October 06, 2024 |
Council Meetings
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015 | 7:00 PM |
Meeting #3 of the Planning Commision
The commision will continue work on updating the Village Master Plan.
Planning Commission -Sep 15, 2015
Please note this meeting has been moved from September 14th.
Village of Fairgrove
Planning Commission Meeting
September 15, 2015 – 7:00pm
Committee Members Present: Carl Childs, Fern Young, Thomas Wassa, Tina Wassa
Tom submitted the Professional Residential District (R2) to the attorney for review. We are still waiting for the attorney to reply.
Once Tom updates the map in the revised Master Plan for the Village, he will email/send a copy to all of the members for their review.
Tom made a motion that once the revised Master Plan for the Village is agreed upon, it will be presented to the Village Counsel for approval. The Village will then take the appropriate steps (Public Notice/Hearing/etc.) to proceed with updating the Master Plan for the Village. Fern seconded. Motion carried.
Carl suggested reviewing the Zoning Ordinances for the Village and see if there are any necessary changes and/or additions that need to be made. All members agreed, and recommendations/changes/etc. will be discussed at the next Planning Meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.
Planning Meeting Schedule: November 9, 2015
Respectively Submitted,
Tina Wassa
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