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Public Hearing 6/6/2016Public Hearing
Monday, June 6, 20167:15 PM

Public Hearing Agenda

Only item... Approve Ordinance Changes for Ordinance 27 and 28


Fairgrove Village Council Minutes

Public Hearing Meeting

June 6, 2016




A public ordinance hearing was called at 7:15 p.m. by President Wassa to pass changes to Ordinance 27 and Ordinance 28 for the Village of Fairgrove.



PRESENT:  T. Wassa, B. Phelps, D. Maguire


PUBLIC:  Fern Young, Walli Prusi and several others that did not sign in.


President Wassa summarized the changes to the zoning ordinance and read the changes to the two ordinances.


President Wassa explained that the with the exception of the deletion of debt and school rates –(obsolete) and change in the lien reporting date to correspond with Tuscola County reporting requirements, all additional changes to Ordinance 27 had been approved by resolution in 1993. This action correctly amends the ordinance to reflex the changes.


President Wassa explained the changes to Ordinance 28 allows the village board to reset sewer rates as required to meet the needs of the village.  


President Wassa then requested public comment. 


A discussion ensued regarding how various municipal services in other areas of the state were managed.  The audience concluded that the changes were reasonable and allowing the board to set rates as needed without requiring an ordinance change was acceptable. 


B. Phelps recommended approval of the ordinance changes.  D. Maguire seconded.


Roll Call Vote:

B. Phelps         Aye

T. Wassa         Aye

D. Maguire      Aye


No additional business was raised. President Wassa closed the Public Hearing at 7:29




Minutes Approved _______________.


Heidi Stark

Fairgrove Village Clerk



Atch: Ordinance Changes 27 and 28

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