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Council Meetings

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Regular 06-02-14Regular
Monday, June 2, 20147:00 PM






JUNE 2, 2014 – 7:00pm


1)     ROLL CALL – Wassa, Gehrls, Humpert, Maguire, B. Phelps, C. Phelps, VanHove



a)     Approve Agenda



a)     Regular Council Meeting – May 5, 2014





a)     Fire

b)    Department of Public Works

c)     Clerk’s Items





a)     Clock Repair

b)    Dangerous Building Inspections



a)     Fire Hall Roof Bids

b)    Foreclosed Properties up for County Tax Sale

c)     Bid from Sheriff for Police Car

d)    Lawn Maintenance of Vacant Properties

i)       Steve Young – Offer to Contract Mowing

ii)    Identifying Addresses of Unmarked Properties

e)     Clerk’s Position Transition



a)     Approve Disbursements





JUNE 2, 2014


PRESENT:  T. Wassa, J. Gehrls, T. Humpert, D. Maguire, B. Phelps, C. Phelps, J. VanHove


EMPLOYEES:  M. Couture, D. Young


Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Wassa.


Minutes – Correction to the motion to approve May Finances – was seconded by B. Phelps, not Gehrls.


Humpert/B. Phelps motioned to approve the minutes from the May 5, 2014 council meeting as corrected; all in favor, motion carried.


Agenda – Add brush pickup June 6, 2014 to June Agenda


Maguire/Gehrls motioned to approve June agenda with addition of brush pickup on June 6, 2014; all in favor, motion carried.




Resident questioned if storm drains that aren’t working can be capped as a quick fix to save basements, and if there are rules on renting, and if open forum for meetings would be considered.  T. Wassa stated the rental ordinance was recently passed to help regulate rentals, and have to follow Open Meetings Act but suggestions are welcome at appropriate times. 


T. Ball discussed water problem from the old school area to his house.  Spring thaw causes water to run directly towards his house, and he would like to put a berm in along pine trees to divert the water.  He is willing to do work himself.  Humpert said there is a tile main running N/S on E side of volleyball court to Fairgrove Road ditch, surface drain and/or catch basin possible?  Wassa to check with D. Englehart to see what can be done and advise.


R. Thomas asked status of fixing the clock; he still wants to purchase it.  Also, any ideas on sign replacement?  Wassa said sign is not on our property.  H. Foster and B. Phelps discussed the Neighborhood Watch would like to try to get a grant for an electronic sign, and said Phyllis Russell owns tree line at south village limits and we are welcome to put a “Welcome to Fairgrove” sign there.  F. Young discussed speeders and is worried with school getting out soon that someone will get hit.




Fire – D. Young discussed four calls in May, all brush fires.  Tuscola County Fire Association meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month, and Fairgrove’s turn to host is coming up this month or next.


DPW – D. Englehart is out tonight working on storm damage.  Flower containers and trees have been planted.  Manhole on Circle drive has been fixed.  B. Phelps said the Neighborhood Watch weeded and planted flowers at the park.  They would like to paint lines on basketball court and baseball diamond.  Concern raised about wasps in the sand at the park; Englehart works it up and sprays before Bean Fest.  Neighborhood Watch would like to paint a Viking emblem on the basketball backboards in the park.


Humpert/Maguire motioned to grant the Neighborhood Watch permission to paint Viking emblem on the basketball backboards in the park; all in favor, motion carried.


CLERK’S ITEMS – M. Couture stated four council seats are up for election in November:  Tom Wassa – 2yr term; Todd Humpert – 4 Year term; Cathy Phelps – 4yr term; Jeff VanHove – 4 year term.  Forms are available and must be turned in to Karen Goodchild, Fairgrove Township Clerk, by July 22, 2014 at 4:00pm.  Slack Road bridge inspection has been completed by Great Lakes Engineering Group in Lansing.  Inspection is due every two years.  Price was $350, which is $100 less than last inspection since they were able to combine with other inspections in Tuscola County.  EVIP Category 3 – Unfunded Liabilities Certification has been submitted to the state.  Couture advised council of resigning clerk’s position no later than August 28, 2014 due to college course load and other obligations. 


Humpert/Gehrls motioned  to place ad in paper for clerk’s position; all in favor, motion carried.






Clock – no updates.  Gehrls questioned the point of fixing the clock if goal is to get electronic sign.  Humpert stated it probably won’t be fixed but could be placed in the park.  Wassa to follow up with Englehart.


Dangerous Buildings Inspection – forms have been completed and sent in.  Couture to follow up. 




Fire Hall Roof – still waiting for third bid.  Windows are starting to go in the hall and will need replacing so pricing should be checked to budget in the future. 


Humpert/Gehrls motioned to accept Campeau Builder’s bid #552 to re-shingle the fire hall roof for $8,225; all in favor, motion carried.


Foreclosed Properties – discussion held regarding village’s first right of refusal to purchase properties before county tax sale auction.


Humpert/Gehrls motioned to not purchase the foreclosed properties due for county tax sale auction; all in favor, motion carried.


Police Car – Discussion held on bid received from Tuscola County Sheriff’s Department in the amount of $7,000 for the village police car.  Humpert questioned if car should be kept for backup and special events.


B. Phelps/VanHove motioned to accept the bid from Tuscola County Sheriff’s Department in the amount of $7,000; Six in favor – one opposed, motion carried.


The sheriff’s department also offered assistance to sell equipment, badges, etc. that can be reused in other departments if the village wants to clear it out. 


B. Phelps/VanHove motioned to approve the dispersal of old police gear; six in favor – one opposed, motion carried.


Lawn Maintenance for Vacant Properties – Steve Young offered to contract with the village to maintain vacant properties for $75 each, so that $25 of the $100 currently billed to property owners would go to the village for administrative costs.  Wassa discussed extra mowing of long grass is hard on the equipment, and it is sometimes difficult to maneuver large equipment on small parcels.  Humpert questioned if village should contract all things out and pointed out that S. Young would need liability insurance; Young said he would have to check on that.  No action taken.




B. Phelps/Maguire motioned to approve May disbursements totaling approximately $36,580.59 (includes annual fire truck loan payment); all in favor, motion carried.


As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,                                                        

Melissa Couture, Fairgrove Village Clerk

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