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Council Meetings

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Change of Meeting DateRegular
Tuesday, September 3, 20196:30 PM

Next meeting: September 3rd, 2019 @ 6:30




Fairgrove Village

Regular Meeting (changed Date)

09/03/2019 @ 6:30 pm


  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of agenda for 09/03/2019
  • Approval of Regular meeting minutes from 08/05/2019
  • Audience Recognition


  • Department Committee Reports
  • Fire/ Fire Run Report


  • Police


  • DPW


  • Volunteer Fire Department


  • Clerk
  • Checks Detail
  • Deposit Detail
  • Bills that need approval
  • September 12th BS&A Class
  • Treasurers’ Report
    • As of August 31, 2019


  • Planning Commission






  • Unfinished Business
    • McLuney St
    • Sewer
      • Storm Sewer
      • Sewer Alarms
    • Sidewalks
    • Bean Festival
    • 5085 Center Street
    • Noxious weeds Blight -2 properties
    • John Hancock
    • Adopt a policy for absent Military Council members
    • New Parking Lot Update
    • Snow Contract


  • New Business
    • ACH Sewer Payments
    • DPW Cell Phone
    • Un paid Fire Bills
    • Motorized vehicles on sidewalks and streets
    • Fall- Brush Pick up



  • Correspondence:
    • Wade Trim Reception
    • Kosto Village memorabilia
  • Audience Recognition


  • Adjournment











Fairgrove Village Council Regular Meeting

09/03/2019 @ 6:30 pm (changed Date)


In Attendance: Childs/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Stevens/ Nelson



  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance Led by Childs
  • Motion by Nelson to Approve the Agenda 09/03/2019 2nd by McIntosh Motion carried 5/0
  • Motion by McIntosh to Approve Meeting Minutes from 08/05/2019 2nd by Phelps Motion carried 4/0/1 Abstained Nelson
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Ms. Young: Village looks NICE! The trimmed trees along the sidewalks are great, cats and dogs are still a problem in the Village. Enjoyed being in the Parade and got lots of Hugs.
    • Ms. Stevens: Nice having the new tattoo business downtown
    • Prusi: Town does look great!
    • Ms. Prime: Park and the town look nice.
    • D. Young: Village does look nice.
    • Baur: Volunteer Fire Fighters would like to purchase a 12x24 shed for the back lot to store additional items? Childs: obtain a permit from the zoning administrator Motion by Nelson to approve the placement of Shed on Village lot 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • Report Provided
    • Helmets and Hood are here
      • September 11 meeting with the 100 Women of Vassar that donated the money to show off the items
    • September 22nd Swearing in 5 to 6 new Volunteer Fire Fighters
    • SCBA testing came out good
    • Ladder test will be September 18 with Reese to save resources
    • September is National Preparedness Month See website for more information



  • Police- Simerson (Absent)
    • No Report Provided
  • DPW- Childs
    • As noted, good job sprucing up the town
    • Still need catch basins cleaned out
      • Fred is willing to help
    • Child is asking what Council feels to still need to be addressed?
      • Paint outside the Village Hall
      • Sidewalks Edged
      • Questioned if Street Sweeper and Leaf pick-up ready to go? Yes
      • New Window for hall-5 total estimates to be obtained
  • Fire Fighters 501c3
    • Breakfast went well about the same as last year
    • They now have insurance
    • Not a 501c3 will be worked on to get this corrected with Clerk
  • Clerk- Smith
    • Check Register Report 8/2019
    • Motion by Nelson to approve presented bill to be paid 2nd by McIntosh roll call” Yes: Nelson, Stevens, McIntosh, Phelps, Childs Motion carried 5/0
    • BS&A training September 12 in Bath, MI Clerk is asking for $34.00 for a full tank of gas top attended this training Motion by McIntosh to pay Clerk $34.00 for gas for the training 2nd by Nelson motion carried 5/0
  • Treasurer
    • Report provided
  • Planning Commission- Childs
    • Moving forward on Ordinance for pools
    • Need to schedule the next meeting
    • Would like notices about pools in next newsletter
  • Unfinished Business
    • McLuney St- Childs
      • Nichols accepted the project price hope to get storm sewer line completed this fall and repave next spring
        • Monchilov could not camera this section because of roots
    • Sewer
      • By Methodist Church had Monchilov
      • Air Advantage will be paying for the repair by the library
    • Sewer Alarm
      • Currently the alarm is working off a Verizon circuit board and not giving the correct signal waiting on a new AT&T circuit board to get the alarm signal corrected
    • Sidewalks
      • Going Well
    • Bean Festival
      • Went well except for the road closures-detours
        • Inmates cleaned the park quickly and did a good job
        • Nelson relayed the parade DPW working in appropriate language incident corrective action needs to be taken
        • Workers need to wear the safety Vests
      • Childs and McAlpine were to be working together on this year’s Bean Fest items and serious lack of communication- Would like a meeting between the Council and Bean Fest Committee to discuss:
        • Past Bills- electric, bathrooms, try to get communication going, DPW workers’ wages, Banner up down
        • Invitation to June’s Meeting each year
        • Motion by Child to hold a Special September 10th at 6:30 with the Bean Festival Committee 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0


  • 5085 Center Street
    • DTE is unhooked
    • Nelson does Carpenter have Insurance & permits in place
    • Bedel has been cleaning up the property Motion by Nelson to place “No Trespassing” signs on property and call the police if anyone enters this property 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
  • Noxious Weeds-2
    • One property has been addressed
    • 5021 Armstrong has been Certified mailed notices and they have not been able to be delivered no forwarding address Motion by Nelson to proceed with the Ordinance to have the Noxious weeds cut 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
  • Retirement Suspension
    • Cost is over $905.00 a year only person effected is Treasurer Gray, would have to pay into Social Security for her instead Motion by Nelson to have clerk reach out to John Hancock by October 11th and get the retirement plan suspended for future payments 2nd by Steven motion carried roll call: Yes: Nelson, Stevens, McIntosh, Phelps, Childs motion carried 5/0
  • New Vacant lot
    • Innovative Environmental was very helpful and researched the environmental cleanup on said lot and provided documentation that established that the Village is not Liable for contamination (this is a paraphrased version of this research)
      • Wind Turbines are considering providing free crushed stone possible next year a suggestion to pave this when McLuney Street is worked on
  • Snow Contract
    • Great Lakes
    • DPW
      • We could save money by having the DPW do the job- if plow breaks what happens- use of Ford truck with blade- Thomas need to get CDL and Chauffeur license needs to be given timeline of completion
      • Asked to have town wide Sidewalks to be plowed again
  • 4 hours
  • Insurance concerns
  • Great Lakes: Spoke on their behalf and will do a new cost write up and add the cost to plow side walks Motion by Stevens to allow Great Lakes to submit a bid with a separate bid for plowing sidewalks 2nd by Nelson motion carried 5/0
  • Christmas Tree: Kirk to dig up trees middle of October and plant tree Tony will do the prep work and try to have a worker bee to finish the landscape


  • New Business
    • Bean Festival would like to use the DPW lot again for trunk or treating on October 31st Motion by McIntosh to allow the Trunk or Treating at DPW 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
    • ACH
      • Send out application for Auto Withdrawal for sewer payments Motion by Nelson to send out ACH application in the October Newsletter to see if any interest in the ACH payments 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
    • DPW Cell phone
      • No phone at DPW building any more- Sewer alarms Blue Tooth- Miss Dig Sent via text Motion by McIntosh to get best deal on a cell phone for the DPW employee 2nd by Nelson motion carried 5/0
    • Un-paid Fire Bills -2
      • Motion by Nelson to pursue legal remedies for 2 outstanding Fire Run bills 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
    • Motorized vehicles on sidewalks and streets
      • Golf carts and side-by-side are illegal on M-138
      • It is illegal to drive lawn mowers on sidewalks Motion by Nelson to send this to the Planning commission to develop an ordinance 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
    • Fall- Brush pick up
      • The cost is a wash between Kappen and DPW doing the brush pick up Motion by Nelson to contract with Kappen for Fall brush pick up and put the date in the October Newsletter 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
  • Correspondence
    • Wade trim invited Council member to their Reception at the Thursday September 26th for the MML Convention
    • Ms. Kosto: contacted the Village looking for a home for a Parish Jerseys Sign that is in her position- Some more research is going to be pursued
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Lockwood: The lower park was very difficult to cut this year d to the rain fall if the Village would investigate possible a few runs of tile it might be easier to keep cut Childs thought is to possibly plant trees in that area
  • Aherns: Consider working with Akron and their DPW because of the duplicate work and equipment and how it maybe a cost saving option- Voiced his experience with the Bean Fest Parade and how it needs to be improved upon communication wise- Should consider renting out the Pavilion at the park and how if the Pavilion from the lower park could be used more if moved to upper park- Services provided are decided on by the Council so they want to plow the Sidewalks they can plow the sidewalks
  • Adjournment motion by Nelson 2nd by Stevens –Childs 9:43 pm


Next meeting: October 7th, 2019 @ 6:30


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk

Posted 09/05/2109 @ 12:00 PM

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