also like to take a large rock form the Dump where several are which is no cost to the Village- the cost would be to engrave the rock and have it placed next to the new tree on the Village Lot – Council is asking for a estimate before it proceeds
    • Ms. Young- Cats still a problem- Park Looks Great!
    • Ms. Ball- Town looks Great! Weeds are pulled- Still an issue is Blight- Childs: first round of tickets have been issued more will be going out- Police can issue the citations and move direct homeowners to cleaning their property on their own  or the cost of the Village doing it if it does not get done
    • Ms. McIntosh witnessed garbage being placed in the trach cans at the park- Resolved that as long as it being placed in the cans not being thrown in the park it is a nonissue- Wants more information about the McLuney St. project which is on the agenda
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • Report Provided  
      • 7 runs for July
        • 50 runs to date
      • New Window in the Office looks great
      • DNR grant was submitted on time award announcement will not be until December
      • Fire Department was issue a cheaper quote from a Detroit contact that is offering SCBA mask for a reduced price of $1700.00 a piece Fire Chief is requesting 3 masks- Discussion of sharing masks- size differences and it was noted that each mask assigned to a user during a fire it is a located specific to an individual
      • All trucks went to Rasmussen for their pump test, oil changes etc.…may need to sent R-11 to frontline for a pump leak
      • Looking to purchase a light bar for one of the trucks no estimate was provided  
  • Caller on the Uber Conference asked to wait and now will be heard:
    • Neil Arnold fire run 2020-004: 1. He was not home 2. Not owner of Record for the property- Childs asked who pays the taxes?  Arnold- received a call from firefighter Cory Maguire – stated: he told him to do what he had to. There were more discussions about the location of the fire- recognition that he did not start the fire- that it had spread to his field and that he oversees the Estate of his deceased father where the fire was- Arnold mentioned he has an attorney and he was advised that this matter may not make it to the court - he was served from the Village of Fairgrove due to non-payment of Fire Run 2020-04- President Childs is taking this matter into consideration and will take the information under advisement -When asked by Arnold if the Court date Scheduled for August 18th is going to be cancelled – Childs responded not at this time.
      • Fire Department resumed-
      • Explanation of the SCBA mask not being used by more than one user at this time- the fact that they are cleaned after each fire. Motion by Stevens to allow the Fire Chief to purchase 2 masks at this time 2nd by Young Motion carried 4/0/1
  • Police- Simerson
    • CLEMIS Report Provided
      • Council would like a better report that the report provided – Taking into consideration Officer Simerson is out sick tonight
  • DPW- Thomas
    • Report Provided
      • Annual Evaluation- Doing a great job-
        • Saved $9,340.00 in the Roads funds by doing our own snow removal and lawn care- Pay increase on the table Motion by Young to increase Thomas hourly rate to $16.25 2nd by Stevens roll call vote: Yes- Young/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 4/0/1



  • Salt Spreader-
    • BOSS Bid $1,925.36/ Scientific $1,725.00 motion by Young to keep the purchase local and pay the $1,925.36 to BOSS for the purchase of Street Salt Spreader 2nd Stevens roll call vote: Yes- Young/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 4/0/1
  • Fire Fighters 501c3-
    • No report
  • Bean Festival Committee- Childs
  • 3- members of Michigan Bean Festival meet with Childs to go over lease provided to them via e-mail- The Bean Festival has decide they would like to purchase the Building for $1.00, with the Village to continue to supply them with water, they will take over the insurance and any upgrades that need to be made to the building- Need to obtain the closing cost fee to make any final decisions- Phelps made the objection that the Council cannot sell the park- Childs agreed with Phelps – Matter is being Tabled until the matter is set to Village legal Counsel and some determinations and Cost estimates provided
  • Planning Commission-
    • Report Provided
    • Next Meeting August 5, 2020 @ 6:30 pm for Master Plan
  • Clerk- Smith
  • June’s beginning and ending balances on all accounts provided
  • Check Register reports for July
    • Motion by Young to accept the Check Register reports 2nd by Stevens Roll call: Yes: Young/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 4/0/1
  • Bills presented for approval: $19,355.40 presented Motion by Young to pay bills as presented 2nd by Phelps roll call vote: Yes- Young/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 4/0/1  
  • Treasurer- Gray
    • Report provided $18,123.78 collected of the $96,018.03 Levied as of July 31,2020
    • Childs/ Gray/ Smith working on checking balances/ reconciliations


  • Unfinished Business-
    • Circle Drive sale will be finalized after the Meeting tonight with the transfer of the signed Deed- $3500.00 and the Abstract
    • McLuney Street letters to the McLuney Street property owners went out with details about what can happen during the Construction which was originally announced to take place in August – Now will start September 6th 2020 and will be shared with by the Electronic Sign-
      • Question about hooking into the Storm Sewer was addressed- Yes- the Village would like everyone along McLuney Street to hook into the Storm Sewer to alleviate the excess standing water- More information as it becomes available


  • New Business-
    • In Person Meetings- Executive Orders have made in person meeting to have seating limits- Current is 10- Discussion of ZOOM and it having to have additional equipment and wiring in the meeting room- vs. continuing with Uber Conference and paying $20.00 a month to avoid the 45 minute limit of time before the call hangs up and participants would have to call back in because we currently use the free subscription  motion by Childs to pay the $20.00 a month subscription to Uber Conference for a year and purchase a longer phone line to make the Village Phone available in the Meeting room 2nd by Young roll call vote: Yes- Young/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 4/0/1  
    • First Right of Refusal for Village property- 036-500-151-1250-00 $4,978.29- Motion by Childs for the Village to refuse the purchase of this property 2nd by Young motion carried 4/0/1
    • Wagner-2020-06 Non- payment of Fire Run-Motion by Young to proceed with Court action against Wagner 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0/1
  • Correspondence
    • State Senator Kevin Daley inviting everyone to attend a Zoom video conference August 5th
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Tornado Siren testing scheduled for Wednesday at 10:00 am


  • Motion by Childs to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 pm 2nd by Stevens Meeting adjourned          


Next meeting: September 8 (Tuesday), 2020 @ 6:30


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk                                                                                                                              Posted 08/06/2020 @ 12:00 pm  






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