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Council Meetings

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Regular 4/6/2015Regular
Monday, April 6, 20157:00 AM



April 6, 2015 – 7:00pm                                                                 

  •  ROLL CALL – Wassa, Gehrls, Maguire, B. Phelps, C. Phelps


    • Regular Council Meeting – March 3, 2015
    • Special Ordinance Meeting –March 3, 2015
    • Special Budget Meeting – March 3, 2015
    • Special Budget Meeting – March 23, 2015
    • Fire
      • Report
    • Department of Public Works
      • Report
      • Energy Efficiency Program
    • Clerk’s Items
      • INFO: AT&T business plan
      • INFO: Consumer’s 2014 -Energy Performance Timeline
      • INFO: 13th Annual Tuscola Stars B-Fast Apr 23rd
      •  INFO: UofM Ethics report suggesting increased Ethics Policies.
      • Action: Thumb Narcotics Unit
      •  Action: Quickbooks Program Update
      •  Action: Poster Compliance -Renewal of Program
      • Action: FOIA Policy 
    •  Mss Dig requirement –membership application ready for signature
    •  Insurance Policy- Bamberger
      •  Acceptance of Terrorist coverage
    • Driveway Repair
    • Transaction list for March
    • Approve Disbursements


April 6, 2015

PRESENT:  T. Wassa, B. Phelps, J. Gehrls C. Phelps,

EMPLOYEES:  D. Englehart, H. Stark

Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Wassa.

  • March Agenda:  Motion to approve, J. Gehrls. Second, C Phelps. All in favor, motion carried.
  • Council Meeting Minutes- 3 Mar 2015: Motion to approve J. Gehrls. Second, C Phelps All in favor, motion carried.
  • Special Meeting Minutes- 3 Mar 2015: Motion to approve J. Gehrls. Second, C Phelps All in favor, motion carried.
  • Special Budget Meeting- 3 Mar 2015: Motion to approve J. Gehrls. Second, C Phelps All in favor, motion carried.
  • Special Budget Meeting- 23 Mar 2015: Motion to approve J. Gehrls. Second, C Phelps All in favor, motion carried.


  • Audience member requested permission to decorate the town for the fall football and volleyball season to show support for the school. The board had no objections at this time regarding decorating village property.


  • Fire – D. Young reported 4 assists to Caro FG, a downed wire and a grass fire for March.
    • Grass fire/burning permits are free and can be requested from the fire station.   
    • 3 Firefighters are awaiting their state exams for certification
    • D. Young is attending the FDC International Conference in Indianapolis April 20-25, 2015.  Young requests reimbursement of the conference fee of $560. Motion to approve, B. Phelps, Second J. Gehrls. All in favor, motion carried.
    • Hotel Fee for the conference is $170 per night, 5 nights and 17% hotel charge. Motion to approve payment for the room. Motion by B. Phelps, Second J. Gehrls. All in favor, motion carried.
    • Travis Cragg attended the Ag safety class.  Report: the training was very good. Excellent training.
    • D. Young reported his completion of the Pipeline Emergency Response and Awareness of Excavator Operation training and completion of the National Traffic Incident Management Responder Trainer program.
    • The FD Fish Frys were well received and served ~700 people over the three events.
    • D. Young discussed the poster he created to raise firefighter cost awareness. To outfit and start a new firefighter costs ~11K$ before any training.
    • The FD is having Fred shampoo the hall carpet after the fish fry.
  • DPW
    • Lights for the hall will be installed during the next two weeks
      • The hall qualifies for a $361 rebate for the lights
    • Village clock: B. Phelps made a motion to sell the village clock for at least $300. Seconded by J. Gehrls.  T Wassa volunteered to oversee and manage the sale process.  All in favor, motion carried.
    • The council determined Don should remove the clock mount and salvage landscaping bricks if possible.  Motion by B. Phelps, Second J. Gehrls. All in favor, motion carried.


  • The clerk consolidated the village phone lines into the AT&T business plan. The plan saves the village $47 per month.  
  • The clerk presented information on the Consumer’s 2014 -Energy Performance Timeline and will investigate additional ways to find efficiencies in gas usage.
  • Members of the village were invited to the 13th Annual Tuscola Stars B-Fast Apr 23rd
  • The clerk presented a UofM Ethics report suggesting local governments investigate increased Ethics Policies.
  • The Thumb Narcotics Unit requested funding for the 2015 calendar year- Board not in favor.
  • The Quickbooks Financial Program requires an update to continue operating.  The clerk requests a renewal of the program for $229.95.  Motion by B. Phelps, Second J. Gehrls. All in favor, motion carried.
  • The clerk requests a renewal of the Poster Compliance program.  Motion by B. Phelps, Second J. Gehrls. All in favor, motion carried. 
  • FOIA Policy presented by clerk for board consideration. Motion by B. Phelps, Second J. Gehrls. All in favor, motion carried.
  • The clerk completed the 2015 Michigan Public Policy Survey by UofM /MML

Unfinished Business

            The clerk presented on the additional information requested by the council regarding requirements to be part of MSS Dig. The village must become a member.


  • The village insurance policy with Bamberger insurance has been renewed.  There will be a few minor adjustments for items not meeting the deadline.
  • Bamberger Insurance noted the village did not accept the Terrorist Coverage protection. The council directed the clerk to investigate further and tabled the discussion to next month. 
  • Driveway repair- J. Gehrls will investigate the cost for a village/owner split on the stormdrain/ driveway repair.



Motion to approve March disbursements totaling $51.079.68 made by B. Phelps, Second by J. Gehrls. All in Favor, Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m. Motion made by D. Maguire, Seconded by C. Phelps. All in Favor, Motion carried.


Respectfully Submitted,                                                    

Heidi Stark

Fairgrove Village Clerk

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