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Council Meetings

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Regular 08-04-14Regular
Monday, August 4, 20147:00 PM
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August 4, 2014


PRESENT:  T. Wassa, J. Gehrls, T. Humpert, D. Maguire, C. Phelps, J. VanHove

ABSENT:  B. Phelps and D. Young

EMPLOYEES:  M. Couture, D. Donelow

Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Wassa.

Humpert/Maguire motioned to approve the minutes from the July 7, 2014 council meeting; all in favor, motion carried.

Humpert/Gehrls motioned to approve August agenda; all in favor, motion carried.

Humpert/Gehrls motioned to approve the minutes from the July 14, 2014 special meeting; all in favor, motion carried.

Gehrls/C.Phelps motioned to approve the March 27, 2014 budget amendment minutes; all in favor, motion carried.


F. Young questioned status of sidewalk repair on corner of Fairgrove Twp. Building.  Resident stated that it should be done before Labor Day so no one would get hurt. 

Humpert/Maguire motioned for D. Englehart to get estimates for repairs to all sidewalks; all in favor, motion carried. 


Fire – S. Maguire discussed 8 fire runs in July, with 4 being mutual aid to other departments. 

Humpert/D. Maguire motioned to approve the use of J. Retlewski’s DOT Medical Card in lieu of getting a physical and sending T. Moore for his physical.

DPW – D. Englehart put up two new Welcome to Fairgrove signs at the village limits. 

CORRESPONDENCE – Letter from Mike Green Nuclear Waste Dump


Clock – Waiting on estimate should have soon.  D. Englehart to get with someone when he gets estimate.


Neitzke-Faupel –Maguire/C. Phelps motioned to continue with the engagement agreement; all in favor, motion carried.

Maguire/Humpert motioned to approve Bean Festival Parade; all in favor, motion carried.


Maguire/Gehrls motioned to approve July disbursements totaling approximately $10,347.62; all in favor, motion carried.

As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,                                                           

Dawn Donelow

Fairgrove Village Clerk

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