January 14, 2025 |
Council Meetings
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Thursday, January 31, 2019 | 6:30 PM |
Council of Village of Fairgrove
The Council of Village of Fairgrove
On January 31, 2019
At 6:30 p.m.
This meeting will be held
at the Village of Fairgrove Hall
5005 W. Center St. Fairgrove
855-250-3894 (clerk)
This meeting will be for the purpose of:
General/ Accounts payable/ Payroll Software
2018-2019 Accounting practices and corrections
Safety Deposit Box from Chemical Bank
Township Digital Sign
Police Chief’s office
Meeting Dates
Fees for 2019
Kevin Cragg Return of Sewer over payment
Special Meeting Minutes
In attendance: President Childs Council Members: Stevens, Phelps, Nelson Clerk: Smith Absent: McIntosh
- Welcoming Remarks led by President Childs
- Pledge of Allegiance led by President Childs
- Approval of the Agenda dated 01/31/2019
- Approval of the Minutes dated 01/07/2019 Motion by Nelson to approve the minutes dated 01/07/2019 Second by Stevens motion carried 4/0
- General Ledger/ Accounts Payable/ Payroll: Items of concern are the QuickBooks Checking example 1. The Fire truck transfer of $64,600, Chemical Bank Online transfer report shows $64,600, ledger in QuickBooks only reflects 60,000 2. December Chemical Bank Statement after trying to reconcile could not account for several money transfers and Auto payments.
- Check book in QuickBooks is 239,0000 Chemical bank statement is 726,300 know check not cleared is $406,000 for the Fire Truck and other operating checks/payments and deposits leaving $100,000 =/- in unaccounted funds
- Tried to do the 2018 W2’s after 9 hours of on-line support and hold with QuickBooks $516.00 upgrade that was returned the upgrade to the 2015 payroll support could not be made and all W2’s had to be hand written and sent out to make the deadline.
- Nietzke & Faupel P.C. are the account Firm that worked month for the Village of Fairgrove and completed monthly reconciling until the were let go.
- They are will to recreate the April 1, 2018 to today Fiscal year the Estimate is $1000.00 Motion by Nelson by to allow Nietzke & Faupel P.C. to begin making the correction to the General Ledger beginning April 1st 2018 to Today up to $1000 2nd by Stevens
Roll call Nelson yes/ Phelps yes/ Stevens yes/ Childs yes motion carried
- Concerns were risen of the continues use of QuickBooks due to the fact the upgrade and lack of several passwords did not allow the upgrade already tried. The accounting Software Pontem that the Village at one time did use was reintroduced.
- The cost of the system is $7002.00: General Ledger/ Accounts Payable/ Payroll/ Set up/ 1-year support
- Each year’s renewal is $1167.00
- Clerk has knowledge of the product and needs no further training
Motion by Stevens to purchase the Software by Pontem for $7002.00 2nd by Nelson
Roll call: Nelson yes/ Phelps yes/ Stevens yes/ Childs yes motion carried
- Resolution 2019-3 Bank account transfer to include taking Wassa/ Stark of the safety Deposit box at Chemical Bank Childs/ Smith/ Gray onto the Safety Deposit box Motion by Phelps to make the changes 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 4/0
- Proposed Fairgrove Electric Sign
- Fairgrove Township want to purchase Electronic Sign $35,000
- Place it on Village Property
- Looking for donations
- Village would carry the insurance and pay the monthly electric bill
Nelson Motion to table this until the cost of insurance and electricity charge can be determined 2nd by Phelps Motion carried 4/0
- Police Office
- The task of cleaning out this office has begun
- Evidence has been removed
- Would like to donate to the Police department the items still in the office that they can use? Motion by Stevens to donate to the Police department the items they can use 2ns by Phelps Motion carried 4/0
- 2019 Meeting Dated need to be approved and Posted Motion by Stevens to accept Dates presented and post them 2nd by Phelps Motion carried 4/0
- 2019 Fees there are some corrections Residential rate for sewer is $56.00 Commercial is $68.00 Motion by Phelps to make the changes and post the 2019 fees 2nd by Stevens Motion carried 4/0
- Villageside Trailer Park has been sold Moore is new owner.
- Previous owner overpaid sewer bill by $56.00
Motion by Steven to reimburse Kevin Cragg the overpayment 2nd by Phelps Motion carried
- Audience Recognition:
- Cathy Childs want to take the time to say a word of gratitude for the support the council is giving through this transition.
Meeting adjourned by President Childs at 7:42 pm
Minutes presented by Clerk Smith
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