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Council Meetings

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Regular 06-03-13Regular
Monday, June 3, 20137:00 PM






JUNE 3, 2013



1)     ROLL CALL – Wassa, Gehrls, Humpert, Maguire, Phelps, (Two Vacant) 



a)     Regular Council Meeting – May 6, 2013 





a)     Fire

b)     Department of Public Works

c)    Clerk’s Items 





a)     Building Bids – Old School Site




a)     Roof Bids – Village Hall

b)    Schedule Planning Committee Meeting 

c)     Mud Bogs June 29 – Park Use

d)    SAW Grant Application

e)     Bean Festival Contract & Liability Insurance

f)      Fairgrove Township – Lot adjacent to old Chemical Bank Building

g)     ZBA Decision Approval – 11/3/12



a)     Approve Disbursements














June 3, 2013




PRESENT:  T. Wassa, J. Gehrls, T. Humpert, B. Phelps


ABSENT:  D. Maguire (two vacant)


EMPLOYEES:  L. Baur, M. Couture, D. Englehart


VISITORS:  L. Hall, F. Young, S. Young, C. Phelps




Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Wassa.




Phelps/Gehrls motioned to approve the minutes from the May 6, 2013 council meeting; all in favor, motion carried.




AUDIENCE RECOGNITION – S. Young discussed the following topics:  dogs running loose in the village and said Animal Control says to catch them & they will pick them up, but not a viable option because unsure if dogs are friendly or not.  Fireworks Ordinance – already having fireworks being set off, and kids can only light sparklers on holidays, he doesn’t like it and recommended getting rid of the ordinance.  T. Wassa stated police responded to the park last weekend for fireworks and will be prosecuting.  Firearm ordinance – an adult cannot even use a slingshot for rabbits in the garden, etc.  Discussed speeders and questioned if MDOT will reduce the speed limit after the M-25 detour is finished.  T. Wassa stated Fairgrove Township is supposed to address police patrol within the village at their next meeting.  Regarding ordinances, a committee will be set up to review ordinances.








Fire – L. Baur discussed one house fire in May and stated that a FD fan took damage.  The formal fire report will be presented at July’s meeting.  Discussion held about putting Danny Voss back on the Fire Department since additional manpower is needed.




Humpert/Gehrls motioned to approve putting Danny Voss back on the Fire Department until background check comes back; all in favor, motion carried.




DPW – D. Englehart stated the demolition of the old school is completed. 




Clerk’s Items – Two seats remain vacant on the council.  Police phone number was cancelled with AT&T since we are no longer using it, will save about $37 a month.  Copy machine in conference room is jamming and has been switched out with office copier – no service call right now since the other one is functioning fine.  Discussed attending MAMC clerk’s conference June 18-21.




Phelps/Gehrls motioned to approve sending M. Couture to the MAMC Conference for a cost of $250.00; all in favor, motion carried.












Building Bids – Discussion held on building size, orientation, and storage needs.  Electrical will be a separate outlet for the Bean Fest, and they will have two outlets to use now. 




Gehrls/Humpert motioned to accept the bid from Darren Campeau Builders for a 30’ x 40’ pole barn for a cost of $13,475.00; all in favor, motion carried.




Village Hall Roof Bids – Discussion held on roof bids received for a new roof on the village hall side only (excluding the fire hall).




Phelps/Humpert motioned to accept bid from Darren Campeau Builders to re-roof the village hall side only for a cost of $7,350.00; all in favor, motion carried.




Planning Committee – M. Couture to get a consensus of the members in order to set a date for meeting.




Bean Festival Mud Bogs – Discussion held on granting permission for the Bean Festival to use the park for the Mud Bogs on June 29.




Humpert/Gehrls motioned to allow the Bean Festival to use the park for the mud bogs on June 29 with the stipulation that they do not park in the parking lot if it is full of water; all in favor, motion carried.




SAW Grant Application – T. Wassa discussed the SAW storm water grant and requested permission to apply for the grant as soon as further details and guidelines are available in case it comes up between meetings in order to give the village the best possible chance at receiving the grant. 




Humpert/Phelps motioned to move forward on applying for the SAW grant when guidelines are available; all in favor, motion carried.






Parking Lot – Discussion held about giving the lot adjacent to the previous Chemical Bank building to Fairgrove Township since they are taking over the building. 




Phelps/Gehrls motioned to offer the lot adjacent to the previous Chemical Bank building to the township for $1.00 with legal fees to transfer the property paid by the township; all in favor, motion carried. 




Zoning Board of Appeals – M. Couture explained the decision made on 11-3-12 by the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) to approve the Davidson’s variance request to rezone a portion of the trailer park to agricultural since the park is unlikely to grow beyond its current size.  ZBA decision is final and board approval is not needed, but W. Prusi requested it be mentioned at a council meeting so that it is a matter of public record.




Council Size – J. Gehrls suggested considering reducing the number of council seats from seven to five since there has been an ongoing problem of vacant seats on the council — Tabled.








Humpert/Phelps motioned to approve May disbursements totaling approximately $31,669.07; all in favor, motion carried.




As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.




Respectfully Submitted,








Melissa Couture


Fairgrove Village Clerk


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