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03/04/2019 Regular Meeting Regular
Monday, March 4, 20196:30 PM
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Fairgrove Village Council Regular Meeting

03/04/2019 @ 6:30 pm



In Attendance: Childs/ McIntosh/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Nelson/


  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance Led by Childs
  • Motion by Nelson to Approve the Agenda 03/04/2019 2nd by McIntosh Motion carried 5/0
  • Motion by Stevens to Approve  Meeting minutes from 02/04/2019 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0
  • Audience Recognition: None
  • Akron-Fairgrove Superintendent Diane Foster
    • Power Point Presentation (copy of file)
      • Bond Issue for May 7, 2019
      • Enrolment increase of 22% district Wide
      • List of Awards and honors
      • Looking for upgrades
        • Tech/Buses/ HVAC/ Electrical to name a few
      • 19.5 Years – other millages are almost paid over next 5 years
      • Asking for .95 mills
      • to calculate your household cost


Marijuana Public Hearing: open at 6:55 pm

            (Public in attendance and raising questions: John Ewald. Mike Harmon, Pete Wood,

Zandy Brodichuck, Lyn Cramer, Wally Prusi

            Nelson started conversation about licensing/ permits/ discussions that followed about permits-

Economic growth, when opt-in or opt- out needs to be in place, 12 months after election of

November 2018, Infrastructure issues, Zoning ordinances, Concerns for Families, vigorous discussion about Medical vs Recreational and keeping the two spate in the discussion, Can we opt- out then opt back in?, questions that need the attorneys opinion, Need for good paying jobs, Police coverage. Closed Public meeting at 7:16 pm

Stevens Motion to opt- out No Support

Phelps Motion to table until September No Support

Nelson motion to have Village attorney/ Police officer and State Regulation or Rules at next Marijuana Meeting 2nd by McIntosh Roll Call: Nelson Yes- Phelps Yes -  Stevens Yes- McIntosh Yes – Childs Yes/ No’s- None Motion Carried 5/0 Closed Session at 7:27 pm


  • Department Committee Reports


  • Fire/ Fire Run Report- Young
    • February there were 5 emergency calls 
      • Report Provided
    • Request for 8 radio batteries at $67.00 each Motion by Phelps to approve the purchase of 8 radio batteries for the Fire Department for $536.00 2nd by McIntosh Motion carried (Nelson abstained)
    • Fish Fry @ Fire Department
      • March 22 & 29 @ 4 to 8 April 12 @ 4 to 8
        • Request to Use the Board Room granted
      • Young is glad that the Budget is going to be worked on with all persons involved participating
      • April  FDIC training request to go and expenses reimbursed to Young  McIntosh made the motion to pay $215 plus 17% tax for all four nights plus parking for the FDIC training in Indianapolis 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 4/0 (Nelson abstained) 


  • Police- Childs
    • Chief is out on leave Area is still being patrolled
  • Police Committee Meeting February 13, 2019
    • Childs, Stevens and Nelson attendance
      • 2018 vs 2019 billing was 10 months vs. 12
    • Added expenses on the current contract on the table
      • Due to change in Reporting System
    • Childs is asking for a Member of Council to become a Police Committee Member and a Recommendation of Nelson Stevens made the motion to Have Nelson become the Police Committee Liaison 2nd by McIntosh  Motion carried 4/0 (Nelson could not Vote)
  • Blight Next Step
    • Continuing to work on the Blighted properties
      • Officer Mitten was e-mailed the requested addresses
      • Need to look at the possibility of court cost in next year’s blight budget


  • DPW-Aherns
    • Miss Dig markings
    • False Sewer alarms
    • DPW furnace went out  relit and still going
      • Add Volunteer Firefighter to Agenda
        • Freezer for the Fish Fry needs to be recharged Council recommended it be sent out for bids
  • Clerk-Smith
  • Checks Detail Working on getting both systems complete in order to generate reports
  • Deposit Detail Working on getting both systems complete in order to generate reports
  • Checks that need approval:
    • Question about John Deere Financial and an increase to get FD batteries ordered

Motion by Nelson to pay the bills presented by Clerk  2nd by Phelps  

Roll Call Ayes: Nelson/ Phelps/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Childs Nays: None Motion carried 5/0

  • Budget Work Shop date of Wednesday March 13, at 6:30 pm
  • Unfinished Business
    • Planning Commission Members- Childs
      • Wally Prusi wrote a letter of intent to be the Zoning Administrator Motion by Nelson to make Wally Prusi the Zoning Administrator 2nd by Phelps- Motion carried5/0
    • Past Planning Commission members willing to stay on
      • Gwen Jeffers
      • Fern Young
    • ZBA
      • Lyn Cramer

Motion by Nelson to have the named members stay on their appointed positions 2nd by McIntosh Motion carried 5/0

  • New Business
  • USDA Grant- Phelps
    • Presented Document with Grant options for the Council to consider


  • Bean festival – Childs- Seeking approval to meet with the Bean Festival
    • regarding the Bills outstanding and how to split them and get paid
    • possibly to purchase the Building- Motion by McIntosh to have Childs Start talks with the Bean Festival about outstanding bills and purchasing the Building 2nd by Stevens motion Carried 5/0
  • Retirement- John Hancock
    • Need to appoint point of contact on Retirement account- Phelps made the motion to appoint Childs and Smith to be point of contact for the John Hancock retirement account 2nd by Nelson motion carried 4/0 (Childs Abstained)
  • McLuney Street Sewer- Childs
    • Looking for what has been discussed or available from the past regarding this storm sewer
      • Various pieces of information provided no clear defined documentation provided
  • April 1st meeting- Childs cannot be in attendance will be unavailable Motion by McIntosh to change the meeting to April 9, 2019 at 6:30 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 5/0
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Nelson made mention since Superintendent Foster was in attendance what the current Bus route is? Foster explained the Route as posed to her. Motion by Nelson to make a Bus route Committee comprised of Nelson, McIntosh & Foster 2nd by McIntosh Motion carried 5/0
    • Sink hole on Slack Road need to be addressed before there is major damage to bridge
    • Childs looking to get more committees reinstated to aid in the h Village’s progress
    • Mrs. Stevens wanted an opinion form Foster about opt-in or opting –out of Marijuana No opnion either way was presented
    • Mary Alice has major concerns over pot holes on North Center- M-138
  • Adjournment by Childs at 9:17 pm


Submitted by

Clerk Cristi Smith


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