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Planning Commission 5/11/2015Planning
Monday, May 11, 20157:00 PM

The VIllage of Fairgrove Planning Board will hold a working meeting to continue to to review the Master plan for the village.


Village of Fairgrove

Planning Commission Meeting

May 11, 2015 – 7:00pm


Committee Members Present:  Carl Childs, Tom Wassa, Tina Wassa


Tina read the April 13, 2015, meeting minutes.  Meeting minute’s amendment, Fern Young’s first name was corrected from Vern to Fern.  Motion by Tom to approve the minutes as amended.  Seconded by Carl.  Motion Passed.


Members continued to review the Master Plan of the Village, starting with Section 6 (General Land Use).  Discussion followed.


It was decided that two (2) of the Residential Districts needed to be changed; the Low Density Residential changed to Multiple Family Residential (RM) and to eliminate the Medium Density Residential District.


A lengthy discussion regarding the zoning/rezoning of the Central Business District (CBD) took place.  Tom will contact other small communities and inquire about their CBD, as well as contact the Michigan Municipal League, and report back to us at the next meeting.


Members agreed that there would be no changes to the Commercial – Industrial (C-I) Section.


Members agreed to eliminate the Parks and Recreation Section.  Tom stated that a frisbee golf park is in the works.  Completion and funding is TBD.


Members agreed to eliminate the Agricultural/Transitional Area Section; however the language will be kept for the Planning Map.


Changes to the Land Use Map was discussed.  It was recommended that the area to the rear of Leathems be changed to Single Family Residential (R1).  This area would include the property west of the rear of the building (between Poplar and Center Streets).  The other change will be the redistricting of Center and Main Streets to the Professional Residential District (R2).


During the discussion of the Action Plan Section, it was discussed whether or not the statue was current (subsection B, “Acceptance and Use of the Plan by the Village Counsel”).  Discussion followed.


Tom volunteered to make all the agreed upon changes/additions/deletions to the Land Use Plan and present them at the next Planning Meeting.


Planning Meeting Schedule:      September 14, 2015

                                                            November 9, 2015


Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm. 


Respectively Submitted,

Tina Wassa


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