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Council Meetings

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Regular 05-16-11Regular
Monday, May 16, 20117:30 AM
MAY 16, 2011
  ROLL CALL – Maguire, Gehrls, Hall, Humpert, Leen, Wassa
  APPROVE MINUTES – April  18, 2011 Regular Meeting
 a. Tuscola County Emergency Management Letter
  NEW BUSINESS                                                                                                                                            


       a. Approve Disbursements
May 16, 2011
PRESENT: D. Maguire, L. Hall, A. Leen, J. Gehrls, T. Humpert
ABSENT: T. Wassa
VISITORS: F. Young, D. Englehart, P. Hagedon, G. Ruiz, J. Parsell, C. Hills, C. Childs, A. LaPratt, R. Thomas
President Maguire called the May 16, 2011 Fairgrove Village Council to order at 7:30 p.m. Leen/Hall made a motion to accept the Fairgrove Village Council minutes dated April 18, 2011. 6 ayes. Motion Carried.
Audience Recognition:
C. Childs questioned if there was going to flowers put by the memorial for Memorial Day Services. It was stated yes, next week. J. Gehrls also stated that the Fairgrove Methodist Church would like to donate a tree at the park. F. Young questioned the council about going to one Council a meeting a month. It would save the Village approximately $2520.00 in meeting salaries. Then if need be a special meeting can be held if something arises. Leen/Gehrls made a motion to go from two Village Council Meetings a month to one Council Meeting a month beginning at 7 p.m. with the June 6th meeting. Clerk is to post on web and in the paper. 6 ayes. Motion Carried.
R. Thomas would like to thank the Council for having the Tire Recycling and working at it. It was greatly appreciated.
Department/Committee Reports
FIRE: Two firemen have passed Fire Officer Training three (Sayles & Baur). Also three firemen passed Fire Fighter Two.   On Friday, May 20, from 12 – 2 there will be a Family Day/Community Picnic at the High School. The Fire Department along with MMR, Akron-Fairgrove Police Department, Flightcare and several fire departments will be there. The tanker has been repaired. Chief Young has been working on the Laethem’s building to ensure the safety of the building and that all action plans have been completed in the event of a fire or spill.
DPW: D. Englehart reported that there had been a storm sewer break down by the post office on Main Street. It was in the process of being repaired.
PLANNING: Humpert is trying to set up a meeting with Grace Lutheran Church.
POLICE: Hall reported that the Police Committee would like to recommend to the Council to proceed with contracting with the Village of Akron for police services for 15 hours a week at a cost of $20,857.00. This will be on a six-month trial period. The contract will be signed and agreed on once presented to the Council. 
BEAN FESTIVAL: T. Humpert reported that D. Janson had donated to the Bean Festival $800.00 for fireworks so they have exceeded what they expected to make. Mother’s Day Bar-B-Que had served 228. Also the Bean Festival Building had been vandalized.  
Tuscola County Emergency Management Letter had been brought up – there will be an Emergency Management for all Village Officials on June 7th at either 12:30 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. Names and times were given to the clerk. 
Leen explained the “Support Our Troops” Campaign that R. Wilding is sponsoring at the Akron Post Office on Friday, May 27th. Items donated would be greatly appreciated.
Leen stated that she had gone and checked the maple trees, there appears to be nothing wrong with them. 
Maguire will get a bid to repair the Village Parking Lot after damage was done by the Tire Recycling trailer. 
Hall/Leen made a motion to pay disbursements for May, 2011. 6 ayes. Motion Carried.
As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m. The next Fairgrove Village Council Meeting is Monday, June 6th at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shari Hadaway
Interim Fairgrove Village Clerk
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