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Public Hearing 12/7/2015Public Hearing
Monday, December 7, 20157:15 PM



Zoning Ordinance Amendment

Residential Professional District


The Fairgrove Village Council will consider an amendment to the Village Zoning Ordinance to add a Residential Professional District at a special hearing, 7:15 PM, December 7th, 2015 at the Village of Fairgrove town hall.


The creation of the R4 Residential Professional District will permit businesses offering limited volume, professional services to operate in a previously restricted residential zone.


Residents are encouraged to summit comments and concerns at the special hearing or in writing to the clerk. A full and complete copy of the R4 Residential Professional District amendment can be obtained by contacting the Village Clerk’s Office, 5005 Center St. Fairgrove MI, 48733.  989.693.6572


Heidi Stark

Village Clerk


Fairgrove Village Council Minutes

Public Hearing Meeting

December 7, 2015




A public ordinance hearing was called at 7:20 p.m. by President Wassa to pass the R-1 Residential Professional District addition to the Zoning Ordinance.



PRESENT:  T. Wassa, B. Phelps, C. Phelps, D. Maguire


PUBLIC:  Several present that did not sign in.


President Wassa summarized the district addition and provided an explanation of the Zone provisions.  He then read the proposed change in its entirety (attached).


The board requested information about the development process of the zone addition. President Wassa related that the requested addition had been approved by the planning commission and the Village lawyer had considered and approved the language.


President Wassa then asked for audience comment and discussion. The question was raised if there had been any feedback received by the Village.  The clerk responded that no comments or questions had been received by the village office. There was no additional discussion, questions or comments.    


B. Phelps recommended approval of the ordinance.  C Phelps seconded.


Roll Call Vote:

C Phelps         Aye

B. Phelps         Aye

T. Wassa         Aye

D. Maguire      Aye


No additional business was raised. President Wassa closed the public Hearing at 7:32




Minutes Approved _______________.


Heidi Stark

Fairgrove Village Clerk



Atch: R-1 Residential Professional District.

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