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Council Meetings

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Regular 8/1/2016Regular
Monday, August 1, 20167:00 PM



Aug 1, 2016 – 7:00pm


  1. ROLL CALL – Wassa, Maguire, B. Phelps, C. Phelps
    • Regular Council Meeting – July 13, 2016



  • Fire
    • Fire Run Report
  • Clerk’s Items


    • Library- 2 handicap parking slots
    • Sewer Lift Stations -generator
    • Fire Hall repair and fan.
    • Repair of lights in Park
    • DPW 6 month review
    • Land Sale progress


    • "slow, children at play" signs? Mcluney street
    • Ball Field Approval for Bean Fest Committee


    • Approve transaction list for July




August 1, 2016


PRESENT: T. Wassa, D. Maguire, B. Phelps, C. Phelps


Visitors included:

Fred Ahrens

Pat Gibbard

Debanina Seaton

Linal Baur

Kara OBerry

Kim Zimmer

And others that did not sign in.


Council meeting was called to order at 7 PM.


  • August Agenda.  Change to agenda-speed limit sign for Circle Drive. Motion to accept agenda with change made by D. Maguire.  Second by B. Phelps. All in favor (4-0), motion carried.
  • Council Meeting Minutes- July 11, 2016.  Councilwoman Phelps wished to elaborate on the audience recognition discussion of the weeds around the Bean Building. Weeds in the building flowerbeds need to be addressed. A suggestion was made to address the issue to neighborhood watch or to find someone to hire to complete landscaping maintenance. Linal Baur of the Bean Festival Committee indicated the weeds around the building were not objectionable and did not need specific attention.

B Phelps moved to approve the minutes with the additional comment. C. Phelps seconded the motion and the minutes were approved 4-0.



  • The audience asked general questions regarding the recent vandalism of lights in the park.
  • A member of the audience mentioned that the double arrow sign on East Street needed to be replaced.  He will address the issue with the clerk after the meeting.
  • Pat Gibbard requested approval from the Board to use the trophy he provided for the Spirit of Fairgrove Holiday display winner.   
  • Kim Zimmer raised a number of concerns regarding her property at 2032 N. Main St. President Wassa directed her to make a written complaint with the Clerk’s office for the blight and fence issues.  The Board advises that the board has no jurisdiction over the right-of-way.
  • Zandy Borodychuk advises that he has contracted a dumpster to be delivered on August 9th and put on the parking spot in front of his property on Main Street.  The dumpster will be there no longer than a week.




  • Fire – The FD responded to 8 emergency calls in July. Runs included XXXXXX
    • The Chief reports that Engine 1 is going in for service.  The recent pump test was good. 
    • Tanker service is complete
    • A pair of boots were ordered to replace the ones previously damaged (Firefighter injury). The boots sent by the company did not fit and were passed to another in the department that could use them. A new set of boots were ordered.
    • The department is ordering “clean” pieces for the helmet face masks.
    • The volunteer fund is purchasing new gear racks for the department.
    • The Chief requests the use of the Fire Hall across Labor Day weekend for a Labor Day weekend Pancake Breakfast. Motion to approve made by D. Maguire and seconded by C. Phelps. Motion passed 4-0.
    • The Chief also asked to sell donuts from the Fire Hall on Labor Day Monday.  Motion to approve made by D. Maguire and seconded by C. Phelps. Motion passed 4-0.
    • The Fire Department continues to work on their bylaws for the support organization.
    • The Chief reports Tuscola County‘s Night Out will be held on August 4th from 4PM-7PM.
    • The Board has received an estimate from Alma Tire for tires for the Fire Engine in the amount of $1133. B. Phelps moved to accept the estimate and replace the tires. D. Maguire seconded the motion. The roll call vote was in favor. 4-0.


B. Phelps - Aye

C. Phelps – Aye

D. Maguire – Aye

T. Wassa -Aye


    • The clerk has no correspondence to report.





  • The library has looked at potential locations for their requested handicap spot and have reported that they do not have the room to add an additional spot. They agree if space is found they will pay for the installation.
  • The village continues to wait for a quotation on the installation costs from Consumer’s Energy for the generators at the sewer lift stations.  G&G Electric is working with Consumer’s Energy to ensure the project moves smoothly.
  • G&G have completed the installation of electrical outlets requested by the Fire Department. A new motor has been ordered to repair the exhaust system.
  • An estimate to repair the broken housings damaged by Vandalism has been received from G&G Electric.  The cost to replace the inoperable lights with LED fixtures is estimated at $2300. D. Maguire moved to accept the estimate and have the lights repaired. C. Phelps seconded and the motion was passed with a roll call vote 4-0.

B. Phelps - Aye

C. Phelps – Aye

D. Maguire – Aye

T. Wassa –Aye

  • The DPW review will be tabled until October.
  • The board has directed the clerk to begin advertising to sell the village property near the railroad tracks.






  • A request was made to put a “Slow Children at Play” sign on McLuney St.  The road is speed limited to 25 MPH. The board takes no action on adding new signage.
  • The Bean Festival Committee have requested to use the Village Ball Field for an event. B. Phelps moved that the Festival committee be authorized to use the field. D. Maguire seconded and the motion was passed 4-0.  
  • The Fire Department reports a state-wide siren Test on Wednesday.
  • The missing Circle Drive Speed Limit sign needs to be installed. Fred Ahrens has volunteered to install it. D. Maguire moves to authorize Fred to install the sign. B. Phelps seconded and the vote was passed 4-0.  The clerk will contact MSS-DIG in preparation.
  • It has been reported that there is brush in the park.
  • A number of DPW chores have emerged that require attention. They include:
    • Brush in the park - The Fire Department has volunteered to collect it. The clerk should call when the department is needed.
    • Bean Festival Banners and American flags need to be put up. – Fred Ahrens and Linal Baur have volunteered to install.
    • Painting Curbs – T. Wassa and B. Phelps will address the issue. (NOTE: Zandy Borodychuk had volunteered to clean and paint the curbs before Labor Day)
    • Handicap lines –T. Wassa will evaluate to see what needs to be painted.







  • Motion to approve July disbursements totaling $ 13643.46 made by D. Maguire, Seconded by B. Phelps. (Attached). The motion was approved.


B. Phelps - Aye

C. Phelps – Aye

D. Maguire – Aye

T. Wassa - Aye


Meeting adjourned at 7:52 PM.




Respectfully Submitted,                                                        


Heidi Stark

Fairgrove Village Clerk

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