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Council Meetings

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Regular 04-02-12Regular
Monday, April 2, 20127:00 AM
April 2, 2012
 ROLL CALL – Maguire, Gehrls, Hall, Humpert, Leen, Wassa, Wood
 APPROVE MINUTES – March 5, 2012
 A. Fire
 B. Police
       C. Department of Public Works
   A. Tree Grant – Ordering Trees
      A. Approve Disbursements
      B. Do Checking Transfer
APRIL 2, 2012
PRESENT: P. Wood, J. Gehrls, T. Humpert, A. Leen, L. Hall, T. Wassa
ABSENT: D. Maguire
EMPLOYEES: A. LaPratt, D. Young, S. Hadaway, L. Baur
VISITORS: K. Erdody, B. Phelps, F. Young, S. Young
Meeting called to order at 7 p.m. Leen/Gehrls made a motion to accept the March 5, 2012 minutes. Motion Carried.
Audience Recognition
F. Young questioned when the Planning Committee Meeting is. Humpert stated he will try and put one together on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at 10 a.m. K. Erdody would like to ask to have the old grill that is down at the park. No one is using it and it is going to be scraped. Humpert/Leen made a motion to allow K. Erdody to have the old grill at the old park. Motion Carried.
Department/Committee Reports
Fire: Chief Young reported four fires in the month of March. He also reported that Tornado Siren Tests will be done on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. April through October. He will be attending a Fire Instructors Class in Indianapolis. He also would like to ask Council to approve both B. Ahrens and A. Sayles to attend. The cost for them will be $150.00 registration, $300.00 lodging and $385.00 mileage. Humpert/Leen made a motion to send B. Ahren, A. Sayles and D. Young to FDIC Convention in Indianpolis at a total cost of $1220.00, this will come out of fire department’s training budget. Motion Carried.
Leen/Gehrls made a motion to accept the Governmental Certificate regarding the loan through Chemical Bank. (see attached). This paperwork will be signed by D. Maguire, Village President and Todd Humpert, Village Trustee. Motion Carried.
Clerk will contact G. Howell, Village Attorney regarding the paperwork needed from him regarding loan on the Fire Truck. Young also reported that at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 3rd they are meeting with Rowley going through the specs on the truck. Humpert would like to draw letter up to townships regarding when the first payment will be due along with specific totals of what truck will cost. 
File Police Report
Department of Public Works
Humpert explained he had met with D. Englehart and he does not understand why it matters if they are in the red on Equipment Rentals, and that all equipment does not specifically have to be documented. Humpert would like to have another meeting with him and the Council and explain the aspects of what his job entails. Humpert would also like to have the Employee Handbook redone. Wassa stated that redoing the Employee Handbook would not solve the issue. The Council has told Englehart what needs to be done. Humpert also reported that Englehart would like to work four 10-hour days from April 1st through September 4th. Gehrls stated that a DPW Committee Meeting needs to be held and then recommendations brought back to the Council. F. Young also reported that the sidewalk by the bank is very bad. She would like to see it get fixed. Humpert would like clerk to look into Grants to build a 30 x 40 DPW building for storage across from DJ’s for storage. 
Correspondence - None
Unfinished Business - None
Old Business
Clerk questioned the status of the tree bids. Council will have DPW Supervisor get quotes on the trees for next Council Meeting.
Humpert/Leen made a motion to purchase a new computer for the clerk’s office not to exceed $1500.00. Motion Carried.
Leen/Wassa made a motion to approve disbursements. Motion Carried.
Wassa/Leen made a motion to transfer $100,000.00 from one checking account into current checking account. Motion Carried.
Gehrls asked that a monthly Treasurer Report be made, with also total of CD’s. 
As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shari Hadaway
Interim Village Clerk
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