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Council Meetings

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01/06/2020 Regular MeetingRegular
Monday, January 6, 20206:30 PM




Fairgrove Village

Regular Meeting

1/06/2020 @ 6:30 pm


  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of agenda for 1/06/2020
  • Approval of Meeting minutes from 12/02/2019
  • Audience Recognition



  • Department Committee Reports
  • Fire/ Fire Run Report
    • Fire Board Meeting Minutes


  • Police


  • DPW



  • Volunteer Fire Department


  • Clerk
  • Checks Detail
  • Deposit Detail
  • Bills that need approval
  • Budget Workshops 01-07-2020 @6:30
  • EOA & Budgeting Seminar


  • Planning Commission
    • Report


  • Unfinished Business
    • Retirement John Hancock


  • New Business
    • Set 2020 Meeting Dates
    • Hall Rental Contract
    • Ordinance Golf Carts on Sidewalks 70
    • Blight 2240 Main St


  • Correspondence:
  • Audience Recognition
  • Next Meeting 02/03/2020 @ 6:30 pm


  • Adjournment

Village of Fairgrove Council Regular Meeting

01/06/2020 @ 6:30 pm

In Attendance: Childs/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Young/ McIntosh


  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance Led by Childs
  • Motion by McIntosh to Approve the Agenda 01/06/2020 2nd by Young Motion carried 5/0
  • Motion by Young to Approve Meeting Minutes from 12/02/2019 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 5/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Childs: Congratulations to Carl Childs for his recognition for 44 years on the Fairgrove Fire Department
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • Report Provided- 5 Calls  
    • January 15th Training on the new pagers
    • January 16th Tuscola County Fire Board Meeting hosted here
    • Fire Board Bi-Annual Minutes included


  • Police- Simerson
    • Report Provided
    • Discussed including extra patrol hours to the Village of Fairgrove and getting this in motion quickly as budget talks have begun
  • DPW- Childs
    • CDL Testing is completed by Thomas
    • Sewer Alarm by Fairgrove Oil & Gas is being installed
  • Fire Fighters 501c3-Young
    • No report
    • Can Money was donated from the Village
    • MI State Status is now current
    • IRS needs attention and being worked on


  • Clerk- Smith
    • Check Register Report 12/2019 Motion by McIntosh to accept report 2nd by Young:  Roll call: Yes- Young/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried 5/0
    • Copy of December’s 2019 Chemical Bank on-line account showing balances dated 01/02/2020
    • Bills that need approval are presented- Report provided Motion by Young to pay bills provide 2nd by Stevens: Roll call: Yes- Young/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried 5/0
    • EOA Budgeting and Finance Advanced Seminar by MML Clerk would like to attend $195.00 Motion by Stevens to send the Clerk to this training 2nd by Young Motion carried 5/0
  • Planning Commission: Prusi
    • ZBA annual minutes provided
    • Next P.C. Meeting is January 20, 2020 @ 6:30
      • Begin working on 10-year master plan
    • Kay Eurich has expressed interest on being on the Planning Commission Motion by Young to appoint Eurich to the Planning Commission  2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
  • Unfinished Business
    • John Hancock- Only One person has taken steps to get their Retirement fund taken care of- Motion by Stevens to allow the Clerk to contact Retirement Agent and have them distribute the funds from the Village’s Retirement with John Hancock 2nd by McIntosh Motion carried 5/0
  • New Business
    • 2020 Meeting Calendar with the April’s meeting to be changed to Tuesday the 14th Motion by McIntosh to accept the Meeting dates 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 5/0
    • New Hall Rental Contract Motion by Stevens to implement the new detailed Hall Rental Contract 2nd by McIntosh Motion carried 5/0
    • Ordinance 70 is being tabled corrections needed and sent back to Attorney
    • Blight at 2240 Main Street Motion by McIntosh to have Tuscola Count begin the dangerous building inspection 2nd by Young motion carried 5/0
    • Tuscola County has presented their request for public impute on the 2020 Animal Control Ordinance copies were distributed
  • Correspondence
    • None
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Lockwood Bean Festival has a new amusement company with new rides and concessions secured for this years Fest
  • Motion by Stevens to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 pm 2nd by McIntosh Meeting adjourned     

Next meeting: February 3, 2020 @ 6:30

Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk                                                                                                                              Posted 01/09/2020 @ 9:00am  

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