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Council Meetings

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Regular 4/18/2011Regular
Monday, April 18, 20117:30 AM
APRIL 18, 2011
  ROLL CALL – Maguire, Gehrls, Hall, Humpert, Leen, Wassa
  APPROVE MINUTES – April 4, 2011 Regular Meeting
 a. Tuscola Narcotics Unit Letter
       a. Approve Disbursements
APRIL 18, 2011
PRESENT: D. Maguire, L. Hall, A. Leen, T. Wassa, J. Gehrls, T. Humpert
VISITORS: K. Morton, F. Young, S. Young, D. Englehart, M. Drier, P. Hagedon, L. Baur, G. Ruiz
President Maguire called the April 18, 2011 Fairgrove Village Council to order at 7:30 p.m. Humpert/Leen made a motion to accept the Fairgrove Village Council minutes dated April 4, 2011. 6 ayes. Motion Carried.
Audience Recognition:
F. Young questioned what the Council was going to do regarding all of the dogs in town, especially one by Bean Town Pub. Maguire will have Thompson call the dog catcher. Clerk will also send letter to all residents with dog ordinance and explain that this will be enforced.
Department/Committee Reports
FIRE: Fish Fry – served approximately 316. It went very well. New batteries were put in the tanker. 
DPW: Hall/Humpert made a motion to purchase the cab for John Deere Tractor at a cost of $6580.00 installed. 6 ayes. Motion Carried.
Englehart explained that there is a hole by the post office and to the north of that also that is caving in. He has contact Miss Dig and also the Road Commission, he will get this repaired before its gets worse. Brush Pickup is May 2nd. Leen stated she will check on Maple Trees and see what type of disease is in them, and what can be sprayed on them. 
STREETS: Leen reported that the paperwork for the bridge is all taken care of.
PLANNING: Humpert is trying to set up a meeting with Grace Lutheran Church.
BEAN FESTIVAL: Donkey Basketball Game – May 2nd
It was the consensus of the Village Council to cancel the May 2nd Meeting as everyone will be attending Donkey Basketball Game. Note will be posted on the door.
Humpert/Hall made a motion to pay $250.00 membership to Thumb Narcotics Unit. 6 ayes. Motion Carried.
Police Department proposed contract was discussed: the following items are what Council would like to have done by Police Department. 
1.    Ordinances enforceable by Police
2.    Blight citations
3.    All State laws
4.    Dog Ordinances
The hours will be flexible. 780 hours per year. 10 – 15 hours a week. Possibly salaried. MCCOLES certified. Call a Special Police Meeting with the Village of Akron to propose the contract. Englehart stated do not rush into anything.
Hall/Wassa made a motion to pay disbursements of $8416.36. 6 ayes. Motion Carried.
As there was no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m. The next Fairgrove Village Council Meeting is Monday, May 16th at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shari Hadaway
Interim Fairgrove Village Clerk
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