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Village of Fairgrove Fire Board 12-05-18 Fire Board
Wednesday, December 5, 20187:00 PM
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Present: Fairgrove Township, Gilford Township, Juniata Township, Village of Fairgrove, Fairgrove Fire Department

Keith Aeder (FT) made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2018 minutes.  Amanda Goss (GT) seconded.  The minutes were approved.

Chief Young presented the 2018 Fire Department Report (attached) and reviewed primary points for the board.  Items of particular interest included:  the department’s MABAS Agreement, youth education program, responsibility for the Tuscola County Poster Contest, personnel issues and training.

Chief also highlighted that the Fairgrove Volunteer Firefighters have received their 503(c)(3) status and purchased $8,200 of equipment for the department from their fundraising proceeds.

The budget for 2019 was presented and discussed. The budget has minor changes from 2018.  Chief explained the ongoing process of turnout gear and helmet replacement at the rate of 1 or 2 per year.  The department also has some minor building and grounds concerns and will address these with the Village during budget discussions.

The board discussed the status of the new Spartan fire truck- $406,452.76 and funding.  The clerk reports that a total of $383,831.69 has been received and is waiting on Juniata Township’s principle payment of $22,621.07. The truck is scheduled to be received Dec 17, 2018 and must be paid on delivery. Garett Tetil (JT) indicated that he could not commit to the Juniata Township payment for several months given the recent turnover of the board. (Payment breakdown: Fire Run Equipment Account $60,000, Nextera Donation $75,000, FT $96,947.41, GT $87,252.67, VF $64,631.61 and JT $22,621.07)

The board discussed the possibility of county level testing equipment instead of the current rental or outsourcing system that currently exists. Carl Childs (VF) provided historical perspective and indicated that at one time the county did have such equipment but the difficulty was maintaining individuals with certification to complete the testing.

Keith Aeder (FT) requested an update on the SCBA equipment grant. The clerk indicated USDA is in the final stages of discrimination and Title II determinations and should be providing a check shortly. Once the check is received by the village, the grant funds will be immediately dispersed to the board members. Funds will be divided based upon the by-section cost from purchase. Fairgrove Township, Gilford Township, and the Village of Fairgrove have paid their purchase portions in full.  Juniata Township still has 3 years remaining on their loan contract and owes $4,024.05. The clerk also discussed the ongoing obligations required by the grant. (attached)

A 3 year draft contract for fire service was presented for the board members to consider. (Current contract expires March 31, 2019)  Minor changes were discussed.  The Village raised the potential need to raise the per section cost. (Cost to be determined by village council) This increase is based on current law mandating a $2.00 increase in the minimum wage and an estimated 1000 hours of fire run hours per year.  Fairgrove Township and Gilford Township agreed with a suggested increase to $650.  Juniata Township could not commit at this time.  The Village will keep the board informed as they complete the budget process and will forward contracts as soon as possible.

The next meeting is June 5, 2019 at 7 pm.

Meeting dispersed at 8:45 PM

Submitted by H. Stark

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