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04/09/2019 change of date April Meeting Regular
Tuesday, April 9, 20196:30 PM



Fairgrove Village Council Change of Date

Regular Meeting

04/09/2019 @ 6:30 pm


  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of agenda for 04/09/2019
  • Approval of meeting minutes from 03/27/2019
  • Audience Recognition
    • Christina Gold


  • Department Committee Reports
  • Fire/ Fire Run Report
    • Fire Billing Fees


  • Police
  • Blight 


  • DPW
  • Volunteer Fire Department
  • Clerk
  • Checks Detail
  • Deposit Detail
  • Checks that need approval
  • Audit
  • Title Issues
    • Liens
  • MTF Reduction
  • Trailer Tax Collection


  • Unfinished Business
    • Planning Commission Members
    • Blight Fee/ Extra Charge for two day rental
    • Sidewalk File
    • Attorney Here May 7, @ 6:30 meeting
    • Sewer Camera
  • New Business
    • Roads Fund Balance
    • Solar Speed Sign
    • Pie Auction


  • Correspondence
  • Audience Recognition


  • Adjournment





Fairgrove Village Council Regular Meeting

04/10/2019 @ 6:30 pm


In Attendance: Childs/ McIntosh/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Nelson


  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance Led by Childs
  • Motion by Nelson to Approve the Agenda 04/10/2019 2nd by McIntosh Motion carried 5/0
  • Motion by McIntosh to Approve Special Meeting Minutes from 03/27/2019 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Christina Gold Re; Fire Run Bill Did not attend
    • Flags at Park Need to be replaced/ Flags are purchased and waiting for better weather
    • Ms. Fern Young Glad Flags are up and glad to be back to helping out
    • Karen Miller was her to dispute the $5.60  finance charge for a delinquent sewer payment/ Motion by McIntosh to wave the $5.60 finance charge 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 4/1
    • Great Lakes Management was hoping to get the leaves raked by the April 12 brush pick up date
    • Question about when the Marijuana will be meeting: May 7th, 2019 at 6:00 pm  
  • Department Committee Reports


  • Fire Run Report- Baur
    • March there were 1 emergency calls 
      • No Report Provided
    • Hose for the new truck is here
    • Request for new tire for the Grass truck approx. $1750.00   Motion Nelson to allow the purchase 2nd by Phelps Roll call vote:
      • Ayes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ McIntosh/ Childs  motion carried 5/0



  • Request for 2 more sets of Turn out Gear approx. $2850.00 Motion by Nelson to Purchase the 2 new sets of turnout gear 2nd McIntosh Roll Call vote:
    • Ayes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ McIntosh/ Childs  motion carried 5/0
  • Discussion about generating increased revenue for the Fire Department by raising Run costs:
    • Home owner Insurance will not support the increase it would come out of home owners pockets


  • Police- Childs
    • Simerson has been by to pick up all the donated equipment out of the Police office
    • Blight
      • No word from the 5085 Center Blighted property Next meeting on the property is scheduled for 05/06/2019


  • DPW-Aherns
    •  Went with the Camera Crew to view the Storm sewers
    • Completed MiSS Dig requests
    • Childs stated that The Village needs to work on a 5 Year Plan
      • The State of the D.P.W.
        • Stay the same still paying Insurance on equipment $5,955/ Part Time wages $7,400/ Snow and Grass $20,000/ Tree Trimming $4000
        • Full time employee $15.00ph X 51 Weeks X 40 hours=$30,600
        • Sell equipment and piece all things our possible increase of $200,000 for equipment
        • Going in with Village of Akron that is currently without a DPW Employee/ Noe decision was made  
  • Clerk-Smith
  • Checks Detail for March 2019
  • Deposit Detail For March 2019
  • Checks that need approval:
    • See Detailed list totaling $47,339.55 McIntosh made a motion to approve the Bills presented 2nd by Stevens Roll call vote:
      • Ayes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ McIntosh/ Childs Motion carried 5/0



  • Audit is set with Anderson, Tuckey, Burhart & Doran for June 4/5/6, 2019
  • 1 titles now on file for vehicles 3 had outstanding liens reach out to lien holders one is cleared other tow have not responded
  • 12 license plates assigned to Village of Fairgrove 3 are missing please keep an eye out
  • MTF State Check will be reduced $310.15
  • Another funding opportunity to collect a Mobile home tax from Villageside motion by Nelson to begin collecting the tax 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
  • John Hancock pension fund reinvested for $2,785.71
  • Copier for Village
    • 5 year lease of $2,295 from BOSS
    • 180.00 a year maintenance agreement Motion by Nelson to lease the copier 2nd by McIntosh roll call vote:
      • Ayes: Nelson/ Stevens/ Phelps/ McIntosh/ Childs  motion carried 5/0
  • Unfinished Business
    • Planning Commission Members- Childs
      • Fred Ahrens wrote a letter of intent to be on the Planning Commission Recommendation from Childs to put Fred on the Planning Commission Motion by Nelson to make Fred Ahrens be on the Planning Commission 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 5/0
    • ZBA
  • Zoning Board of Appeals is still in need of 2 more people


  • Blight Fee for Ordinance #38 to be $150.00 Motion by McIntosh 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
  • Hall rental for 2nd day to set up prior to event fee to be $25.00 non-refundable Motion by McIntosh 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
  • Sidewalks in the Village
    • Need to spend a certain amount a year on Sidewalk repairs
    • Need to be included in 5 year plan
    • Question raised if they need to be at current width of 36 inches or Disability width of 48 inches
      • Clerk will ask MML this question
    • Nelson made the motion to send the Sidewalk for bids via newspaper and website  2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
    • As mention earlier Marijuana Discussion will continue May 7 at 6:00 with Village Attorney
    • Sewer Camera was discussed today at 6:00 pm
      • If repaving any of the roads the sewer system should looked at first
      • Motion by Stevens to pursue a resolution with Air Advantage regarding  bored through the storm Sewer with Fiber Optic Cable by  Correspondence 1st 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0


  • New Business
  • Road  Fund Balance
    • ATB&D “The Council needs to determine what level they want to maintain fund balance at before deciding how much of fund balance they want to spend.  It might be better to discuss in person to be sure we are on the same page.”


  • Solar Power Speed Sign Motion by Nelson to look at all possible companies that may compare to Elan City’s price and capabilities for this Product and Stay under $3,250 also have the clerk see if we can use roads fund to offset the cost  2nd by Stevens Motion carried 5/0


  • Pie Action for Christmas Tree
    • Clerk received a $25.00 donation for the Purchase of tree and did not know how to deposit or record this for a non-Village item
    • This became a heated topic and the motion by McIntosh was made to put the Pine Tree on the Village corner and send donor back the check with a note on how to donate 2nd by Childs roll call vote: Nelson abstained Stevens Yes Phelps No McIntosh Yes Childs Yes Motion carried 3/1/1


  • New Hire for Village part time cleaning
    • $50.00 a month motion by Nelson to offer Hailey the part-time cleaning position 2nd by Stevens motion carried 4/0/1 McIntosh abstained
  • Corespondence
    • May 2nd is National Day of Prayer
      • 12:00 pm Tuscola County Court House Lawn
      • 7:00 pm Vassar Victory Center


  • Audience Recognition:
    • Nome
  • Adjournment by Childs at 8:15 pm


Submitted by

Clerk Cristi Smith

04/10/2019 @ 2:00pm

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