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Council Meetings

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07-06-2020 Regular meetingRegular
Monday, July 6, 20206:30 PM


Village of Fairgrove

Regular Meeting


07/06/2020 @ 6:30 pm

  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Agenda for 07/06/2020
  • Approval of Meeting minutes from 06/01/2020
  • Audience Recognition
  • Fire Department:
    • Report
  • Police Department:
    • Report
  • Buildings and Grounds:
    • Report
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Volunteer Fire Department
  •  Report
    • Bean Festival         
  • Report
  • Food Truck Insurance Certificate’s (legality)  
  • Lease Agreement
  • Clerk
  • Checking Balance Report
  • Check Register Report
  • Bills that need approval
  • Snow Removal
    • Contract or DPW
    • Move Cost Center



  • Treasurer
  • L-4029- Change
  • Retirement options
  • Old Business
    • Brissette Fire Run-Tabled
    • Main Street Property
    • McLuney St. Bids


  • New Business
    • Parade Permit application
    • Neil Arnold Fire Run non- payment
    • Payroll for 2021 update
    • Killian Fire E-mail response
    • Tree Removal- Park
  • Correspondence
    • Pat Donavan Gray
  • Audience Recognition
  • Next Meeting 08/03/2020 @ 6:30 pm
  • Adjournment


Clerk- Smith



Village of Fairgrove Council Regular Meeting

07/06/2020 @ 6:30 pm

In Attendance: Childs/ Phelps/ Stevens/Young

Absent McIntosh


  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance led by Childs
  • Motion by Young to Approve the Agenda 07/06/2020 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0/1
  • Motion by Young to Approve Meeting Minutes from 6/01/2020 2nd by Phelps motion carried 4/0/1
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Ms. Young- Would Like DPW to start picking up lawn clippings/ Dogs are still a problem they are getting into people’s garbage/ other loose animals/ Park looks Nice!
    • Mrs. Childs- would like to apply for a park grant through Tuscola County- there needs to be a plan for such items as steps to get to lower park, a walking path/ loop, parking lot for lower park, steps on the sledding hill to get back and forth, planting trees and running some tile for when the lower park get rain it does not run off
    • Mrs. McIntosh – Concerns over people entering the Main Street burned building- issue with under aged children being in building also with older persons- encouraged to call 911
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • Report Provided  
      • 9 runs
        • 41 calls to date 49 total in 2019
      • 4 Fire Fighters have been added to the Roster
      • 1 additional applicant form Saginaw, Associates degree in Fire Science request to be added to the department (all background checks are done on all 5 fighters)
      • DRN Grant- application is Due this Friday 7/10/20 will be awarded in December of this year
        • 50/ 50 match
        • Use: turn out gear or SCBA gear
      • Trucks need to go in for inspections/ appointment are now being taken
    • Motion by Childs to add Cody Verent to the Fairgrove Volunteer Fire Fighter Department 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0/1
  • Police- Simerson
    • Report Provided
  • DPW- Thomas
    • Report Provided
      • Storm Sewer has caused a -Sink Hole- Shreeves Rd needs to be repaired by Monchilov
        • No Estimate available
  • Fire Fighters 501c3-
    • No report
  • Bean Festival Committee- Young- McIntosh
    • Michigan Bean Festival Food Truck Rally
      • Request by Bean Festival at 06/01/2020 meeting
      • Request for Insurance (It was provided for the festival Committee)
      • Council sent the request to our Insurance agent and Attorney
        • Both Sited the Executive order of the Governor more specifically E.O. 2020-110

Motion by Childs to cancel the 2020 Michigan Bean Festival’s Food Truck Rally due to Executive order 2020-110 and recommendations from Village Legal Council and Insurance provider 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0/1

  • Michigan Bean Festival September 2020- above discussion led to the following motion:

Motion by Stevens due to the safety of the Villagers and the visitors it is the Village’s position to cancel the Michigan Bean Festival for 2020 2nd by Young (it sucks) motion carried 4/0/1

  • Clerk to Draft a letter to be sent to the Michigan Bean Festival with the Villages decision
  • Lease agreement for the Bean Festival has been drafted by the Village Attorney motion by Young to present the lease to the Bean Festival and for 2020 lease waive the $500.00 lease payment 2nd Phelps motion carried 4/0/1


  • Clerk- Smith
    • May’s beginning and ending balances on all accounts provided
    • Check Register reports for June
      • Motion by Young to accept the Check Register reports 2nd by Stevens Roll call: Yes: Young/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 4/0/1
    • Bill presented for approval: Dinges $4600.00

Motion by Young approval to pay 2nd Stevens motion carried 4/0/1

  • Budget adjustments: 101-000-402-000 Taxes lower to $80,000 to $74,000 : 101-000-539-000 $51,000 to move to 101-000-574-00 as requested by the State : 101-101-840-00 move $390.00 to 101-101-925-00 : 101-215-703-00 move $500.00 to 101-215-715-000 : 101-751-801-00 move $20.00 to 101-751-925-00 motion by Young to make the Line item adjustments 2nd by Stevens Roll call Vote: Yes: Young/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 4/0/1
  • 2020-2021 Village Snow removal DPW or Contracted
    • Motion by Stevens to have the Village DPW Plow the Streets for the 2020-2021 Season 2nd by Phelps motion carried 4/0/1
    • Council advised to have the snow/ lawn contract money moved to other cost centers
  • Treasurer- Gray
    • L-4029 Change
      • Village mill cap was reached and needed adjusting
        • Resulted in less mills but more revenue as explained by Gray has not happened in over 10+ years
        • Roads Mills can be raised for next year’s taxes to a max of 5 Mills
      • Retirement options: Since the Council closed out the John Hancock retirement plan Gray has been concerned over her retirement
        • Frankenmuth Credit Union and Chemical Bank offer a free IRA option for her retirement in lieu of Social Security payments by the Village and Gray is currently  at a rate of 7.65% Gray has recommended we use Frankenmuth Credit Union There is also a $35.00 and $20.00 fee owed to Gray that John Hancock took out of her retirement plan to move her retirement funds they relinquished Gray made mention of the cancelation of the account saving the Village around $700.00 a year but not fair to her and them moving the money without her notification Young cleared up that she is currently the only one receiving this plan- Audience member asked what other Villages are currently paying out for retirement- Childs could not answer that question Motion by Stevens for Gray to set up the IRA with Frankenmuth Credit Union in order for deposits to be directly made by the Village 2nd by Phelps motion carried with Young voting no 3/1/1
      • On the table is whether or not to match Gray’s retirement contribution from the Village- Gray explained her position and how the amount has been matched up until recent and would like to see the Village continue with the 7.65% match-motion by Young that the Village NOT match her IRA contribution moving forward 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0/1
      • Young wanted for the record the dates that tax collecting in person would be available-August 27th from 6 to 7:30 pm


  • Planning Commission-
    • No Report Provided
    • Next Meeting July 20th @ 6:30


  • Unfinished Business-
    • Brissette Fire Run tabled from 06/01/2020 -Council after discussion from the Fire Department and Audience members- motion by Childs to deny Brissette request that the bill be lowered or waived 2nd Stevens motioned carried 4/0/1
    • Main Street Building- Attorney determined that Vance is the registered owner of this property-  Tuscola County Inspector deemed the property not a complete loss Resolution 2020-002 Resolution Approving and issuing repair Order Regarding Dangerous Building motion by Young to adopt Resolution 2020-002 2nd by Stevens Roll call Vote: Yes – Young/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs  4/0/1 Resolution 2020-002 Adopted
    • McLuney Street Bids- Opened June 23rd at the Village
      • Letter of Recommendation offered by Townley Engineering to take the lower bid from Rohde Brothers of $126,400 Motion by Stevens to allow President Childs and Clerk Smith to sign letter of intent 2nd Young motion Roll call Vote: Yes – Young/ Stevens/ Phelps Childs  4/0/1
    • Street Bids- Opened June 23rd at the Village

Sale of Circle Dr. Lot- Ordinance # 71 presented Ordinance to Permit and Authorize the Sale of Certain Village-Owner Public Buildings, Real Property and/or Grounds by Private Sale- Motion by Phelps to Adopt Ordinance #71 2nd Young- Roll call Vote: Yes – Young/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs  4/0/1

  • New Business-
    • Parade Permit- It is to ensure property scheduling of any Parades that will be utilizing the Streets in the Village of Fairgrove- also spells out responsibilities and restriction for the Event Organizers- $25.00 Permit application and other charges that may be collected by the Village if it arises- motion by Young 2nd by Phelps Roll call Vote: Yes – Young/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs  4/0/1
    • Neil Arnold- Nonpayment of Fire Run dated 03/08/2020 motion by Stevens to allow the Clerk to proceed with court action 2nd Childs motion carried 4/0/1



  • Karyn Killian- Response to Fire Run dated 04/11/2020- Her adult daughter started this fire and not authorized to be on the property motion by Young to continue to collect the Fire Run 2020-007 2nd Stevens motion carried 4/0/1
  • Mulberry Park has a dead leaning tree over M-138 Bid request sent out to 2 Contractors
    • Bennett Forestry bid $1000.00 includes removal clean up and grinding no other bid were received motion by Young to accept Bennett bid of $1000.00 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0/1
  • Correspondence
    • Pat Donovan Gray- Letter provided to Council
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Ms. Young- Store Next to restaurant has had some recent activity inquiring as to what if anything is moving in there?  No information has been provided to the Village
    • Mr. Adams- Is anything being done about old junk cars in Village/ blight and speeding down Shreeves Rd- Childs- Blight is being addressed through notices and Citations with the help of officer Simerson- a Speed sign will be moved to Shreeves Road since there is not a lot of Speeds signs currently- Video recording can be provided to Officer Simerson in efforts to aid in the slowing of traffic


  • Motion by Childs to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 pm 2nd by Young Meeting adjourned            


Next meeting: August 3, 2020 @ 6:30


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk          

                                                                                                                    Posted 07/07/2020 @ 4:00 pm  

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