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Council Meetings

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Regular 01-07-13Regular
Monday, January 7, 20137:00 PM



JANUARY 7, 2013




1)     ROLL CALL – Wassa, Gehrls, Humpert, Leen, Maguire, Phelps, (Vacant)



a)     Regular Council Meeting – December 3, 2012





a)     Fire

b)    Police

c)     Department of Public Works

d)    Clerk’s Items





a)     Asbestos Inspection – Old School

b)    Chemical Bank Closing – February 15, 2013

c)     Fire Protection/New Fire Truck Contracts



a)     Appoint Fire Chief 1, 2, and 3

b)    Schedule Fire Board Meeting

c)     Drain Cleaning

d)    Ordinance for Homeowners Shoveling Sidewalks

e)     Adding Street Lines to Main Street, South of Center



a)     Approve Disbursements

b)    Budget Amendments for 3/31/13 Budget

i)       Un-restrict $34,276.66 Balance in Fire Equipment Fund (to help cover new fire truck expenses)

ii)    Major Streets – Strike $8,242.78 Revenue (Duplicate listing – should be on Local Streets only)

iii)  Major Streets – Correct “Transfer to Local Streets” from ($3,504.00) as listed to ($16,000.00)







January 7, 2012


PRESENT:  T. Wassa, J. Gehrls, D. Maguire, B. Phelps

ABSENT:  T. Humpert, A. Leen, (one vacant)

EMPLOYEES:  F. Ahrens, L. Baur, M. Couture, S. Maguire, A. Sayles, D. Young

VISITORS:  L. Hall, A. Kochan, L. Powell, G. Powell, P. Rose, S. Young


Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Wassa.


Phelps/Gehrls motioned to approve the minutes from the December 3, 2012 council meeting; all in favor, motion carried.




L. Hall discussed the police department.




Fire – D. Young discussed one tanker-assist run to Akron in December.  L. Baur stated an offer of $2,000 was received to purchase the old fire truck.  Truck has been for sale for 2-1/2 months so will negotiate and accept best price.  Engine 2 was discussed.  Repairs to the pump gear are estimated at $1,115, and the truck is very rarely used.  Without Engine 2, can call on mutual aid if needed and would save on maintenance costs if Engine 2 is sold. 


Phelps/Gehrls motioned to sell Engine 2 for a fair and equitable price as determined by the Fire Department; all in favor, motion carried.


Floor in the Fire Hall needs sealing with grit so that it is not slippery.  Need to get quotes and consider on the next budget.  Saturday, January 12, 2013, is the Fire Department’s Annual Appreciation Dinner/Christmas Party.  Thank you to Fred Ahrens for getting the generator going at the hall and watching it during the extended power outage in town a few weeks ago.  Discussed how to notify the public that the hall is available for warming needs, etc., when power is expected to be out for an extended period of time – notification will be put on the website, along with a note on the next sewer billing.  Fire Committee meeting will be held Wednesday, January 23, 2013, at 7:00pm at the Village Hall. 


Police – Gehrls to contact Humpert and Phelps to schedule a Police Committee Meeting.


DPW – M. Couture noted that D. Englehart installed a new faucet in the conference room.  Also, Englehart suggested considering utilizing unused budget funds to purchase a generator that would automatically come on when the power goes out and not require someone to monitor it so that it keeps working during power outages.  Estimated cost for something like this is $4,000 - $5,000. 


Clerk’s Items – Beginning Monday, January 21, 2013, the office will be open on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Hours will remain the same at 8:30am – 4:00pm.    


CORRESPONDENCE – there is an Oil and Gas Leasing and Michigan Oil and Gas Industry Educational Program on January 10, 2013, at the Tuscola Technology Center, 1401 Cleaver Road, Caro, from 6:00pm – 8:30pm.  Contact is Stephen Erickson, Tuscola County EDC (989) 673-2849.




Asbestos Inspection in old school – the asbestos survey has been completed and results were as expected, and the recommendation is that we should move forward to resolve the issue.  Phelps stated that he would like to see the building used for more than just storage.  He will research and gather quotes for asbestos removal. 


Gehrls/Maguire motioned to proceed with getting bids for asbestos removal; all in favor, motion carried.




M. Couture advised that the contents of the safety deposit box at Chemical Bank – Fairgrove branch need to be moved to Caro, and she will take care of this prior to the branch closing on February 15, 2013.  She recommended that we continue to bank with Chemical’s other locations to use up the supply of checks and deposit books currently on hand.  Once supplies are depleted, we can reconsider if this is working, or if we should switch to a closer bank.  Contracts with the townships for the new fire truck were discussed. 


Phelps/Maguire motioned to contact the village attorney to have him write the contract for the new fire truck with the townships; all in favor, motion carried.


Letters of intent were received by each of the current officers for continuing in the positions of Chief 1, Chief 2, and Chief 3 of the Fire Department.  There were no other interested candidates.


Phelps/Gehrls motioned to appoint Doug Young as Chief 1, Linal Baur as Chief 2, and Adam Sayles as Chief 3 for three-year terms that will expire March 31, 2016; all in favor, motion carried.


Phelps stated that there are a bunch of drains that the debris is not being cleaned off the top.  Wassa is to discuss with Englehart.  Phelps discussed proposing a sidewalk shoveling ordinance – contacting MML for a sample ordinance for guidance.  S. Young asked if there is an ordinance about driving a lawn tractor on the sidewalk between mowing locations, and it was agreed that there is no ordinance that would prevent that.  Phelps also suggested adding painted lines on Main Street in front of the library area to improve the looks and for safety.  Wassa is to discuss cost and feasibility with Englehart. 




Humpert/Phelps motioned to approve December disbursements totaling approximately $18,050.88; all in favor, motion carried.


Maguire/Gehrls motioned to unrestrict $34,276.66 balance in the Fire Equipment Fund to help cover new fire truck expenses; all in favor, motion carried.


Maguire/Gehrls motioned to strike $8,242.78  listed on Major Streets Revenue as it is a duplicate line item and should only appear on the Local Streets budget; all in favor, motion carried.


Maguire/Gehrls motioned to correct the amount listed on the Major Streets budget as “Transfer to Local Streets” from $3,504.00 to $16,000.00.


As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Melissa Couture

Fairgrove Village Clerk

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