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06/03/2019 Regular Meeting Regular
Monday, June 3, 20196:30 PM



Fairgrove Village

Regular Meeting

06/03/2019 @ 6:30 pm


  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of agenda for 06/03/2019
  • Approval of Special meeting minutes from 05/20/2019
  • Audience Recognition


  • Department Committee Reports
  • Fire/ Fire Run Report
    • AED
    • Equipment Bids


  • Police
    • Blight
    • 5085 Center St


  • DPW
    • Employment


  • Volunteer Fire Department


  • Clerk
  • Checks Detail
  • Deposit Detail
  • Bills that need approval


  • Planning Commission



  • Unfinished Business
    • McLuney St
    • Sewer
      • Storm Sewer
      • Sewer Alarms
    • Solar Speed Sign
    • Sidewalks
    • Bean Festival
  • New Business


  • Correspondence
  • Audience Recognition


  • Adjournment

Fairgrove Village Council Regular Meeting

06/03/2019 @ 6:30 pm


In Attendance: Childs/ McIntosh/ Phelps/ Stevens/Nelson



  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance Led by Childs
  • Motion by McIntosh to Approve the Agenda 06/03/2019 2nd by Nelson Motion carried 5/0
  • Motion by Nelson to Approve Special Meeting Minutes with one change from 05/20/2019  2nd by Phelps Motion carried 5/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Ms. Young: Who is responsible for empting the trash cans at the park? McIntosh just needs trash bags and he will continue to do them Ms. Young: Wants under the park benches either mowed or mulched Mrs. Childs stated the Mulch was just completed with wonderful help by the Goody boys.
  • Department Committee Reports
    • Fire Department- Young
    • May there were 3 runs/ Down from 8 last year
    •  Report Provided
    • Ordered Spec Kits
      • This a retro fit for the googles so F/F own glasses fit inside
      • Need Estimate for the cost from a Vision Center
      • Need repayment policy
    • Engine 11 Inspection don Frontline did not leave any Documentation
    • June 10th Fire meeting Apollo will be doing a presentation
    • If a call to structure fire is indeed an illegal burn should the Police be called?
    • Board Chief is able to make that call
    • Residents according to Ordinance 51 will be set a Fire Run Bill
    • AED- Child Pulse 3 has agreed to Donate a new AED to the Village
    • Fire Dept. Floor epoxy painting- Childs Will need to wait until next year and put on next year’s Budget if the Board approve the $14,000 apx. Expense
    • Homeland Security Conference- Young
    • 12,000 in attendance
    • FBI agents in attendance lots of interesting sessions
    • Equipment Bids
      • Red Van:
      • $126.00 Motion by Nelson to reject this only bid 2nd by Stevens Roll call vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ McIntosh/ Childs Motion Carried 5/0
      • Green Truck:
      • $3,202.00/ $126.00/ $2019.00 motion by McIntosh to accept the bid of $3,202.00 and make sure before title transfer the Village of Fairgrove is no longer visible on the truck 2nd by Nelson Roll call vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ McIntosh/ Childs Motion Carried 5/0
      • Tires:
      • $300.00 Motion by Nelson to accept the bid of $300.00 2nd by Stevens Roll call vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ McIntosh/ Childs Motion Carried 5/0
  • Police- Simerson
    • Report Provided
    • Passed State test for Salvage Title inspector
    • Blighted Grass is being handled by the Lawn Company we hired & Clerk
    • 5085 Center St.
    • Send letter to Owner to remove personal property by July 1, 2019
  • DPW- Childs
    • Employment
      • One Resume received Motion by Stevens to Interview candidate on 06/04/2019 at 5:45 pm here at Village open to the public 2nd by Nelson motion carried 5/0
  • Fire Fighters 501c3
    • No Report given
  • Clerk- Smith
    • Check Register Report 5/2019
    • Bill to Elan City duplicated Clerk will rectify
    • Bill to Mochilov duplicated Clerk will rectify
    • Bill to Great Lakes for Recent Grass Cutting and Blight cuts Motion by McIntosh to approve Check register with corrections and pay Great Lakes 2nd by Stevens  Roll call vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ McIntosh/ Childs Motion carried 5/0
  • Planning Commission- Prusi
    • Met 05/29/2019 3 members present
    • focusing on a 5 year plan
    • Streets/ Sidewalks
    • What everyone else feels needs improvements
    • Library purchase a property to add onto the Library and add a parking lot
      • Village can put McLuney Street project with this project 
    • Need to set next planning commission date an put on Web Site
  • Unfinished Business
    • McLuney St
      • Childs met with Townley
      • They contacted Nickless that gave last bid in efforts to see if 2018 Bid would still be good
      • September is soonest date to start project
      • Road would not be paved until Spring of 2020
    • Sewer
      • High School has broken pip
      • Only one pump working
      • Need to repair when school is not in session
      • Repair bill coming
      • Quote to have sewer inspected at same time from Hydrodynamics 
    • Sewer Alarm
      • Suggested to buy one alarm 1st to see if it works for Village
      • Need to set up line of Credit First
    • Speed Sign
      • Childs purchased posts from Webber Steel
      • Need to be painted before installed
    • Sidewalks
      • Contractor has contacted Miss Dig
      • Would like him to be able to park in vacant lot while work is being done
    • Bean Festival
      • Steven/ Nelson/ Childs in attendance of the Festival meeting
      • Approached again buying the building w/ additional property
      • Still need a signed lease/ Insurance
      • Contract Spelling out what Festival is responsible to pay
  • New Business
    • None
  • Correspondence
    • None
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Zandy: Inquired about the possibility of sale of Bean Festival Building Childs explained that the School was  sold to Village for $1.00 and it was be offered to Bean Festival for $1.00 first right to refuse and the cost of upkeep to Village is increasing
    • Zandy asking Value of Van that did not sell- This value is not available
    • Perry: wants to know who owns old laundromat land? Childs: John Goodchild
    • Ms. Stevens: Glad to see this Village is moving forward and the ball is finally rolling.
  • Adjournment –Childs  7:50 pm


Respectfully Submitted


Cristi Smith- Clerk

Posted 06/04/2109 @ 5:00 PM

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