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Bean Fest/ Snow Contract/ Retirement Special
Tuesday, September 10, 20196:30 PM



Fairgrove Village

Special Meeting

09/10/2019 @ 6:30 pm


  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of agenda for 08/30/2019
  • Approval of meeting minutes from 09/03/2019
  • Audience Recognition


  • Bean Festival Committee Meeting
  • Snow Contract for 2019-2020
  • Retirement Suspension



Cristi Smith- Clerk


The Village of Fairgrove will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at meetings upon one-week notice to the Village of Fairgrove. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Village of Fairgrove by writing or calling the following:

Village of Fairgrove

Cristi Smith Clerk

5005 Center St.

PO Box 227

Fairgrove, MI 48733




Posted 09/05/2019 @ 12:00 pm


Fairgrove Village Council Special Meeting

09/10/2019 @ 6:30 pm

In attendance: Nelson/Stevens/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Childs


  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance led by Childs
  • Approval of agenda for 09/10/2019
    • Motion by Stevens to approve the Agenda 09/10/2019-2nd by McIntosh Motion carried 5/0
  • Approval of meeting minutes from 09/03/2019
    • Motion by Nelson to approve the 09/03/2019 Minutes 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
  • Audience Recognition
    • Streeter: Questions about the Snow Contract a company vs. the DPW cost effectiveness Child it is on the agenda for discussion
    • Huppert: IS the DPW worker getting a CDL Childs: Yes, the official answer to this question was rendered today… Huppert has an official employee manual and can supply a copy
    • Streeter: If a formal complaint is filed is the resident that is filed against informed who filed the complaint Childs: no, it is kept confidential


  • Bean festival Present were members from the Bean Festival
    • An offer on the table is whether the Bean Festival would like to continue to lease the Building or purchase the building / the discussi0on of the actual cost to purchase the building for $1.00 was in dispute/ e-mails that were not received or acknowledged/ motion to continue communications in writing moving forward/ B.F. wants the property lines in writing and a defined property description/ there is the need to work together to get this resolved/ 99 year lease discussed/ lease raising the rent/ discussed building and the parking lot/ lot lines/ zoning/ the cost of up keep and maintenance and getting or keeping the building up to code/ If the building is purchased can the BF still use the rest of the property/ a possible 5 year lease was proposed/ The recommendation was that by November 4th the Bean Festival and the Council has in writing proposals and or options as to how to proceed with the sale, transfer or leasing of this building/ a break down of utilities included that the BF building is paying two meters (motor sports area and DPW Building) Village want the Bean Festival to continue but not at the Villages expense/ the only lease that is signed is from 2017 a copy passed around/a copy will be provided to the BF/ need to decide about lawn maintenance/ the BF has never seen some of the bills being provided today/ BF will pay DTE park bill for September if invoice is provided/ Motion by Phelps for Bean Festival to pay the DTE September bill designated for the Park 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0  / question raised if dusk ‘til dawn light needs to be left on / Public impute is that it is for safety and please leave them on


  • 2019-2020 Snow Contract
    • Proposal from Great Lakes Land Management
      • Lower rate
      • Include cost to plow all Village Sidewalks
      • Sidewalks downtown different line item then rest sidewalk plowing in Village Motion from Stevens to accept the 2019-2020 Snow removal Contract from Great Lakes Land Management 2nd from Nelson Roll call vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried 5/0


  • Resolution 2019-010 Procedure in absence of Military Council Members
    • Resolution read into record Motion by Nelson to adopt Resolution 2019-010 approving and adoption procedures regarding absence of members of public bodied due to Military duty 2nd Mcintosh roll call vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Childs motion adopted 5/0


  • Audience Recognition: None
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM




  • Next meeting October 7th, 2019 @ 6:30






Respectfully Submitted

Cristi Smith Clerk


Posted 09/16/2019 @ 11:00 AM

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