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Council Meetings

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10/07/2019 Regular MeetingRegular
Monday, October 7, 20196:30 PM


Fairgrove Village

Regular Meeting (changed Date)

10/07/2019 @ 6:30 pm


  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of agenda for 10/07/2019
  • Approval of Special meeting minutes from 09/10/2019
  • Audience Recognition


  • Department Committee Reports
  • Fire/ Fire Run Report


  • Police


  • DPW


  • Volunteer Fire Department


  • Clerk
  • Checks Detail
  • Deposit Detail
  • Bills that need approval
  • Audit
  • Budget adjustments
  • Sewer bill explanation


  • Treasurers’ Report
    • As of September 2019


  • Planning Commission






  • Unfinished Business
    • McLuney St
    • Sewer
      • Storm Sewer
      • Sewer Alarms
    • Sidewalks
    • Bean Festival
    • 5085 Center Street
    • Fire Runs- 2
    • John Hancock
    • Windows- estimate
    • Resolution #2019-011
    • Speed Sign Data
    • Brush Pick up October 8th


  • New Business



  • Correspondence:
  • Audience Recognition


  • Adjournment


Fairgrove Village Council Regular Meeting

10/07/2019 @ 6:30 pm


In Attendance: Childs/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Nelson

Absent: Stevens


  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance Led by Childs
  • Motion by Nelson to Approve the Agenda 10/07/2019 2nd by McIntosh Motion carried 4/0
  • Motion by Nelson to Approve Special Meeting Minutes from 09/10/2019 2nd by Phelps Motion carried 4/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Ms. Morton: Vehicles coming in from the West on Center Street around 4:00am are over the speed limit Childs: Looking at moving the sign to the other end of town it is working as a deterrent Birk: stated it is working on the East side of town Ms. Pike: Commercial trucks are going very fast when entering the Village/ wants to also know if there is an Ordinance about living in a camper trailer in the Village? Prusi: Will investigate the Ordinance
    • Ahrens Sidewalks look nice
    • Birk: Regarding Fire Run Bill 2019-17 call for ambulance ... victim fell into fire pit/ quoted Article 3 section 1 Discussion ensued regarding charging for a LZ (fire department sets up the Landing Zone and requires appx. 5 to 6 Firefighters)/ Childs offered payment plan/ Council needs to look at Fire Call by definition/ Motion by McIntosh to allow 2019-17 to make $50.00 a month payment until fire run is paid contact clerk for further discussion of payments 2nd by Nelson motion carried 4/0
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • Report Provided
    • Wednesday night going to High School for the annual bonfire
    • Helmets and Hood are here and passed out
    • September 22nd Swearing in of new fire fighters was well attended
    • National Fire prevention Month
    • Going to elementary School with Kindergarten and 2nd grades
      • A local Poster contest 1-2-3 place winners will them move on to the Tuscola County Poster contest
    • Sunday is the Fire Quarterly Meeting  
    • Breathing Air system for the Air Tanks
      • $768.75
      • $500.00 toward repairs

Motion by Phelps to sign the testing and repair bid allowing $1268.75 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 4/0

  • ingPolice- Simerson
    • Report Provided
    • Aware of the 4:00am speeding has spoken to the Resident about the issue/ Sheriff duty car does not start patrol until 6:00am
    • Golf Carts: Planning Commission has proposed an ordinance for the Council Simerson: MDOT has an application to allow carts in some instances also some other towns make their residence apply for permits Childs asked Simerson to investigate both
    • Simerson raised questions about 5085 Center: Childs gave Carpenter permission to tare down the garage due to the hazards of the structure/ Then Carpenter applied for the permits and provided proof of his insurance/ Village has asked our attorney and insurance provider about the steps already taken by the Village to enforce the Ordinance/ there is not a court order
  • DPW- Childs
    • Been very busy over the weekend with the heavy rains trying to keep and repair the storm sewer DPW spent several hours on this recent issue
    • Would like to get the remaining sewer pump stations fitted with alarms
    • Hydro Dynamics- since pumps could not keep up- will be inspecting the stations
    • Monchilov
      • Cleared roots/ new manhole w/ cover installed
      • Need to look at more camera “ing” for next year
    • Thomas is working on the Leaf Truck
    • Brush pick up is October 8th
  • Fire Fighters 501c3
    • Nothing to report


  • Clerk- Smith
    • Check Register Report 9/2019

Motion by McIntosh to approve Check Register reports 2nd by Nelson roll call: Yes: Nelson, McIntosh, Phelps, Childs Motion carried 4/0




  • Bills that need approval are for Great Lakes Land Management $1260 and the final bill for the Sidewalk project Dale Rieck $ 28,500 Motion by Nelson to make these payment to G.L.L.M and Rieck 2nd by McIntosh roll call: Yes: Nelson, McIntosh, Phelps, Childs Motion carried 4/0
  • Audit is complete and Anderson, Tuckey Bernhardt & Dornan and will be at the next meeting to go over the results
  • Budget Adjustment are provided on an attachment Motion by McIntosh to make Budget adjustments as presented to the Council 2nd by Nelson roll call: Yes: Nelson, McIntosh, Phelps, Childs Motion carried 4/0
  • Sewer Bill Explanation: Clerk began explaining what was learned at BS & A training Phelps was not happy nor did she agree with explanation of the Clerk and concluded that the bills are all messed up and once again stated she would bring up the paper work that she provided in the past
  • Treasurer
    • Report provided 09/30/2019
    • Closed out with the County
    • $78,366.61 Collected
    • $18,693.17 Delinquent taxes received form County
    • Will work with Clerk once 2018-2019 Budget audit is complete to balance the 219-2020 statements
  • Planning Commission- Prusi
    • Ordinance for pools needs to go to public Hearing and then Council
    • Motorized and Non-Motorized vehicle on road vs. sidewalk Ordinance need to go to Public Hearing and Council
    • 11/04/2019 @ 6:00 pm Public Hearing
  • Unfinished Business
    • McLuney St- Childs
      • Nichols accepted the project price storm sewer line will not be completed until next year
    • Sewer
      • Storm Sewer already mentioned
      • Sewer alarms Childs would like to purchase 2 more since the first alarm is in working order now appx. $785.00 each Motion by McIntosh to order two more Sewer alarms at appx. $785.00 each and have Thomas install them 2nd by Nelson motion carried 4/0
    • Sidewalks
      • Completed
    • Bean Festival
      • November 4th at 6:30 Council and Festival Committee will meet once again to discuss the moving forward with or not with the purchase of the Building/ Council will work on items for the next meeting
  • 5085 Center St
    • Already addressed
  • Fire Runs- Court dates
    • 1- November 6th in Lapeer Co
    • 1- November 12 in Tuscola Co asked for Fire Fighter to attend
    • 2- additional for non-payment proceed with Court filings
    • Retirement Suspension
      • Additional information was discovered and presented that once we get the retired council members off the plan the plan would be much cheaper for the village to afford/ letters to retired council members just went out October 3rd they need to roll it over to their own accounts or cash out/ will continue working o getting the additional information needed to make the changes
    • Windows- estimates
      • 1- $392.49 each x 5 = $1962.45
      • 2- $344.20 each x 5 = $1721.00 Motion by Nelson to purchase the 1st estimate and have Thomas install the them 2nd by McIntosh roll call: Yes: Nelson, McIntosh, Phelps, Childs Motion carried 4/0
    • Resolution # 2019-011
      • Missed assigning the Retirement Suspension the Number Motion by Nelson to use resolution #2019-011 2nd McIntosh roll call: Yes: Nelson, McIntosh, Phelps, Childs Motion carried 4/0
    • Speed Sign Data:
      • Data is not to user friendly and still being worked on
      • Increased speed time is between 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm
      • Moving from East side of town to West end by next meeting need to talk to MDOT 1st since M road
      • Speed sign on Facebook – movable- decommissioned- need additional information from seller- Ann Arbor MI
    • Brush pick up October 8 (Tomorrow)
      • This is not grass clippings pick up or leaves  
  • New Business
    • Fire Department received a donation of a very nice wood desk and file drawer and is looking at sprucing up the office
    • Streetlight out on Main Street
      • Thomas is working on DTE light and pole number should be complete this week
    • Halloween Hours are from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
    • Last Siren test for 2019 is Wednesday at 10 am
    • Additional discussion about the fire run billing and additional work needs to take place on updating the ordinances/ policies
  • Correspondence
    • None
  • Audience Recognition: None


Next meeting: November 4th, 2019 @ 6:30

Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk                                                                                                                         Posted 10/08/2109 @ 12:00 PM

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