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Council Meetings

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Regular 11-07-11Regular
Monday, November 7, 20117:00 AM
November 7, 2011
  ROLL CALL – Maguire, Gehrls, Hall, Humpert, Leen, Wassa
  APPROVE MINUTES – October 3, 2011 Regular Meeting
 A. Fire
      1) Tires
       B. Police
            2) Radio’s
       C. Department of Public Works
        A. Letter from Accountants
        B. Letter from Crescent Consulting – re: Fairgrove Township Master Plan
   A. Equipment Rental transfer from General Fund
   A. Sewer Issues
        B. 2012 Village Council Meetings (Potential)
         A. Approve Disbursements
NOVEMBER 7, 2011
PRESENT: J. Gehrls, T. Wassa, L. Hall, A. Leen, T. Humpert, D. Maguire
EMPLOYEES: D. Young, A. LaPratt, D. Englehart, S. Hadaway, L. Baur
VISITORS: M. Drier, S. Young, F. Young, B. Mantey, P. Hagedon
Meeting was called to order by Pres. Duane Maguire at 7 p.m. Leen/Humpert made a motion to accept October 3, 2011 Fairgrove Village Council Minutes. Motion Carried.
B. Mantey (Tuscola County Drain Commissioner) to do presentation on the M-83 drain. He is having maintenance performed on this drain. The cost to the Village of Fairgrove is going to be 4.4% of project which will be approximately $733.00 per year at a total cost of $2,200.00 for three years. He hopes to begin the work in June.
Audience Recognition
Department/Committee Reports:
Fire: D. Young reported for the month of October there were 4 calls. They also had a Fire Prevention Class for the elementary students. Council stated they had complaints regarding the Fire Department running out of glow sticks. Young stated they will order more next year. The tires were replaced on the Fire Truck. Maguire stated that there was a bid to purchase tires back for $200.00 from L. Baur, but also B. Hall stated he would pay the same. L. Baur was told he could have them. Baur questioned selling tires and the liability to the Village if purchased. He also stated that he was not happy how this whole deal with the tires was unacceptable. He worked on his own time using his own cell phone and then the Council goes behind him and does what they want. He is in charge of the maintenance of all the trucks but he stated that he will not do it if the Council wants to. Young commented that he does not want this to get into a yelling match – however, he does state that L. Baur is in charge of maintenance, and the Council should respect this. Maguire stated he can do it from now on – he quits trying to help. L. Baur gets the tires.
Police: Chief LaPratt discussed Halloween and that K. Littleton had worked. Council would like to see LaPratt do in Fairgrove what is done in Akron on Halloween which is coordinate with the Fire Department and go around town with lights on during Halloween hours and then go through town at the end with sirens to let everyone know when it ends. Leen would like LaPratt to sit down by McLuney around 6 a.m. for a few days, there are way too many semi-trucks going way to fast through there. Also, need to post by the RR tracks from the blinking light downtown to the Elevator a 25 mph speed sign. Radios were discussed. He is getting 1 prep radio and one hand held. He also would like Englehart to purchase a trickle charger for the police car. Council agreed to LaPratt to take police car out and use it, instead of it sitting and not getting used. Hall/Wassa made a motion to terminate Interim Police Chief David Thompson with the Village of Fairgrove. Motion Carried.
Public Works: Englehart reported that the Leaf Truck is broke again. It will hopefully be fixed by Wednesday.
Humpert/Leen made a motion to get a copy of Fairgrove Township’s Master Plan from Crescent Consulting. Motion Carried.
A letter from the State of Michigan regarding the 2010/2011 audit was explained. Also attached was the response that was given to them from the Village of Fairgrove.
Unfinished Business
Old Business
Humpert/Leen made a motion to transfer $28,000 from General Fund into the Equipment Fund. Motion Carried.
New Business
Maguire discussed that there are residents in the Village that are not receiving their sewer bill. One such resident has not received since moving into the Village two years ago. The Council feels that this was an oversight on the Village part and that these residents should only be responsible for the 4th quarter billing which will come out in December. 
Leen/Hall made a motion to approve the 2012 Village Council Meetings. Motion Carried.
Wassa/Hall made a motion to allow the Michigan Bean Festival to use the Village Hall for their monthly meetings beginning November through April. Motion Carried. 
Wassa/Hall made a motion to pay Log Cabin Lawn Care and Tree Service $250.00 per contract balance. Motion Carried.
Clerk explained that there was addition to the bills totaling $26,058.00. Humpert/Gehrls made a motion to approve disbursements with amendments to the bills. Motion Carried.
As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shari Hadaway
Fairgrove Village Clerk Interim 
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