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08/05/2019 Regular Meeting Regular
Monday, August 5, 20196:30 PM



Fairgrove Village

Regular Meeting

08/05/2019 @ 6:30 pm


  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of agenda for 08/05/2019
  • Approval of Regular meeting minutes from 07/01/2019
  • Audience Recognition


  • Department Committee Reports
  • Fire/ Fire Run Report


  • Police


  • DPW


  • Volunteer Fire Department


  • Clerk
  • Checks Detail
  • Deposit Detail
  • Bills that need approval
  • V/L Tax Bill
  • Treasurers’ Report
    • As of July 31, 2019


  • Planning Commission
  • Rummage Sale Sign permits
  • Pools






  • Unfinished Business
    • McLuney St
    • Sewer
      • Storm Sewer
      • Sewer Alarms
    • Solar Speed Sign
    • Sidewalks
    • Bean Festival
    • 5085 Center Street
    • Animal Control
    • August 22 6:00 to 7:30 walk-in Tax payments
    • Town Christmas Tree


  • New Business
    • Adopt a policy for absent Military Council members
    • John Hancock Reports
    • Park- lower level
    • Farmers Market


  • Correspondence
    • Fondo Bike Race August 10th
  • Audience Recognition


  • Adjournment


Fairgrove Village Council Regular Meeting

08/05/2019 @ 6:30 pm


In Attendance: Childs/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Stevens/Nelson (absent)



  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance Led by Childs
  • Motion by Stevens to Approve the Agenda 08/05/2019 with corrections 2nd by McIntosh Motion carried 4/0
  • Motion by McIntosh to Approve Meeting Minutes with corrections from 07/01/2019 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 4/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Ms. Young: Catts and dogs are still a problem in the Village/ Park weeds are very tall
    • Ms. Stevens: Downtown looks Nice with a few exceptions
    • Ms. McIntosh: When will the sidewalks be started? Childs: On agenda
    • Barb: DPW truck is nice to see around town
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • Report Provided
    • SCBA Testing is annual
      • Two bids provided
        • Lowest bid with Fire Fighters assisting in the testing
    • Waiting for the Hose testing Machine to become available to perform this annual test
    • Ladder testing which is annually has not been conducted across the County yet
    • FDCI 2020 training Young would like to send Himself 2- Captains 2- training officers August 7th opening reservations at the cost of $620 vs $695 for late reservations
      • Approximate cost is close to $7000
      • Budget has $3055 left in training
      • Enough to cover Training form this year’s budget
      • Room cost will be budgeted for 2020-2021
    • Motion by Phelps to allow the 5 Fire Fighters to attend FDCI training in 2020 and have Young Register August 7, 2019 2nd by McIntosh motion roll call” Yes: Stevens, McIntosh, Phelps, Childs Motion carried 4/0
    • MDOT passed inspection the Fire Trucks
    • Fire Department needs to provide receipts to Clerk and sign the receipt as to who approved or requested the work
    • Fire Board Minutes provided w/ corrections for 7/10/2019


  • Police- Simerson
    • Report Provided
    • Police Board Meeting 08/06/2019 Nelson to attend
  • DPW- Childs
    • Employment
      • Tony Working on the Organization of the DPW building and getting the Equipment and trucks running
      • Childs and Thomas have started cleaning the Catch basins
      • Chance Childs applied for a DPW position Motion by McIntosh for as needed DPW worker at $13.00 an hour 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 3/0 Childs abstained
  • Fire Fighters 501c3
    • Ruiz proposed using the Fire Hall and Village Hall for pancake breakfast Motion by Phelps provide they provided proof of Insurance on 09/01/2019 for a pancake breakfast 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 4/0
  • Clerk- Smith
    • Check Register Report 7/2019
    • Motion by McIntosh to approve presented bill to be paid 2nd by Stevens roll call” Yes: Stevens, McIntosh, Phelps, Childs Motion carried 4/0
    • V/L will come with a tax bill that needs to be budget for next year of around $108.00
    • FOIA’d Baseline supposedly done by prior owner to EAGL
  • Planning Commission- Childs
    • Moving forward on Ordinance for pools
    • Not Moving forward on Rummage sale signs
    • County putting on Master Plan Sessions at no cost some Planning Commission members will be in attendance
  • Unfinished Business
    • McLuney St- Childs
      • Childs, Townley & Nichols have agreed to Old Bid approx. $98,000
    • Sewer
      • By Methodist Church had Monchilov cut the tree roots and made one patch repair that covered 2 holes
      • 17 catch Basin’s cleaned of 42 and 5 are full of dirt
      • Once all Basin’s are clean a list will be given to Monchilov will finish the clean out



  • Sewer Alarm
    • Is Installed as of Saturday and needs to be sync’d with Phone
    • If system works will order the 3 approved others
  • Speed Sign
    • WORKS Nice!
  • Sidewalks
    • Promised to start this week
    • November is completion date
  • Bean Festival
    • Childs & McAlpine will begin working on a resolution
      • Possible 5-year notice to sell building if things are not worked out
    • 5085 Center Street Bids
      • Not having the attorney file, the Peace of Mind, he did however review the steps the Village took and said that they look in order
      • Insurance Company reviewed the steps the Village took and said that they look in order
      • MissDig has been ordered, DTE/ Consumers Shut off
      • Carpenter needs to complete the Permit for Demolition from the County
      • Owner has been seen at the property and trimming the brush around the property
    • Animal Control
      • Tuscola County Animal Control has made the following statement: If there is a stray dog and you can safely contain or secure the dog please call TCAC and they will come during business hours and pick up the dog. They have no room for cats. They are trying to get a grant for the Trap and Release program where they trap the cats, spade or neuter them and release them back. A request for an estimate for the Village to do that program could not be provided
    • August 22, 2019 6:00 pm to 7:30pm Tax walk in payments accepted
    • Town Christmas tree Bid for tree and landscape over $1400 just tree is $600 with a Council Member to do a work detail to do the landscape once tree planted on a Saturday
  • New Business
    • Adopt a policy for absent Military Council Member; Childs to contact the Attorney for this policy
    • John Hancock Retirement report available
      • Clerk to see the steps if any could be taken for Village to stop funding the Retirements
  • Correspondence
    • Fondo Bike Race will be allowed to use the Park and Pavilion for their Race August 10th
    • Ashtray Thankfully provided by the Fairgrove Library
    • 7 Strands of Christmas Tree lights donated by the Prusi’s
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Ms. McIntosh made mention of some lower branches at the Park
    • Childs asked about trimming up the “Hide in Pine Trees” at the Park Council would not like them trimmed up to expose the hiding places just trim along the sidewalk
  • Adjournment –Childs 7:53 pm


Next meeting: September 3rd, 2019 @ 6:30


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk

Posted 08/06/2109 @ 12:00 PM

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