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Council Meetings

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Regular 5/2/2016Regular
Monday, May 2, 20167:00 PM

May 2, 2016 – 7:00pm

1. ROLL CALL – Wassa, Maguire, B. Phelps, C. Phelps

  •  Regular Council Meeting – April 4, 2015

 Fire

  • o Fire Run Report

 Clerk’s Items

  • o Grant Seminar Report


  •  Brush pick-up
  •  Snow Plow Bids


  •  Library Handicapped Parking Space
  •  Foreclosed properties- first refusal


  •  FD Report
  •  Approve transaction list for April




May 2, 2016


PRESENT: T. Wassa, C. Phelps, D. Maguire. B. Phelps


Visitors included: Fern Young, Gordon Freeman, Rebecca Goudie (McClenahan), Steve Young, Todd Rievert, Penny Parkin and several others that did not sign in.


Council meeting was called to order at 7 PM.


  • May Agenda.  Motion to accept, D. Maguire. Second, B. Phelps. All in favor, motion carried.
  • Council Meeting Minutes- April 4, 2016. Motion to approve B. Phelps. Second, C. Phelps. All in favor, motion carried.



  • The audience inquired about leaf pick up given the Village of Akron is having theirs on May 9th.  The board responded that the Village of Akron has agreed to complete our leaf pick up in exchange for the use of Fairgrove Village’s leaf system. The Clerk will contact Akron’s clerk to set the day.
  • A question was raised regarding DTE and smart meters.  The board confirmed that copies of the Village’s privacy ordinance was sent to both DTE and Consumer’s Power to ensure those companies were informed of the village restrictions on monitoring. 


  • Fire – The FD responded to 1 emergency fire call in April. The run was a mutual aid run to combat a grass field fire.
    • The chief reported the State of Michigan has updated their reporting system and it requires a newer operating system than currently installed on their computer (Windows XP).  Windows 10 will not load on the current system.  B. Phelps moved to spend up to $400 to purchase a new computer for the Fire Department. C. Phelps seconded. The role call vote was in favor.


D. Maguire -Aye

C. Phelps -Aye

B. Phelps - Aye

T. Wassa -Aye.


The president will investigate computer prices and authorized discounts. The clerk will ensure the Fire Department has suitable back up capabilities for the existing system.


  • The Fire Department has requested permission to address the drain seal issues within the fire house. They agree to provide the labor for the maintenance. 
  • The Chief requested the village consider electrical repair and capability improvements of the electrical system in the fire hall.  The clerk will get an estimate of the job scope.
  • The Chief also remarked the exhaust system in the fire hall needs repair. The clerk will request the electrician evaluate before contacting heating and cooling. 
  • Recent training on the Jaws of Life was both timely and useful as the department completed training last week and the Jaws were used on May 1st.
  • The department completed a training and survey of the local high school on May 2nd.  They will complete a site plan of the Pigeon co-op on May 9th and will schedule review of the Star of the West sites (Gilford Rd/ Vassar Rd.) in the near future.
  • An upcoming LEPC Meeting will conduct a Damage Assessment class. The Fire Department will send several members. This training allows the FD to conduct damage assessments after major disasters for reporting to state and federal agencies like FEMA.
  • The Fire Department is seeking sources to assist in replacing the Village emergency siren. The chief will keep the board apprised of any developments.
  • The Chief provided a report on the recent FDIC conference he attended and explained the certifications he acquired while there. The courses he attended revolved around the volunteer fire departments.  He suggested that attending the conference would be advantageous for the training officers in the future.
  • The Chief explained the new Smart 911 system and provided data on how to enroll. Copies of the information was made available and also can be found on
  • The Fire Department booster club will have their second annual hanging basket flower sale on Saturday May 7th at starting at 9 AM.


    • The clerk reported receiving an informational hand out regarding information on windmills in Tuscola County. The material was made available to the public.
    • The clerk provided a report on the grant seminar held by Senator Mike Green on April 18th, 9:00-11:00. The material collected is available to the board.  




  • It is time to schedule the annual spring brush pick-up. B. Phelps moved to authorize the clerk to schedule the service.  D. Maguire seconded the motion.  
  • The board discussed the bids for village snow plowing for next snow season.  C. Phelps moved to accept the bid from Rievert Farms. B. Phelps seconded the motion. The role call vote was in favor.


D. Maguire -Aye

C. Phelps -Aye

B. Phelps - Aye

T. Wassa -Aye.





  • The library has requested the board approve changing a second parking spot in front of the library to handicapped. (Currently 1 of 4 is handicapped).  The board discussed the request and associated costs.  The request was tabled to the next board meeting to investigate the associated costs to the village.
  • The County Treasurer has sent a “Right of First Refusal” to the board for a foreclosed property in the village.  The board has no interest in the property.



  • Motion to approve April disbursements totaling $ 11531.68  made by B. Phelps, Seconded by C. Phelps. (Attached). The motion was approved.


T. Wassa -Aye.

D. Maguire -Aye

C. Phelps -Aye

B. Phelps - Aye


Meeting adjourned at 8:06 PM. Motion made by D. Maguire, Seconded by C. Phelps. Carried.



Respectfully Submitted,                                                        


Heidi Stark

Fairgrove Village Clerk

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