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1/07/2019 Village of Fairgrove Council Meeting Regular
Monday, January 7, 20196:30 PM
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Village of Fairgrove Council Meeting DRAFT 1/7/2019 Meeting called to order at 18:32 by President Childs. All present by roll call. Visitors from public included Heidi Stark and guest, Cathy Childs, Cliff Parrish, Ann Marie Ball, Jami McIntosh, Mrs. Stevens, Fred Ahrens (DPW) and other firemen. Agenda for meeting - motion to approve agenda by Stevens and 2nd by McIntosh. All in favor 4-0 President Childs read minutes from December 3rd 2018 meeting. Motion by Stevens and 2nd by Phelps to approve minutes. President Childs read special meeting minutes from December 5 2018. Motion by Stevens and 2nd by McIntosh to approve special meeting minutes. All in favor 4-0 Public Comment: Cliff Parrish wants to know where the Police are. States vehicles are speeding up to 60 mph past his house all the time. He has placed a sign in front of his house and has at times put in the street to try to slow down the vehicles. He says he wants the police officer sitting there and writing tickets. President Childs explained how many hours police coverage is contracted for and will speak to Chief Simerson about the speeding issue. Ann Marie Ball stated that plows have pushed approx. 1ft of yard up away from the road. Wants to know if the yard will be fixed and if they can plow only the road. Phelps questioned the road right of way. Ball says she is most concerned that others may not clean up the yard and will make the town/area look bad. Others agreed. President Childs said he would contact Great Lakes. **Dangerous buildings hearing** President Childs stated that the property owner hasn’t acknowledged the letter so a hearing cannot be held at this time. There was discussion of having Chief Simerson make contact with the property owner. This would be an attempt to notify property owner and hand deliver the notice. Motion by Stevens and 2nd by Phelps to have Chief Simerson attempt to notify property owner in person. Clerk position: Copies of cover letter and resume given to council members. Had one applicant Cristi Smith. Per Chief Simerson she passed a background check. Phelps asked if she was a notary and Smith stated no but is willing to become one. Stevens asked for references and Smith stated we didn’t request them but we could contact Ray Rendon-Indianfields Twp Supervisor, Chief Simerson or Chief Young. Childs asked if she knows the difference of how a Township and Village are ran. Smith stated she is familiar but there are lots of books and will be reading up on that. Smith asked how many hours to start with. Will most likely need more hours in beginning but can change as needed to get the job done. Willing to be flexible. Smith asked about wages. No budget was assessable to the council but was told in previous meetings by Clerk Stark that the council was currently paying Stark $13/hr. Council discussed wages and decided $14.00 per hour with hours being 8hrs per week and up to 12hrs if needed and approved by Village President. Motion to hire and appoint Cristi Smith as Clerk and office manager at $14 per hour by Stevens and 2nd by McIntosh. Roll call vote: McIntosh-yes Stevens-yes Nelson-yes Phelps-yes Childs-yes. All in favor 5-0 President Childs will swear Cristi Smith in after meeting. Cristi will continue taking minutes as newly appointed Clerk. Submitted by Kristin Nelson A. Department/ Committee Reports: • Fire o Report Provided o Recommendations by Young:  Captain 1 Brandon Hall  Captain 2 Pete Wood  Training officer Gabe Ruiz  Training officer Nick Maguire  This will take place April 1st Question by Stevens: if a run is canceled mid route is the Village paid/ Young: for one hour Childs: New Engine is here/ Childs spoke to all Townships to make this happen Young: there was training and more training and equipment will need to be in place before the New Engine will be in use/ possible 3 to 4 weeks Childs: Attended the Fire Board meeting • $8,200 in fundraising fund approx. raised • Discussed Juniata owes $22,261.07 • Needs Contract Price for other Townships for next three contract • Was $625.00 a section • Estimate an increase of about $50.00 o Insurance/ New Engine/ Repairs • Contracts End March 31, Stevens made a motion to hold off until 2019-2020 budget has been reviewed Phelps 2nd the motion motioned carried 5/0 Resolution 2019-1 Fairgrove Village Council desires to borrow funds to pay portion of the purchase price for A NEW FIRE DEPARTMENT PUMPER TRUCK Gilford Township agreed to lend Village of Fairgrove $11,300 at 3.5% for 10 years Fairgrove Township agreed to lend Village of Fairgrove $11,300 at 3.5% for 10 years Roll call vote: Ayes- Childs/ McIntosh/ Stevens/ Nelson/ Phelps Nay: None Abstain: None Motioned carried 5/0 Childs: How to proceed with nonpayment of Fire truck from Juniata/ Motion from McIntosh to allow Childs to negotiate on Fairgrove Village behalf with Juniata for nonpayment of their portion of the fire truck 2nd Stevens motion carried 5/0 SCBA Report: • Stark attended meeting several items are need yearly to keep this equipment o Self-Check list o Title 2 requirement o Contact Melissa at USDA for more information B. DPW • Verbal Report by Ahrens o Dangerous Buildings are both marked off for avoidance o Christmas decorations are down o No oil changes are done yet/ Nelson; $70 to $75 an oil change plus material estimate from Cary Butterfield o Has been working on information for the insurance company o The pumps ran 120 hours in 3 days o Need to looking to the hydrodynamics notification system C. Clerk • Remove the following names from the Check book • Add the following manes to the check book • Credit Card closed by Stark o Used for the Grasshopper system Resolution 2019-2: The Village of Fairgrove Council of Trustees approves access and authority for the following individuals Carl Childs, Village President/ Cristi L. Smith, Village Clerk/ Bonnie Gray, Treasurer Childs: Lagoon agreement signed and sent out Childs: Appointing Phelps to president proteim in his absence/ motion by Stevens 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0 • Discussion about the bills presented Unfinished business: • Fiber optics raised questions about Air Advantage and information about using them moving forward since the optics were ran into the building • Marijuana options to opt in or are were provide by the Village attorney/ discussion took place Stevens made the motion to hold a public hearing at the February Regular Meeting starting at 6:45 pm and have Smith post the public hearing 2nd by Nelson Motion carried 5/0 • Insurance Quote was requested locally and details were supplied by Childs, Stark and Ahrens • Childs has had good success with the current Fairgrove Township attorney seeking approval from the Council Members to keep working with them for the time being/ There are other attorneys but needs to specialize in Village law/ Nelson contacted 3 others locally and they are not looking to do Village law/ Discussion closed Childs will continue with current attorney New Business: • Gabe Ruiz on December 31, 2016 suffered a heart episode during a run o Workman’s Compensation claim files never completed o Ruiz has a $22,000 outstanding bill o Needs to be investigated by Village D. Finances • Bills paid By Stark need to be approved for signatures • New bills also presented for review • Snow Removal contract needs reviewing Motion by Stevens to pay bills presented 2nd by McIntosh motion carried 5/0 Public comment: Stevens: Childs is doing great job as President, Thanks to Stark for staying on to help after to get things turned over. Hearing no others meeting Adjourned at 8:53 pm Respectfully submitted Crist Smith Fairgrove Village Clerk

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