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Council Meetings

Below is the information requested about this meeting.
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Regular 12-02-13Regular
Monday, December 2, 20137:00 PM



DECEMBER 2, 2013 – 7:00pm


1)      ROLL CALL – Wassa, Gehrls, Humpert, Maguire, B. Phelps, C. Phelps, VanHove



a)     Regular Council Meeting – November 4, 2013

b)    Special Council Meeting – November 14, 2013



a)     Keith Aeder – Fairgrove Township



a)     Fire

b)    Department of Public Works

c)     Clerk’s Items





a)     Economic Survey

b)    SAW Grant Application

c)     Ordinance Review

d)    Delinquent Personal Property Tax Collection Policy



a)     2014 Regular Council Schedule

b)    Dissolution of Committees



a)     Approve Disbursements






DECEMBER 2, 2013


PRESENT:  T. Wassa, J. Gehrls, T. Humpert, B. Phelps, C. Phelps, J. VanHove

ABSENT:  D. Maguire

EMPLOYEES:  B. Ahrens, F. Ahrens, J. Baur, L. Baur, M. Couture, D. Englehart, B. Hall, A. LaPratt, B. Nelson, M. Sode, D. Young


Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Wassa.


Swearing in of New Firefighters – D. Young administered the oath to Jeff Baur, Bradley Nelson, and Mike Sode.  Baur and Nelson were presented with their certificate, diploma, badge, and helmet.  Sode has previously completed training and was presented with his badge, helmet to follow.


B. Phelps/VanHove motioned to approve the minutes from the November 4, 2013 council meeting; all in favor, motion carried.


Humpert/C. Phelps motioned to approve the minutes from the November 14, 2013 special council meeting; all in favor, motion carried.




POLICE PROTECTION – Keith Aeder spoke on behalf of Fairgrove Township and extended an offer to provide the Village with police protection through the Township.  The services would be provided through the Township’s contract with the Akron Police Department and would abide by the same terms.  The ten hours allotted to Fairgrove Township would be shared with the Village.  Any requests that are out of the ordinary must be channeled through the Township, and the Akron Police Department would have no jurisdiction over Village Ordinances.  Fines levied within the village for liquor inspections, etc., would be payable to the Akron Police Department.  If the officer is requested to attend council meetings, the village must request this through the Township and would come out of the ten hours.  John McQuillan will write up a formal proposal from the Township to submit to Fairgrove Village Council for consideration.  The council appreciates the Township’s efforts on this matter and thanked Mr. Aeder.


J. McQuillan commented that he is familiar with a number of volunteer fire departments and said many of them are struggling with aging equipment and volunteers that tend to be older with a lack of new volunteers coming in.  He is extremely impressed with the Fairgrove Fire Department’s efforts with their equipment, as well as the new, young volunteers that are stepping up to help.  T. Wassa added they do a great job recruiting and training, and thanked Chief Young and the Department.




Fire – D. Young discussed four runs in November, and said the Fire Department is currently at 33 calls for the year which is significantly lower than usual.  Normally, the Department will have made that many runs by March – April.  Some lights need changing in the Fire Hall; Donnie will take care of it.  They are working on the vehicle received from the government dispersal.  Volunteers are working on it on their own time, and there has been no cost to the Village.  Young met with the grant writer in a combined effort with the Akron and Caro Fire Departments to apply for a FEMA grant to fund the purchase of SCBAs.  If awarded, there will be a 5% match – amount and more information to follow.  Some work is needed on Engine 1.  Pump test was completed and two valves are not operating properly.  One valve is stuck open, and they are going to attempt repairs themselves.  Worst case scenario on repairing the other valve is around $6,000 because it is very time consuming to even get to.  The Department uses a small generator to ensure the garage doors can be opened quickly in the event of a call when the power is out, and they will continue to also operate the large generator if power is expected to be out for an extended period of time so that the hall is available for public need.  The annual Fire Department Recognition Dinner is scheduled for January 11th, 2014. 


DPW – D. Englehart stated the leaf truck’s hydraulic problems have been fixed, and this is the last week for leaf pickup this year.  Also, recommended that the sewer pump agreement with A-F schools should be reviewed and revised so that the school is able to budget for the repairs and maintenance they are responsible for. 


Clerk’s Items – M. Couture stated that requests for the 2014 – 2015 budget be submitted ASAP.  Requesting email addresses from all council members so that packets can be put together in advance and sent out for review prior to meetings. 






Economic Survey – T. Wassa stated there is a service that will assist with an economic survey at no cost.  This could be beneficial for applying for grants, etc. in the future.  Wassa will do further research and advise — postponed. 


SAW Grant – The Village worked through the weekend with David Arthur Engineering to finalize the SAW grant application, and the completed application was signed today and hand delivered to the MDEQ by David Arthur Engineering.  If awarded, there could be a $100,000 - $140,000 match required from the Village.  This is something to start budgeting/saving for, but there are low-interest loans and other options available to fund the match. 

Ordinance Review – will be addressed at the December 9, 2013 meeting – postponed. 

Delinquent Property Tax Collection – further research required – postponed. 



2014 Meeting Schedule – the tentative regular council meeting schedule for 2014 was discussed.  Tentative schedule is to continue meeting on the first Monday of each month.  Labor Day is the only holiday that affects a meeting, so September’s meeting is scheduled for September 8, 2014.  


B. Phelps/VanHove motioned to approve the meeting schedule for the first Monday of each month in 2014, with the exception of September’s meeting being September 8, 2014; all in favor, motion carried. 


Committee Dissolution – discussion held regarding dissolving the committees and holding special meetings on an as-needed basis only because of the difficulties encountered in assembling specific committee members in a timely manner and to improve overall communication among the council. 


B. Phelps/Gehrls motioned to dissolve committees – motion withdrawn for clarification by B. Phelps.


B. Phelps/Gehrls motioned to dissolve the Streets, DPW, Administration, Fire, Police, and Parks Committees; all in favor, motion carried.




Humpert/B. Phelps motioned to approve November disbursements totaling approximately $15,288.58; all in favor, motion carried.


As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Melissa Couture

Fairgrove Village Clerk

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