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Council Meetings

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Regular 10-03-11Regular
Monday, November 7, 20117:00 AM
October 3, 2011
  ROLL CALL – Maguire, Gehrls, Hall, Humpert, Leen, Wassa
  APPROVE MINUTES –September 12, 2011 Regular Meeting
A. Jason Kappen – Kappen Tree Service 
 A. Fire
       B. Police
       C. Department of Public Works
         A. Approve Disbursements
OCTOBER 3, 2011
PRESENT: J. Gehrls, T. Wassa, L. Hall, A. Leen, T. Humpert, D. Maguire
EMPLOYEES: A. LaPratt, D. Young, S. Hadaway, D. Englehart, C. Childs
VISITORS: J. Kappen, S. Young, F. Young, G. Jeffers, D. Tumblin
Meeting was called to order by D. Maguire at 7 p.m. Leen/Hall made a motion to accept September 12, 2011 Fairgrove Village Council Meeting Minutes. Motion Carried.
Audience Recognition
Jason Kappen (Kappen Tree Service) stated that they have been contracted with DTE Energy and will be in the Village cutting trees around poles and wires. They are contracted to cut pole to pole not pole to house. If there are any problems, he suggests that the residents contact Kappen’s and they will handle issue.
S. Young questioned if Dave Thompson was still an employee of the village, it was stated yes.
C. Childs explained that he and the clerk had been working on small claims proceedings for fire bills and that had two claims pay and the third would like to make payment arrangements. Kevin Dietzel’s bill was for $500.00 and he would like to make monthly payments. J. Gehrls will contact him and see if he could make $25.00 a month payments. Wassa/Hall made a motion to give C. Childs the latitude during Small Claim proceedings to allow payment plans if necessary. Motion Carried.
G. Jefferies stated the hole by her porch is getting larger and she wondered how the Village is going to handle this situation. Wassa stated that he did not know what the Village responsibility is?? D. Englehart stated that the Village is responsible for the storm sewer itself, not from the storm sewer to the house. It is the home owner’s responsibility. Wassa stated if this is how it is, then it’s the property owner’s responsibility to get it dug up, if it then shows the Village is responsible the Village will assess at that time. 
Department/Committee Reports
Fire Department – D. Young reported there had been 6 runs. October is Fire Prevention month. On October 14th there will be Fire Prevention Seminar for K & 2nd grade. Fire Class in Caro is cancelled. Young asked Englehart to look at the door lock. Ed Marshall has retired from the fire department.
Wassa/Hall made a motion to set Halloween Hours on Monday, October 31, 2011 from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Motion Carried.
Police Department – Chief LaPratt will destroy all old uniforms. 
DPW Report – Humpert/Hall made a motion to hire Kappen Tree Service for brush pickup. Motion Carried. Englehart will check on the days available (October 24th, 31st or November 7).
Tuscola County Economic Development Corporation is requesting $650.00 for membership fee. Wassa/Leen made a motion to give Tuscola Economic Development Corp $650.00 for FY 2011/12 for membership fee. It was also recommended that D. Maguire give them a call and state that this money will be given, however, we would like some help in our downtown area as far as economic help and bringing some businesses in. Maguire stated that he will contact them. Motion Carried.
Unfinished Business
Old Business
Leen/Humpert made a motion to pay Log Cabin Lawn Care and Tree Service $1,000.00 for a deposit on the stump grinding down at the old park. The balance will be given once job is completed. Motion Carried.
Maguire discussed a sewer bill that was brought into him, the resident stated that he should not be liable for this fee due to the previous clerk stating there was nothing owed on it. Maguire and the clerk will check into and respond back to resident.
New Business
Gehrls questioned why D. Thompson was still on the payroll, and how long the Village intended to keep him on the payroll. Wassa stated that he is on because of an investigation through the Michigan State Police and as soon as that gets completed he will be done.
Grants were questioned on. Clerk was asked if there could be another survey sent to residents regarding income levels in order to apply for some Federal Grants. She and Maguire will look into. Also grants need to be looked at regarding asbestos in the old school. If the school does not get torn down, may look at putting a garage overhead door in to use as storage for equipment.
Gehrls/Humpert made a motion to approve October disbursements. Motion Carried.
As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shari Hadaway
Interim Village Clerk
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