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Council Meetings

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12/02/2019 Regular MeetingRegular
Monday, December 2, 20196:30 PM




Fairgrove Village

Regular Meeting (changed Date)

12/02/2019 @ 6:30 pm


  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of agenda for 12/02/2019
  • Approval of Meeting minutes from 11/04/2019
  • Audience Recognition


  • Department Committee Reports
  • Fire/ Fire Run Report


  • Police


  • DPW


  • Volunteer Fire Department


  • Clerk
  • Checks Detail
  • Deposit Detail
  • Bills that need approval
  • Non-payment on Fire Runs-1- local 1- Bay City
  • Set Budget Workshops
  • 10% of Major Roads money into General Fund
  • Renewal of Michigan Municipal League Membership- $663.00



  • Planning Commission
    • No Report


  • Unfinished Business


  • New Business
    • Tire Collection


  • Correspondence:
  • Audience Recognition
  • Next Meeting 01/06/2020 @ 6:30 pm


  • Adjournment




Fairgrove Village Council Regular Meeting

12/02/2019 @ 6:30 pm


In Attendance: Childs/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Nelson/ McIntosh


  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance Led by Childs
  • Motion by McIntosh to Approve the Agenda 12/02/2019 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 5/0
  • Motion by Nelson to Approve Meeting Minutes from 11/04/2019 2nd by Phelps Motion carried 5/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Ann Marie Ball- Fairgrove- Thank you Council, DPW the Town looks Great- Trees trimmed, leaf pick up- great job, Tony especially
    • Jerry Osantowski- Fairgrove- From elevator to M-138 ditch is filled with water and some homes are getting water in their basements- water covered a 300x300 pond over 10inches deep at one time- County was stopped and agreed to clean out the culvert and still have not done so- in two hours the Village could dig a ditch so some of the water could drain- Something has to be done- Childs: This matter was discussed with the Council and with the Clerk- Huge concern of liability if the Village were to dig or start doing anything- The Rail Road , the County and the Village are not taking any steps this matter is tabled- DTE Light pole has needed to be replaced and light is out- Childs this item is on the agenda- Osantowski- from Kirks to Church water comes to his house and there is up to 3 ½ inches in his driveway- Childs Noted they have been out there and they need to raise the catch basins unfortunately we are running out of time to make all the repairs needed- Baur Stated to contact Jim Miller he is the County contact to get answers


  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • Report Provided- 4 calls
    • Wednesday at 7:00 pm is the Fire Board Meeting
    • The New Truck can use a new foam that can be used on any type of fire need to order 5 pails at $111.00 each – two left over pails that are being worked on to be sold to other departments Motion by Phelps to approve the purchase of 5 pails at $111.00 each 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
    • Fire Department was asked to block Shreeves Road for the Spirit Parade they are not staffed at this time to do so they will contact the Parade persons
    • Fire Chief spoke to the responders to watch their speed and use caution through intersections
    • Fire pagers are covered under our insurance Childs suggested if in the future there is a concern over them being damage may have to institute a Fire Fighter co-pay for the pager assigned to them that has been damaged- The Department is receiving an upgrade to the charging station from the provider
  • Police- Simerson
    • No Report Provided
    • NHTSH- 2018 Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes: Overview on the website
  • DPW- Thomas
    • Picking up leaves many issues with the Leaf truck due to repairs on the equipment
    • Christmas Lights are up, but some issues are arising blown breakers
    • Chief thanked Thomas lights in Fire Hall are nice and bright
    • Nelson requested the cameras purchased for the park be placed around the Village and fire hall- Thomas will investigate this
    • Uniform Budget for Thomas Motion by Nelson to go to Kirk Supply and make outerwear purchase 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
    • Childs Storm Sewer between Fire Hall and Library will be worked on tomorrow
  • Fire Fighters 501c3-Young
    • No report
    • New Shed is in position it will be storing Fish Fry equipment and turn out gear waiting to be cleaned
    • Clerk stated shed is now insured


  • Clerk- Smith
    • Check Register Report 11/2019 Motion by McIntosh to accept report 2nd by Stevens Roll call: Yes- Nelson/ Phelps/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Childs Motion carried 5/0

Motion by Nelson to approve Check Register reports 2nd by Steven roll call: Yes: Nelson, Stevens, Phelps, Childs Motion carried 4/0

  • Copy of the Month’s Chemical Bank on-line account showing balances dated 12/02/2019
  • Bills that need approval are presented- Great Lakes LLC. Snow Plowing bill $1700.00 Motion by McIntosh to pay 2nd by Nelson roll call: Yes: Nelson, Stevens, Phelps, Childs Motion carried 4/0
  • Fire Run non-payment: 1- no contact information in order to pursue the 1521 Unionville $100.00 paid no longer pursue Motion by McIntosh to no longer pursue the Fire run as bad debt 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 5/0
  • Fire Run non-payment; Filmore in Bay City asking Nelson to file it since it is Bay County and she works there, she agreed
  • Budget Workshop Scheduled for January 7, 2020 at 6:30
  • Motion by Stevens to start taking 10% of the Major Roads from the State to be in the General Fund 2nd by Nelson roll call: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Childs motion carried 5/0
  • Childs Last week attend the Tuscola County Road Commission- TCRC has money to help fix Center Road to the east it will take two to four years down the road we would have to have it engineered at our expense Childs will continue researching this project
  • MML- Renewal of Membership Motion by Nelson to continue the Membership and have everyone start utilizing their classes they offer 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
  • Planning Commission-
    • No Report
  • Unfinished Business
    • Speed Study: Resolutions were filed with MDOT and a police sergeant reach out to Childs and gave him some useful information about possible outcomes- Motion by McIntosh to no longer pursue the Resolutions on the Speed Study 2nd by Nelson motion carried 5/0
    • Tire Collection: Council is not interested at all in The Village as a tire collection site
  • New Business
    • Something for the New Businesses in the downtown Business district: Motion by Nelson to cap an expense of $30.00 for new business to receive a welcome gift from the Village 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
  • Correspondence
    • None
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Maguire- There was an incident at the dump that was taken care of and on report if it happens again other measures will be taken
    • Electronic sign- base in place electrical order and trench dug should be up by next week
    • DTE Street lights 13 were reported and seems to be slowly if at all any work being done- Thomas will be checking on the repairs over the next few nights – DTE charged $20 per pole to attach and run Christmas lights from Childs is currently starting to prove some of the lights are metered under The Villages already and our breaker by next Spring may have to look into this and updated Christmas lights
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm




Next meeting: January 6, 2020 @ 6:30


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk                                                                                                                         Posted 12/03/2109 @ 11:30 AM

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