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Council Meetings

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Regular 08-06-12Regular
Monday, August 6, 20127:00 PM



August 6, 2012



1)       ROLL CALL – Maguire, Gehrls, Hall, Humpert, Leen, Wassa, Wood



a)      Council Meeting – July 2, 2012

b)      Clerk Meeting – 7/10/12

c)      Public Hearing #1 – July 23, 2012

d)     Public Hearing #2 – July 24, 2012

e)      Special Council Meeting – July 25, 2012





a)      Fire

b)      Police

c)      Department of Public Works

d)     Clerk Items









a)      Fireworks Ordinance – Draft


9)      FINANCES

a)      Approve Disbursements






August 6, 2012


PRESENT:  D. Maguire, J. Gehrls, T. Humpert, T. Wassa, P. Wood

ABSENT:  L. Hall, A. Leen

EMPLOYEES:  M. Couture, L. Bauer, D. Englehart, W. Prusi, S. Hadaway

VISITORS:  B. Phelps, S. Beller, F. Young, S. young


Council meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. 


Gehrls/Wood made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 2, 2012 council meeting.  Motion carried.


Gehrls/Wassa made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 10, 2012 special council meeting appointing the clerk.  Motion carried.


Gehrls/Wassa made a motion to approve the minutes from July 23, 2012, Pubic Hearing #1 and July 24, 2012, Public Hearing #2 (with corrections as stated).  Motion carried.


Humpert/Gehrls made a motion to approve the minutes from July 25, 2012 special council meeting approving the two public hearings.  Motion carried.



W. Prusi questioned why minutes have not been posted.  M. Couture confirmed that minutes will be posted on village board, post office, and library from now on.




Fire – Two fire runs for the month of July. 

Humpert/Gehrls motioned to approve the purchase of two masks from Frontline as budgeted for $805.95.  Motion carried.  Norm from Bamburger Insurance and Scott from Republic Underwriters will be presenting quotes for  Fire Department supplemental insurance – date and time to be determined.  D. Young is getting permit for pancake breakfast on Labor Day weekend.  Discussion held regarding tanker at dealership taking longer than expected to complete.  L. Baur is following up on this.


Police – President Maguire stated that Antoine LaPratt has received permission from Cass City to work the area over Labor Day weekend.  LaPratt is continuing process of filing appropriate paperwork with the state for the department.  Wassa/Wood made a motion to run ad for two weeks for a part-time police chief in the Tuscola County Advertiser on Wednesdays and Saturdays; Bay City Times and Saginaw News on Sundays; also posting on MCOLES website with application deadline of August 24, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.  Motion Carried.


DPW – D. Englehart stated brackets to repair broken lights in the park will hopefully be done this week.  He will also check other lights to see which ones are not working and stated a spring toy is missing from the park.  Picnic tables have been removed from the park to avoid damage and will be placed back by request for special events.  Gehrls requested the garage door opener be taken out of the truck for security purposes.  Concern was raised regarding bees in the park.  D. Englehart stated they are ground bees; ground has been worked up and they should just disappear.  He will also work ground up again before the Bean Festival.  Discussion was held regarding placing security cameras in the park, considering finishing off pavilion rafters, cementing tables in, etc. in an effort to reduce vandalism.  D. Englehart met with MDOT regarding sidewalk project, 27’ wide with 20’ radius.  S. Young reported a hole in front of the Forshee property to a mower from MDOT.


Clerk – Clarified parade route for MDOT permit.  Gehrls/Humpert made a motion to write grants for Consumers $3,000 no-match and Arbor Day $1,500 for park and/or streets.  Motion Carried.  S. Hadaway and D. Englehart to work on these grants.  Discussion was held on placement of trees.  Deadline to submit village council paperwork to K. Goodchild is August 13, 2012.  Wassa/Wood made a motion to bill Fat Chix Pub one commercial and one residential sewer bill because the owner is no longer the residential tenant.  Motion carried.  A copy of the supporting ordinance will be sent with residential bill.  Wassa/Humpert made a motion to add M. Couture as an authorized person on Chemical Bank checking and savings accounts, safety deposit box, and any other banking products as needed to conduct business as the village clerk.  Motion carried.  M. Couture noted that the village office will be closed for vacation August 10 – August 17, 2012.





Wood is still working on asbestos removal for old school.  Wassa to provide Wood with additional contact information.



Fireworks Ordinance Draft was distributed for review.  Carpet cleaning to remove stain from Fire Department fish fry spill was discussed.  Gehrls/Wassa motioned to charge this special cleaning to the Fire Department’s budget.  Motion carried.  President Maguire will discuss with Fire Department that they are to clean all equipment in the fire hall from now on.



Wassa/Gehrls made a motion to approve July disbursements totaling $24,991.78.


As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Melissa Couture

Fairgrove Village Clerk

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