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Council Meetings

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Rescheduled Special from 05/16/2019Special
Monday, May 20, 20196:00 PM



Fairgrove Village

Special Meeting

05/20/2019 @ 6:00 pm


  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of agenda for 05/20/2019
  • Approval of meeting minutes from 05/13/2019
  • Audience Recognition


  • First Right of Refusal


  • 036-021-000-2000-00
  • 036-500-400-1000-00


  • Opting “OUT” of Marihuana Ordinance #68 Correction
  • Appointment to Lagoon Board
  • General Fund Transfer for Speed Sign
  • 2nd Monchilov bill to be paid
  • First Draw for Sidewalk 2019 Project 


Cristi Smith- Clerk


The Village of Fairgrove will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at meetings upon one-week notice to the Village of Fairgrove. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Village of Fairgrove by writing or calling the following:

Village of Fairgrove

Cristi Smith Clerk

5005 Center St.

PO Box 227

Fairgrove, MI 48733




Posted 05/14/2019 @ 11:00 am


Fairgrove Village Council Special Meeting

05/20/2019 @ 6:00 pm

In attendance: Nelson/Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs Absent: McIntosh




  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance led by Childs
  • Approval of agenda for 05/20/2019
    • Motion by Nelson to approve the Agenda(with Date Change) 05/20/2019-2nd by Phelps Motion carried 4/0/1
  • Approval of meeting minutes from 05/06/2019
    • Motion by Nelson to approve the 05/06/2019 Minutes 2nd by Phelps motion carried 4/0/1
  • Audience Recognition
    • None


  • First right of Refusal     
    • 036-021-000-2000-00
      • V/L Center & Main
      • $1,503.65 & County Costs
      • Use as a parking lot/ use crushed stone that the Wind Turbines will be having to get rid of/ cost share with the Township of Fairgrove a possiblity  Motion by Nelson to purchase 036-021-000-2000-00 V/L from the Tuscola County Tax Sale for $1,503.65 and use the General Fund to create new line item 2nd by Phelps
        • Roll call Vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried 4/0/1
    • 036-500-400-1000-00
      • 4969 Poplar St.
      • $2,650.17
      • Condition of property is very poor/ not in the business of buying property that the Village will not be able to rehabilitate Motion by Childs to Refuse 036-500-400-1000-00 2nd by Stevens  
        • Roll call Vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried 4/0/1
    • Opting out of Marijuana Ordinance #
      • Clerk needs to correct the Ordinance # as presented at 05/06/2019 Meeting the number of this Ordinance should be #68  Motion by Phelps to make the Correction 2nd by Stevens
        • Roll call Vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried 4/0/1
    • Resignation and appointment to Lagoon Board
      • Steven as of 04/24/2019 resigned from the Lagoon Board
      • Request for Village Council Member to replace Stevens
      • Childs offered to sit on the Board if no other Council Member was willing Motion by Nelson to accept Stevens resignation and appoint Child to the Lagoon Board 2nd by Phelps Motion carried 4/0/1
    • Solar Speed Sing Invoice
      • $3,247.50 not enough in public safety line item Motion from Nelson to transfer the money from the General Fund
        • Roll call Vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried 4/0/1
    • Monchilov 2nd bill for Sewer repair
      • $14,815.00  Motion from Nelson to use 50% from Sewer account 50% from Roads 2nd from Stevens
        • Roll call Vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried 4/0/1
    • Sidewalk Project 2019 Rieck requesting first Draw of $10,000
      • $10,000 Motion by Stevens to pay for draw to Rieck 2nd by Phelps
        • Roll call Vote: Yes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Childs Motion carried 4/0/1

Meeting adjourned @ 6:34 pm


Next Meeting June 3th at 6:30 pm

Respectfully Submitted

Cristi Smith Clerk


Posted 05/21/2019 @10:00am

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