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Council Meetings

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Regular 11-04-13Regular
Monday, November 4, 20137:00 PM



NOVEMBER 4, 2013


1)     ROLL CALL – Wassa, Gehrls, Humpert, Maguire, B. Phelps, C. Phelps, VanHove



a)     Regular Council Meeting – October 7, 2013





a)     Fire

b)    Department of Public Works

c)     Clerk’s Items





a)     Economic Survey

b)    SAW Grant Application



a)     Committee Meeting Recommendations

i)       DPW Contract with Akron

ii)    Placement of Donated Trees

iii)  Ordinance Review

iv)  Resolutions Posted on Website

v)    Fracking Ordinance

b)    Delinquent Personal Property Tax Collection Policy



a)     Approve Disbursements







NOVEMBER 4, 2013

PRESENT:  T. Wassa, J. Gehrls, T. Humpert, D. Maguire, B. Phelps, C. Phelps

ABSENT:  J. VanHove

EMPLOYEES:  M. Couture, D. Englehart, A. LaPratt, M. Sode, D. Young


Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Wassa.

B. Phelps/Humpert motioned to approve the minutes from the October 7, 2013 council meeting; all in favor, motion carried.



Fire – D. Young stated there were no fire runs in October.  M. Sode passed physical and background check.  Young would like to officially swear in 3 newest firemen at the next meeting.  Engine 1 had algae buildup in diesel causing it to chug.  T. Cragg changed filter and treated with algaecide, and seems to be running better now.  The FEMA grant coordinator from St. Charles FD is coming to the chief’s meeting to present so should have more info on this process for December council.  Children enjoyed Engine 1 coming to the school as part of fire prevention education.  There is an area on the fire hall roof that needs to be repaired, planning to replace the fire hall portion of roof in the 2014-2015 budget.  With upcoming winter weather/power outages, discussion held on village hall being used as a warming station for prolonged outages.  Info will be put on next sewer bills, the village website, and a small notice in the Advertiser so that residents are aware it will be available.

DPW – None. 

Clerk’s Items – M. Couture reminded B. Phelps, C. Phelps, and J. Gehrls of the newly-elected officials training in Frankenmuth on Thursday, 11/21/13 from 6pm-9pm.  The trees that were donated from Modern Woodmen have been delivered, and requested council sign a letter thanking them for their generosity.  Keep the 2014-2015 budget in mind, would like items/requests by December 1st.  Following up on the MML recommendation to designate a clinic for non-emergency injuries, Wassa and Couture to research.


VISITOR PRESENTATION – Ed Smith from Candice Miller’s Office introduced himself and talked about redistricting.  In 2010, Michigan lost about 50,000 residents and is now down to 14 districts with Fairgrove now a part of the 10th district.  Mr. Smith discussed his and Candice Miller’s political experience and stated that Miller was instrumental in fighting to save the Selfridge Air National Guard Base located in Harrison Twp. from being closed due to budget cuts.  Candice Miller’s office can provide a number of services, including assistance with grant writing, military equipment available being dispersed for municipal use, case workers for veterans, IRS issues and HARP programs, and library donations from the Library of Congress, just to name a few.  Contact Congresswoman Miller’s office for more information and to take advantage of available services. 


Economic Survey/SAW Grant – T. Wassa stated that he found a small engineering firm that can assist with the survey and grant process.  Wassa has their contact information and requests permission to research the available engineering firms to find out their capabilities, and then call a special meeting to make a decision.

Maguire/Humpert motioned to research engineering firms in order to continue with the SAW grant process; all in favor, motion carried.


DPW Coordinating with Akron – committee recommended coordinating with Akron on an as-needed basis with billing to be calculated on man hours and equipment rental used at current rates. 

Humpert/Maguire motioned to contract with Akron DPW on an as-needed basis and to bill based on man hours and equipment rental used at current rates; all in favor, motion carried. 

Hazardous Material Storage Ordinance – Discussion held and more information is needed from the Fire Department before an ordinance to address this can be considered.  Possibly can contact FSA for containment guidelines – postponed. 

Tree Donation – committee recommends planting donated trees in the old park on the west side of the pavilion. 

Humpert/B. Phelps motioned to plant trees in the old park on the west side of the pavilion; all in favor, motion carried.

Smart Meter Resolution – postponed.

Ordinance Review – further research and review is necessary before revisions can be considered.  Requested council review current ordinances and be prepared to discuss further in December – postponed.

Neighborhood Watch Signs – no update available – postponed.

Resolutions Posted on Website – Couture and Wassa to work on updating website to include current resolutions as time permits.

Fracking Ordinance – more information is required before an ordinance can be considered.  Can discuss at a later date, if desired.

Personal Property Tax Collections – M. Couture explained that the county only pays the village for delinquent “real” property taxes, and “personal” property taxes remain a receivable to the village.  Collection of “personal” property taxes has not previously been pursued, presumably because it is not a significant amount of money but does add up as time goes on.  Research will be done regarding amount(s) that are outstanding and policies in other municipalities – postponed.

At-Large Committee Meetings – due to availability and scheduling conflicts when holding 3-person committee meetings for DPW, Fire, etc., discussion held about holding at-large committee meetings as needed and any available trustees can attend.  Committee meetings would be for discussion purposes only and no action would be taken.  Committee would come up with recommendations to present to the council for formal action.  Wassa to research any quorum issues or other problems that may exist with at-large committees and report back – postponed.

J. VanHove – discussion held regarding VanHove’s absence from council meetings.  VanHove did attend the committee meeting and is supposed to try to make council from now on.    


B. Phelps/Maguire motioned to approve October disbursements totaling approximately $17,717.19; all in favor, motion carried.

As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Melissa Couture

Fairgrove Village Clerk

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