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Council Meetings

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Regular 02-06-12Regular
Monday, February 6, 20127:00 AM
FEBRUARY 6, 2012
  ROLL CALL – Maguire, Gehrls, Hall, Humpert, Leen, Wassa
  APPROVE MINUTES –January 9, 2012 Regular Meeting
 A. Fire
 B. Police
       C. Department of Public Works
A. Letter of Intent for Council Positions
B. Letter from Girl Scouts        
A. Treasurer Position
B. Clerk’s Conference
C. Sewer Program
D. First Reading of the 2012/2013 Budget
E. Grant for Defibulator
F. Tree for Grant to DTE Energy
G. Committee Change’s – Pro-Tem
      A. Approve Disbursements
FEBRUARY 6, 2012
PRESENT: T. Wassa, L. Hall, A. Leen, T. Humpert, J. Gehrls, S. Hadaway, A. LaPratt
ABSENT: D. Maguire
VISITORS: P. Wood, B. Phelps, F. Young, S. Young
Meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m.
Leen/Humpert made a motion to accept the January 9, 2012 Fairgrove Village Council Minutes. Motion Carried.
Audience Recognition
B. Phelps stated that he had put a letter of interest in for the council vacancy position. P. Wood stated that same. As there was no other business, audience recognition closed.
Police Report
Chief LaPratt had stated that he and the clerk had worked on the 2012/2013 budget and that it will be the same amount as last year.
Fire Report
Humpert/Leen made a motion to approve Brad Nelson and Ashley Ahrens to be put on the Fairgrove Fire Department pending background checks. Motion Carried.
J. Gehrls questioned if anyone knew how many times a firefighter can take the Firefighter tests, and also do they have to pay back if they fail for education reimbursement. Chief Young stated that there is no charge to take Firefighter classes again. He also stated there is a written policy in place on their six page application.
Department of Public Works Report
Humpert reported that the DPW Committee had met and had a list for D. Engelhart to complete, such as his breaks and lunch hour. Also equipment rentals were discussed along with no longer bringing his dog to work. He also was spoke to regarding snow plowing.
W. Prusi entered at 7:25 p.m.
Leen/Gehrls made a motion to do a written reprimand on failure to do reporting that was requested along with equipment rental sheets to D. Engelhart. Motion Carried.
Letters of interest were read from Brad Phelps and Pete Wood for the vacancy on the Village Council. Hall/Leen made a motion to appoint Pete Wood to fill the Village Council vacancy. This seat will expire in November, 2012. Motion Carried. Interim Village Clerk swore Pete Wood in for the Village Council appointment seat. 
Clerk read a letter from the Girl Scout Troop #120, they have an interest in adopting a bench at Mulberry Park for one of their project. Council approved. Clerk will contact Troop Leader.
Tire Recycling was discussed. It was decided that the tentative dates May 19th or May 12th.
Unfinished Business
Humpert stated that he had not heard anything back on the lighting from DTE Energy.
New Business
The Treasurer Position was discussed. A job description from MML will be given to the Treasurer to explain her job position. Also, the clerk questioned if the Village would be willing to go in with the Village of Akron in paying for a Clerk’s Conference that she will be attending in March for her continuing education towards her certification. Wassa stated he did not feel that the Village should pay for any of the fees as the Village of Fairgrove will not benefit from this, only the Village of Akron. Also, because they are not sure how long the clerk’s position will be vacant. 
Humpert/Gehrls made a motion to purchase the new sewer program. Motion Carried.
Humpert did the first reading of the 2012/2013 Budget. The second workshop will be on March 1, 2012 at 6 p.m.
F. Ahrens, D. Young, B. Ahrens and A. Sayles walked in at 8 p.m.
Humpert/Leen made a motion to allow clerk to apply for a grant for defibulator for Village Building. Motion Carried.
Humpert/Gehrls made a motion to allow clerk to apply for grant for trees through DTE. Motion Carried.
Wassa/Wood made a motion to appoint J. Gehrls on the DPW Committee and remove D. Maguire. Motion Carried.
Gehrls/Leen made a motion to appoint T. Humpert as pro-tem. W. Prusi stated that Hall is to remain Pro-tem until the next election. Wassa stated that as long as Hall’s health is not an issue, he is fine with him staying on as pro-tem. Motion Fails. 
Approve Disbursements
Humpert/Gehrls made a motion to approve February disbursements. Motion Carried.
As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shari Hadaway
Interim Village Clerk
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