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2/04/2019 Regular MeetingRegular
Monday, February 4, 20196:30 PM




Fairgrove Village Council Special Meeting

02/04/2019 @ 6:30 pm


  • Welcome remarks
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of agenda for 02/04/2019
  • Approval of meeting minutes from 01/31/2019
  • Audience Recognition
  • Dangerous Building Hearing at 6:45 pm


  • Department Committee Reports


  • Fire/ Fire Run Report
  • Police
  • Police Committee Meeting February 13, 2019
  • Minutes from 11/01/2018
  • Blight Next Step
  • DPW
  • Lagoon
  • Clerk
  • Checks Detail
  • Deposit Detail
  • Checks that need approval


  • Unfinished Business
    • Marijuana
    • Air Advantage           
    • Inter Loan Agreement
  • Chemical Bank CD’s
    • Digital Sign
    • Planning Commission Members
    • Workman’s Comp Claim
  • New Business
  • Street Lights to LED
  • DPW Equipment
  • Insurance’s
  • Audience Recognition


  • Adjournment




Fairgrove Village Council Regular Meeting

02/04/2019 @ 6:30 pm



In Attendance: Childs/ Stevens/ Phelps/ Nelson/ McIntosh (after approval of Agenda)/Smith


  • Welcome remarks led by Childs
  • Pledge of Allegiance Led by Childs
  • Motion by Nelson with changes to date at top of agenda and the addition of Chemical Bank CD’s to Approve the Agenda 02/04/2019 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 4/0
  • Motion by Nelson to Approve Special Meeting minutes from 01/31/2019 2nd by Stevens motion carried 5/0
  • Audience Recognition: None


  • Department Committee Reports


  • Fire/ Fire Run Report- Young
    • January there were 4 emergency calls 
    • Annual Paradigm training 02/27/2019
      • Pipe Line Companies  put this on
      • Class and Meal is Free
    • Fish Fry @ Fire Department
      • March 22 & 29 @ 4 to 8
      • April 12 @ 4 to 8
      • April 19 Good Friday @12 to 8
      • The Insurance Rider for this event is being worked on
    • 300 Form is Due end of February
      • Only one injury to report


  • Dangerous Building Hearing Open at 6:45 pm
  • Roland Bedell Did not Show
  • Roland Bedell mailed Letter received by Clerk 02/04/2019
  • Childs- Read letter to Council
  • Options Discussed
  • Motion by Stevens to give Mr. Bedell until May 4, 2019 to obtain the permits necessary and must completely remove said garage at parcel #036-500-151-1250-00 and must remove all debris and must level dirt as not to leave an open hole . In addition Obtain 3 bids for the house located at parcel #036-500-151-1250-00 to have the house torn down or the cost to make the repairs to said house to make the house re-habitable according to County and Township regulations and must be submitted to the Council by May 4, 2019. If no action is taken further steps will be taken by Council 2nd by Phelps: Roll call for Vote: Ayes: Nelson/ Phelps/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Childs Nays: None Motion carried 5/0
  • Letter will be drafted by Clerk and mailed
  • Closed Dangerous Building at 6:55 pm


  • Police- Childs
    • Chief is out on leave Area is still being patrolled
  • Police Committee Meeting February 13, 2019
    • Childs and Nelson expressed interest in attending
  • Minutes from 11/01/2018 and Budget for 2019-2020
    • $9050.00
    • Discussion about the cost increase to use this service
  • Blight Next Step
    • 30 properties submitted for Blight
    • 5 to 6 left that need addressing
  • Motion by Stevens to table the Bight properties until Chief Simerson is back from leave and give a better report 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0


  • DPW-Aherns
    • Was on Vacation
    • Couple of Sewer pump checks
    • Cleaned out Cemetery of Snow Fairgrove Township needs to be Billed by Clerk 
  • Lagoon- Stevens
    • Short Meeting
    • No new bills
  • Clerk-Smith
  • Checks Detail
  • Deposit Detail
  • Checks that need approval
  • Discussion about the lack of snow removal contract only bid has been located/ Childs approved up to $400.00 for Ice or Salt for Village this will be addressed and contract drafted. MML $648 a year membership dues are late/ it includes the Legal defense Fund which allow the e-mailing to an attorney for questions that may arise/ Motion by McIntosh to pay the bills presented by Clerk  2nd by Nelson

Roll Call Ayes: Nelson/ Phelps/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Childs Nays: None Motion carried 5/0

  • Unfinished Business
    • Marijuana-Childs
      • Set Public Hearing for March 4, 2019 at 6:45 pm
    • Air Advantage            - Smith
      • Updated report on cost and April soonest available
      • Check if this will allow Fire Department to have dedicated line
    • Inter Loan Agreement- Childs
      • Need to address repayment of this Loan Agreement
      • $64,600 from Sewer Fund need to be repaid and terms set
  • Chemical Bank CD’s – Childs
    • 4 CD’s discovered: $80, 067.03 36 month/  $79,382.52 18 Month / $78,548.77 12 month/ $83,493.88 36 month
    • Resolution 2019-4 motion by Nelson to cash in CD xxx-9867 for $80,067.03 to repay the Sewer fund and set up Fund account for remainder balance until 2019-2012 Budget is worked on 2nd by Stevens Roll Call: ayes- Nelson/ Phelps/ Stevens/ McIntosh/ Childs Motion Carried 5/0
    • Motion by Nelson to roll over $83,493.88 back into the 36 month CD 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 5/0
    • Digital Sign-Childs
  • Young stated electric estimate is $10 a month
  • Childs estimate for insuring the sign is $40 to $100 a year
  • Motion by Nelson to Table Digital sign donation 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 5/0
    • Planning Commission Members- Childs
      • 2- Members Needed
      • 2- ZBA members needed
      • 1- Zoning Administrator since resignation submitted by Jessica Gehrls Motion by Phelps to accept Gehrls resignation as Zoning Administrator 2nd by Stevens- Motion carried 4/1- Nelson voted no to accept resignation
    • Workman’s Comp Claim- Childs
      • Ruiz - Claim was Denied not closed
      • Insurance practice is not to pay on claim regarding heat and lungs during fire runs
      • Claim is being re looked at by Childs


  • New Business
  • Street Lights to LED-Childs
    • Report from Medler Electric to change 3 Street light to LED
    • Look at rebates for 2019-2020 budget


  • DPW Equipment- Child/ Stevens
    • Extensive amount of DPW equipment not in use
    • Look at either using the equipment or disposing of
    • Moving one of the 4 generators to the Village Building for use


  • Insurance’s –Childs
    • Several Insurance Companies documents located no Insurance policies
    • Meeting on 02/13/2019 with one Insurance Company
  • Audience Recognition:
    • Mrs. Stevens is glad that Childs is working hard and thank you!
    • Mrs. Childs is working on the park and is interested in getting some new equipment for the park like picnic tables/ benches and basketball nets to name a few items
    • Discussion about the snow concerns about where to pile up the snow no longer on the West side of the Brown DPW Building


  • Adjournment by Childs at 8:29 pm


Submitted by

Clerk Cristi Smith

Posted 02/05/2019

@12:45 pm

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