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Council Meetings

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Regular limited in person and Uber Conference MeetRegular
Monday, June 1, 20206:30 PM


Village of Fairgrove

Regular Meeting (This meeting is of limited in person access it can also be attended via the following: VIA Uber Conference

1-781-448-4329 PIN 92917)


06/01/2020 @ 6:30 pm

  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Agenda for 6/01/2020
  • Approval of Meeting minutes from 05/04/2020
  • Audience Recognition
    • Brissette Fire Run
  • Fire Department:
    • Report
  • Police Department:
    • Report
  • Buildings and Grounds:
    • Report
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Volunteer Fire Department
  •  Report
    • Bean Festival         
  • Report
  • Lease Agreement
  • Clerk
  • Checking Balance Report
  • Check Register Report
  • Bills that need approval(Killian Fire Withholding Insurance)


  • Old Business
  • New Business
    • Habitat for Humanity Property
    • Category B
    • Lot on Circle Dr.


  • Correspondence
    • Tuscola County Board of Commissioners Resolution
  • Audience Recognition
  • Next Meeting 07/06/2020 @ 6:30 pm (TBD)
  • Adjournment


Clerk- Smith




Village of Fairgrove Council Regular Meeting

06/01/2020 @ 6:30 pm & Uber Conference

In Attendance: Childs/ Phelps (phone)/ McIntosh/Young

Absent Stevens


  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Motion by McIntosh to Approve the Agenda 06/01/2020 2nd by Young Motion carried 4/0
  • Motion by Young to Approve Meeting Minutes from 5/04/2020 2nd by McIntosh Motion carried 4/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Easton Brissette-Read a statement into record concerning a fire run from 02/22/2020 Chris Brissette- made comment on that he was in bed at the time of the fire, yes there was building material in the fire pit, fire did not need to be put out, tired of nosy people, feels not obligated to pay the $750.00 bill-he has cleaned up the property since he got it back Childs explained Village is contracted with the Township to provide fire service- the Fire department is Volunteer and everyone that is available responds to the call and the bill does not get charge by firefighter in attendance- During this discussion the Fire fighters in attendance were called out to lift assist and the is matter has been tabled until they can respond to Council questions
    • Ms. Young- Weeds next to her home at 2146 Main St
      • Memorial Day- Nice turn out and Park looks really Nice!
      • Cat still going onto her front porch
    • Bean Festival Jason Lockwood- Currently still plan on having the Labor Day Weekend Festival- Due to COVID-19 not looking to solicit from local businesses the Bean Festival would like permission to use the Park sometime this summer to have Food Trucks come- Council has requested the plan and proof of insurance for the event


  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • Report Provided  
      • 6 Calls
      • Brissette: When the call comes in the Fire Fighters are not aware of what will be needed for them to respond- protocol requires the tanker truck to respond- once called out for illegal fire
      • 2 Fire Fighters have resigned (Childs- Nelson) there are 2 applicants waiting to apply waiting on the Background checks- Motion by Child to pay the 2 resigned Fire fighters their final pay 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 4/0
      • Council approved the Chief to proceed with filling the 2 positions and 2 additional trainees’
      • June 20th MAVIS Group of Tuscola County RE: Flood training 4 FG Fire Fighters were assigned to a strike team 2- additional Fire Fighters were assigned to other departments this was a great learning tool
  • Police- Simerson
    • No Report Provided
  • DPW- Thomas
    • Report Provided
      • Council requested move the Electronic Speed sign to South on Main Street
  • Fire Fighters 501c3-
    • No report
  • Bean Festival Committee-
    • Verbal Report
      • Lease provided for review
        • Change to charging rent of $500.00
        • Young questioned if it should be rental vs. Lease
        • If any change are to be made to the building should be approved by council
        • Send to attorney for review
  • Clerk- Smith
    • May beginning and ending balances on all account provided
    • Check Register reports for May
      • Motion by McIntosh to accept the Check Register reports 2nd by Young Roll call: Yes: Young/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried 4/0
    • Killian Fire Withholding Check for $12,746.00 Demolition is complete  Motion by McIntosh to write Fire Insurance Withholding check currently being held by the Village for the property at 1928 Liberty Street 2nd by Young: Roll call: Yes- Young/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried 4/0
    • Audit to be preformed by Anderson Tuckey Bernhardt & Doran 2019-2020 Audit Motion by Young 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 4/0
    • MTA return of dividend $2,671.24
    • 2044 Main Street- Notices that were mailed Certified on March 4, 2020 were just returned to the Village June 01, 2020 undelivered- Council would like the unbroken window also boarded up- this issue will be turned over to the Attorney for further guidance on how to proceed
  • Planning Commission-
    • No Report Provided
  • Unfinished Business-
  • New Business-
    • Habitat for Humanity- parcel 036-500-200-1200-00 would like to sell to Village for $1.00 via Quit Claim deed- Motion by Young to purchase the lot 2nd by McIntosh Roll call vote; Yes- Young/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried
    • Category B- Road Grant from the State for McLuney Street submitted on time and under review
    • Townley Sent McLuney Street out for bids and it appears to be well received by contractors
    • Parcel 79-036-2200-33 Lot is being sought for purchase by Sebert
      • Would like to see storm sewer maps
      • Council request foot path to the East of property easement
      • Council requested 4-foot easement south of property for easement to another village property
      • Council will pay for Quit claim deed form Village attorney
      • Council will prepare the split
      • Price for parcel to be $3,500 Motion by Young 2nd by Childs roll call vote: Yes- Young/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Child motion carried
  • Correspondence
    • None
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Young- Fire Board meeting Wednesday Night at 7:00 pm Quarterly Fire meeting will be Sunday


  • Motion by Childs to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 pm 2nd by Young Meeting adjourned            


Next meeting: July 6, 2020 @ 6:30


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk                                                                                                                              Posted 06/02/2020 @ 11:30 am  

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